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  1. The Gov to meet with Tge Flounder this Afternoon
  2. Revenge of the midgets (pardon)
  3. Pocahontas 2
  4. Contract talks over
  5. Car 37 Alfonso stay of the radio
  6. The door opened and I entered the darkened room.
  7. Al's way or the highway
  8. Why 99 % of us Love Al Crespo, and Javi Lugo + F and F fear him
  9. What would we be without them
  10. Alfonso daily medical ****tail for an erection.
  11. New Sgts and Lts preparate
  12. Porn queen Sabine. When is she getting promoted LOL !
  13. Worlds dumbest cop with porn star video. Hilarious, friend of Sabine ?
  14. Alfonso stopping and harassing hookers
  15. Please...
  16. Alfonso Mother
  17. Help-sos
  18. Crespo do a story on Alfonso this is bad!
  19. Alfonso so eager to work with prostitutes ? Why
  20. Alfonso area out of control man filming 13 yr old minor at bayside.
  21. Alfonso area out of control man filming 13 yr old minor at bayside.
  22. I am a fan of Alfonso
  23. Sister M. A. complaining to Leo affairs
  24. Abuse
  25. Alfonso has 24 Post...
  26. Abuse of LEO affairs
  27. Alfonso Where are the body cameras and Dash cam they promised
  28. Alfonso Where are the body cameras and Dash cam they promised
  29. Fonzy
  30. Rate your FTO
  31. Alfonso mother rushed to hospital.
  32. Knock Knock.. Who's there?
  33. The Alfonso promotion chant
  34. /리치투자정보/ [시세 포착] 300만원으로 시작, 수 십억대 자산가. 실제로 홈&#
  35. Rubio NOT our friend
  36. Alfonso la mierda
  37. Why is Miami PD so fked up.....by al
  38. Alfonso next Chief of Police MPD
  39. Ortiz thanks Al Crespo for making him famous
  40. Alfonso wants to be Chief! Hahaha
  41. Finally someone tells Felon Crespo FU
  42. Alfonso trying to get brownie points with media to become Chief
  43. You've destroyed LEOAFFAIRS
  44. Big al cleaning downtown
  45. Dear LEO Affairs Mods
  46. All lubes matter!
  47. Boner
  48. Cisnero the next Hialeah Mayor?
  49. I <3 Alfonso
  50. O
  51. S
  52. N
  53. O
  54. F
  55. L
  56. A
  57. Jose Alfonso Vs Frank Fernandez
  58. Stairway to heaven
  59. Frades & Butron next to be promoted
  60. Contract up date
  61. Delta Force training
  62. Take these guys back please HOW EMBARRASSING
  63. Alfonso Kid seen Drunk last week at Blue Martini
  64. Deputy fired for helping remove student from class
  65. You want a raise its very simple .....
  66. New LT is an idiot
  67. Big al
  68. New rookies
  69. I am the best
  70. Craig Mc Queen does not get to be Chief
  71. Laberdesque Turns Down Miami Gardens Position
  72. Alfonso missed Human trafficking case under his nose.
  73. Alfonso your the man
  74. Roman Martinez
  75. Stolen Car
  76. F&F
  77. A question to Alfonso
  78. Women SWAT Members
  79. Another shooting in the city
  80. Seeking a Car Racing Disabled child of any Miami Police Officer
  81. who is the Lt in charge if Backgrounds
  82. Good job
  83. MPD Recruitment Posters
  84. Where's Sabine?
  85. Where's Sabine?
  86. Keep crashing
  87. Thank you R & S Unit, very professional
  88. Help get an honest politician in Miami
  89. Crespo exposes police hiring tactics
  90. Nr-no Way
  91. Time balance/Lazy
  92. Time balance/Lazy
  93. Gloria Douthett
  94. Gloria Douthett
  95. new Psa recruit is hot
  96. Just Who is the Wet Wanderer?
  97. Calendar Girls Go Wild
  98. Alfonso or chief Gomez
  99. Ken Russell Beats Sarnoff LOL so much for whortiz and his back door deal
  100. Sgt. Borkowski Campaigning for Sarnoff
  101. Unit Citation, are you kidding
  102. Chief Gomez
  103. The County has another Natalie Martinez.
