View Full Version : Naughty Lil' Boy!

01-30-2007, 07:51 PM
Another LPD officer (or should I say "former") was arrested, this time for child porn. Oooops! He got caught via the internet by one of his own no less. So much for the "thin blue line!"

01-30-2007, 08:22 PM
Hmmm So what you are saying is that it is ok for an officer to allow a fellow officer look at kiddy porn because of the "thin blue line"? interesting. cop or no cop if you deal in kiddy porn you should go to jail, thats just my opinion.

01-30-2007, 09:12 PM
This is not the place to discuss this issue. Bash Largo if you want, but discussing an active case is bad news to all. Anonymous aZZholes.

01-30-2007, 10:26 PM
You think this is some sort of secret, overt operation? My goodness, its all over the news; St. Pete Times, all the news stations, etc. Why not talk about it on a public forum? The debate should be great. The "behind closed doors" stuff will come out at trial, if it gets that far. He wasn't the first copper to fall and doubtful to be the last.

01-31-2007, 04:45 AM
You speak of Anonymous aZZholes yet you go by the name of peon to post a comment.....interesting. And for your information when the media tells the world about the investigation there is no lip lock on talking about it. If it were an active IA and no news then I would agree on the hush hush peon. It sucks either way you look at it, but I have no room for sympathy for those who commit crimes against children or involving children.

p.s. bring on the bashing LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL :twisted:

01-31-2007, 02:35 PM
Oh please...this focker needs to be locked up for good. As with ALL sexual predators, molesters, and ANYONE that looks at "kiddy" porn. That is just SICK. There in NO real rehabilitation for these people. Most is a mental illness that CAN NOT be fixed.

And why in the hell can we NOT discuss this in a PUBLIC forum? It is PUBLIC information now.

01-31-2007, 05:54 PM
Hey, Shhhh - secret and overt are antonyms. Yer killin' me! And why is it a guy can work 10 different jobs in his life and then he gets arrested and he's always listed as a "former cop". Probably sell more papers. The fact is that most of the cops I've known and worked with have been great people...on and off duty.
There's always a bad apple in the barrel...in any department


02-01-2007, 08:19 AM
it seems everytime you turn around Largo is having issue's with there officer's .first you write leo's,next kiddy porn.what's next murder for hire.
concerned voter.

02-01-2007, 06:02 PM
Well "friend" lets not forget The Tampa police officer involved in the sex scandal with the SAO, The deputies that have been arrested for domestic battery and dui, The Pinellas Park officer who had narcotics in his system one night and struggled with Police, The St. Pete cops who were fired for flashing there badge in strip clubs. I can go on and on with examples of cops gone bad. My point is that you should not single out and just speak of one agencies problems when there are soooo many more in this state and in the country. just an observation.

By the way make all the negative child like comments you would like , Ill still have a smile on my face :D .

Bring on the bashing LOL LOL LOL LOL :twisted:

02-03-2007, 03:34 PM
Hey, Shhhh - secret and overt are antonyms. Yer killin' me! And why is it a guy can work 10 different jobs in his life and then he gets arrested and he's always listed as a "former cop". Probably sell more papers. The fact is that most of the cops I've known and worked with have been great people...on and off duty.
There's always a bad apple in the barrel...in any department


Agree 100%......I also can tell you that i would RAT out any officer or deputy that I knew was involved in "kiddy" porn or anything like that. It gives us all a bad name. Second, if the person is involved in lewd acts with a child then they should be SHOT....cop or not!!!! :evil: