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  1. Scapegoates
  2. i have a great idea let's work on this !
  3. It's called SLASH & BURN
  4. How did we land this arrogant &%$#^
  5. Priorities...
  6. The Fabulous Fourteen
  7. Thank you chief - new sop
  8. It is good enough for friends of Phil Levine - Hypocrisy Alert
  9. The Dirty Dozen...plus a few more.
  10. Thowing rocks from a glass house- The Audacity
  11. Red Light Highlight
  12. Humble Pie
  13. Unveiling
  14. Unveiling
  15. MDW Scuttlebutt
  16. Ernesto can you manage the media?
  17. Retention does not apply to all.
  18. Just a number.
  19. PLEASE - warning- PLEASE
  20. The chief has lost the PD. And he knows it.
  21. MP theft investigation
  22. Yo! I have arrived!
  23. Chief Dan Oates Miami Beach Police
  24. Over Policing?
  25. I must have missed the press conference.
  26. AMAZING JOB MBPD Officers on MDW !
  27. The level of incompetence has reached a new level
  28. Commissioner is forced to apologize for putting officers in harms way
  29. His Imperial Highness Mayor Levine and the Coca Cola truck
  30. Its easy to see.....
  31. He said, she said
  32. 275
  33. The Big White Dope
  34. Dan is so Vain.
  35. So Sad
  36. Thank you Houston Astros
  37. What Egypt thinks of our Mayor and our President
  38. How is this being allowed?
  39. Chief there are Church's on Miami Beach FYI
  40. I hope our city doesn't go to this...
  41. WTG Petie
  42. Hiring process!!!
  43. Unreal
  44. Cid
  45. Fu@& @ll the bull$h1t check out that proposal
  46. Does a City Ordinance Trump a FSS?
  47. Attack on the American Way of Life.
  48. Miami Beach $500K+ PAC tied to vendors, city contracts
  49. Lights, Camera, Action!!
  50. A Guy Named Bello
  51. What to expect
  52. Press Conference
  53. Best Ass is Stripes
  54. Texas Lt. Gov. Urges Firing of CNN Anchor
  55. Remember Tom Hunker? He's baaaaack!
  56. Another Shooting in the news.
  57. The Reality..,
  58. Miami Herald series
  59. Mayor Levine says "it's all about getting things done"
  60. Tommy I am in shock
  61. Middle East Police to visit us for a whole week.
  62. Our ALMOST Chief!
  63. Jade Helm 15
  64. Sgt. Masturbation
  65. What the political hypocrites and professional liars will never admit or can do
  66. Steal Time? Just pay it back.
  67. Sexy Story
  68. Miami Beach Parking and Towing Scam
  69. World Class Clown
  70. Remember This Chief?
  71. And you guys think PD has issues.
  72. Is this a conflict of interest?
  73. Hiring
  74. Impasse is inevitable.
  75. Jefe Avena te amo!
  76. Pscu
  77. Mayor Levine is learning Spanish
  78. Puff...
  79. Reefer Reality
  80. The mayor's anti-crime platform
  81. Good Eye Mr.Mayor! - he located those FPL "Nazi's"--- estamos en buenas manos
  82. Miami Beach PD Records Section On Perpetual Vacation
  83. Cameras catch brass too ( the double edged sword )
  84. Car burglaries on rise in Miami Beach- TADA! 810.08
  85. Another Screwup
  86. Didn't they consider the 20 years on before they fired him?
  87. Cops lives matter
  88. Looks like the Kingdom is in trouble.
  89. Where can I buy dinars?
  90. Captain Gold Package
  91. Gloats is Levine's WMD
  92. Whats the Broward Sheriff Thinking
  93. State Statute
  94. why we earn our "benifits" need the civillians to be re advised again and again and
  95. My "COPS" will be begging for cameras!
  96. 411 on Alex Carullo
  97. Folks are getting sick and tired of the cops being used as a punching bag in media
  98. Russian cop rams his car into oncoming vehicle to save busload of children
  99. Question reference Deco Drive.
  100. Armed Black Panthers March in Texas: "Off the Pigs" (VIDEO)
  101. Mark you were a great Major.
  102. I'm sick and tired of these ****ing Animals and the media that blames us first.
  103. Someone is trying to get noticed.
  104. Cultural Diversity Resumé Builder
  105. Taser Fire Sale.
  106. There may still be hope, some people still honor the police
  107. How to handle those pesky IA investigations
  108. Dallas Police Union Says Slow Response Times Due To 'Mentally Beaten Down' Officers..
  109. Miami Dade selective investigators
  110. New hires ?
  111. BSPN - police and thug games 2016 mdpd see you there beach !
  112. Shame on Cop Haters like Phil Levine and the comission at Miami Beach- war on cops
  113. another cop killed right now- thanks Phil Levine and friends- another officer murder