  104. Can Natalie....
  105. Let's get our priorities straight first
  106. Natalie Martinez' Image/ photo page. Hey theres some REALLY hot photos here
  107. The Lubacon of the Lubarynth
  108. hiring military vets
  109. Henry roque
  110. How did Javi end up on Natalies photo page, in uniform ? Link attached
  111. Dear White Cops: Do Not Put Your Lives & Careers On The Line
  112. Commander Alfonso is a nice man
  113. Natalie Martinez OT
  114. Finally more pay raises!!!!
  115. Sad times
  116. No cars
  117. We are our own ennemies
  118. I am Forever. I am ......LUBE!
  119. FOP keeps dropping the ball
  120. Let's make a deal
  121. You better start looking for an attorney now
  122. Fbr down
  123. Sarnoffs Police Department
  124. What is the latest on this abuse of power? and civil rights violation?
  125. Miami Police Actively Hiring at Local Fitness Gyms
  126. Mid November and still no contract
  127. 4 days in a row, FBR Down
  128. Hiring process!!!
  129. FTO should all turn in there resignation
  130. Question to the MOD
  131. Natalie Martinez to Lead New Unit
  132. Does Miami PD really have an Islamic chief of police ?
  133. Pay to play scumbags lining up behind Russel now. WHortiz where are you?
  134. Paper Claims Unknown Commissioner States that "Laberdursky is the One!"
  135. Fire department endorsed Russell our idiot endorsed the puppet
  136. Dont worry Al we still have our own lying D sociopath
  137. Open letter to rudy
  138. Sgt's getting promoted
  139. About ten officers and supervisors leaving next couple of weeks
  140. Still No body Cameras for Miami Police!
  141. Watch Louie on Jeopardy's Tournament of Champions Thursday and Friday Evening at 7:30
  142. social media
  143. Miami Northwestern High School
  144. Apple IPad Pro
  145. Chief Najiy, & Sabine VS Cuban Rednecks. We are lucky to have the diversity here
  146. What's going on with our contract
  147. I am Gay, and work in PIO, who am I ?
  148. Does MPD Really have a Hugenot Majot?
  149. The first group of officer. Leaving
  150. 0Alfonso crime rate out of control at 3.7% increase
  151. Alfonso monthly crime stat report 11/24/15 a 4.1% increase in crime
  152. A/C Najiy's religious leader on "how to riot and " death to whitey " Louis Farrakhan
  153. (Alfonso) Downtown Robberies up 16.1%
  154. Laberdesque Tapped for Under-Secretary of Homeland Defense
  155. 7430 is an idiot
  156. MPD or MDPD
  157. Starting salary
  158. Alfonso attacking the homeless on thanksgiving day
  159. Alfonso eating at homeless shelter with mother.
  160. (Alfonso) Theft from Motor Vehs in the downtown area up 16.3%
  161. Laberdesque Lays Down the Law
  162. Happy thanksgiving
  163. Thank You Chef Cisnero and Family
  164. A Thanksgiving Msg For Commnader Alfonso!
  165. Alfonso kid seen in a city park late at night with a man
  166. Commander Alfonso hates his family.
  167. Alfonso theft to motor veh today shows 17.6% increase
  168. A Message for Commander Alfonso
  169. Net area Year to date crime rate increase
  170. Reverend James Manning video "Bring Back the N Word" watch it here
  171. MPD officers leaving for the Miami Dade
  172. "Black People Are Haters And Losers " by the black Reverend James Manning. Thank U
  173. Video for Najiy, on Muslims & Blacks, by a black guy. WATCH IT HERE
  174. Commander Alfonso Sucks with Facts.
  175. No contract
  176. Demote Sarnoffs Executive asst Bernat
  177. Dec 1, 2015 Downtown crime still going up 5.3%
  178. Do not park your veh in downtown
  179. Boundries
  180. Civil Service Hearing
  182. 33 material !!
  183. 33 !!!
  184. NET areas
  185. Art Basel another MPD failure
  186. County & Beach saves their Residents Thousands
  187. Who am I?
  188. Hey Lube, What's Your Hypothesis?
  189. The FOP denied help to senior sergeants???
  190. More of Najiy's cohorts at it again in San Bernadino, Ca. 14 dead. Wake up Rudy !!!!
  191. Can we get a real IT Dept. for once ?
  192. The Papiers'
  193. Look at what MBPD is making $$$ WOW ! No wonder everyone wants to go there !
  194. Dec 3, 2015 Downtown crime still going Up!
  195. 12/3/15 Downtown robberies up 25.8%
  196. Ortiz and his racist comments
  197. Who Am I ? I am Gay
  198. Downtown crime stats decreased huge%
  199. Dec 4, 2015 Downtown Crime still out of control.
  200. Commander Alfonso making Allegations of Commanders cooking the stats
  201. Downtown is not safe for Holiday Shoppers!
  202. City Manager tells union to shove it.
  203. LEO Affairs is about talking Crap! So what is with the Laberdesque love fest?
  204. Ortiz is now a spokesman for Miami beach
  205. MLS Stadium in Overtown
  206. Just talked to a county officer 12yrs on makes $40hr
  207. More protection for Ortiz his clique and his looooooong documented violations
  208. Who am I ?
  209. WOW ! Big cover up involving "probationary SERGEANT LUGO " See the facts here.
  210. "Teflon Boy " AKA "Luby Lugo" lets see if he slips out of this one ? F&F help !
  211. Dec 7, 2015 Downtown Crime Robberies up 25.8%
  212. Does mpd have a height requirement
  213. Miami Police Applicants
  214. Muslim Government it's not only at MPD
  215. What's up with the contract
  216. City wide bid
  217. Trump video on "Ban all Muslims" Love it. Hey Donald, Ban Najiy too !
  218. Najiy's Bro in law, or Major(Reverend) "Lexus" Jacksons sisters Pimp ? Video here.
  219. The REAL truth about Sergeant Edward Lugo, Please read and know this !
  220. Hector Herrera you are next
  221. Islam by law is prohibited from US immigration!
  222. Open carry law coming to florida
  223. Open carry law coming to florida
  224. Al Crespo against Donald Trump
  225. Dalkranian
  226. Predident Obama has no plans to go to San Bernardino to visit the victims family
  227. Predident Obama has no plans to go to San Bernardino to visit the victims family
  228. Freddy and Santos 😈
  229. Alfonso has his finger up his ass. ****ing lost
  230. 12/13/15 downtown stats out of control
  231. The Abuse of Resources By Rodolfo Llanes
  232. Bid & promotions
  233. 12/14/15 Downtown Crime Up Overall by 5%
  234. Can a good Muslim be a Good American?
  235. Cuban Pete on female officers
  236. BSO needs help...
  237. Alert Alert!! Why is Major Farmer covering Alfonso Misconduct Complaints
  238. Hilarious The Channel 3 Footchase today by Sgt Natalie Martinez
  239. Laberdesky Vows He Will be the Next Chief of MPD
  240. Sign Petition to Support Broward Deputy Indicted w/Manslaughter (Change.org)
  241. Thank you big al for keeping downtown safe for the holidays
  242. MPD cars at Metro HQ?
  243. MPD Lesbian
  244. Lab Insists on being Referred to as " The Ronald"
  245. Lesbian MPD Sgt Caught in a New White BMW Eating!
  246. Santas Helpers
  247. True OR False?
  248. No charge for Using a Non Emergency Veh
  249. Off duty during holiday days
  250. The upper mobility is about to come to an end !