  114. Cop tracked down to where he lives- murdered in his home
  115. Cop tracked down to where he lives- murdered in his home
  116. PHIL let's curb the benifits so this cop can never do this again- punish them
  117. Phil did Bill Clinton, Obama and you get invited to this? right up your alley
  118. Phil you should hire this man as a public information specialist -
  119. No more Arby's for me!
  120. Why carry a Taser?
  121. WI cop confronted by crowd, punched... *'We need to start killing these officers'...
  122. Happy Labor DAY Weekend- How many cops will be murdered? or attacked?
  123. Thank you Paul Harvey. Good day.
  124. SeaWorld, Busch Gardens offer free admission to first responders
  125. SeaWorld, Busch Gardens offer free admission to first responders
  126. So you this is who you want to hurt phil? these people???
  127. Philip Levine Cop hater ?
  128. Philip Levine Cop hater ?
  129. Another. officer set up attacked in ambush attack
  130. Tourist raped and no flyer
  131. For Most Americans, Wages Aren’t Just Stagnating — They’re Falling --- National Study
  132. Be careful Guys.
  133. 09-11-2001. my god we have fallen RIP
  134. Retirement Question
  135. So this happened....
  136. Phil look a story to warm your reptile like heart
  137. F**K The Police
  138. Exposed
  139. Miami Beach finance officials resign amid allegations of misusing leave
  140. Openings
  141. hey miami beach commission
  142. Another. officer murdered shot in the back
  143. COPS shot at for being Cops (again)
  144. Why isn't the Herald asking why Phil refuses to give a sworn statement?
  145. P i o
  146. The best pepito story ever!!!
  147. we are worse off now than 40 years ago America
  148. who is running against Philipie Levine?
  149. You all suck.
  150. Bear Blowout
  151. Just a question.
  152. Who wants to be the next...
  153. Who still Supports Our ALMOST Chief?
  154. Taser Compassionate Question
  155. My Honor
  156. Application Question
  157. Blowing off steam....!!!!!
  158. Gangland
  159. Jim Defede
  160. Anti-drone shoulder rifle
  161. The Castle is Crumbling
  162. Another Police Officer murdered
  163. for all the cop haters- this is what we face every day - we protect the innocent
  164. Interesting
  165. Oh No Tommy! Even in CHICAGO?
  166. JB okay?
  167. "Lets go hard chargers!"
  168. Be smart...
  169. Welcome to the "new" Ocean Drive
  170. Ed Tobin has a new job
  171. Halloween Horror
  172. Why the discrimination?
  173. 9% pay cut?
  174. Detention
  175. North Bay Village
  176. So Be..it's Ghetto-riffic
  177. Comprehensive annual financial report - cafr
  178. The SKREETS of SOBE are out of control.
  179. #doublestandard
  180. "No business in this area"
  181. These 8 Foods Are Getting So Much More Expensive This Fall
  182. Even Housewife Killers get second chances in Miami Beach
  183. The Japs were safer in Hiroshima than SOBE.
  184. Message for Paul Acosta
  185. Choco B.L.
  186. For my Fello K-9 officers-Brave police dog killed by woman suicide bomber in new Pari
  187. "Stop allowing black women to name thier children" The war against stupid
  188. great job pss romaine you almost killed your FTO
  189. This is why the police need to be watched
  190. Thank You Chief.
  191. New 58 from Dan the man - Feed the Ego
  192. New 58 from Dan the man - Feed the Ego
  193. New 58 from Dan the man - Feed the Ego
  194. Hiring
  195. FOP HEALTH TRUST-UNITED HEALTH-regrets entering ObamaCare
  196. Latest victim of character assassination : The Dancing traffic cop of 30+ years
  197. Caption this photo
  198. Burnie Smelly Rudder
  199. Shoot first ask questions later, MBPD.
  200. CL on books
  201. most expensive homes in the USA- Miami Beach
  202. Outside criticism
  203. Justice System
  204. Hispanics got thrown under the bus.
  205. Command Presence
  206. Festival of blue lights: Cops ticket dozens in South Beach Hanukkah parade
  207. Sign Petition to Support Broward Deputy Indicted w/Manslaughter (Change.org)
  208. Ol' Dan is an internet legend "insider" it is said
  209. Merry Christmas
  210. This Turd was very close to becoming our Chief!
  211. UR, you need to go back to dispatch.
  212. Radical Muslim attempts to execute officer
  213. PERF's Left Wing Push at the MBPD
  214. Ocean Drive has turned into a Cesspool.
  215. This is how we roll on the Beach.
  216. Omg!
  217. Turn in your guns and grab your shields
  218. Body cam video refutes citizen complaint
  219. Another officer executed....
  220. Joe what were you thinking?
  221. Juggling too many Balls
  222. Cross dressing
  223. Message to PERF.
  224. Dan O boy- Body worn cam update email
  225. who will be hired back first Carulo or Muley ?
  226. dan you have gone full retard on deadly force
  227. Mayor Cries to Police on Fedex Drivers
  228. Who needs Beyoncé when you have Hill
  229. QMR I agree with the Chief rotation of units
  230. The Power of the Pigmentation
  231. Shift bid
  232. city killed the 7-11store 6th west
  233. The benefits of BWC
  234. Why are they taking our shotguns?
  235. Hey Alex C. This is for you Brother
  236. who is the biggest D-bag and why from rank of LT. and above
  237. Daniel
  238. The man
  239. I want to know
  240. Since
  241. Wiw
  242. Nope
  243. Two words
  244. Problems
  245. Got your number
  246. Amanda
  247. Dan Dan Dan
  248. My my my...
  249. How many 29's in one day have to happen?
  250. Another Clueless Decision