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  1. Chiefs Holiday Best Wishes E-Mail
  2. Mr. Jenkins. R U an IA investigator?
  3. Police Deaths up 37%
  4. This is how this place is.
  5. Brass Not backing up its cops, Cops not doing that
  6. 362
  7. Orange Bowl Tickets
  8. K-9 Lieutenant causes uproar!
  9. Mis management of FOP dues.
  10. Dog Walkers.....
  11. chief and division chief
  12. Caught on camera
  13. North Miami our neighbor
  14. How is the Officer of the Year Selected?
  15. Just an idea. . .
  16. Man vs Pig Trailer
  17. cant believe what I just heard.
  18. Law Enforcement Conference
  19. Who exemplifies leadership at the MBPD
  20. Latest SOP on Power DMS?
  21. Why?
  22. Contract needs to be resolved
  23. Hiring
  24. Don't Sign & Vote No!!!
  25. Granny is at it again...
  26. FOP Pushing Boycott of leoaffairs
  27. New Chief
  28. donations
  29. Baretto
  30. FOP President blames everything on BJ.
  31. shift bid
  33. RCC
  34. who is the MORON giving County Cops tix?
  35. take home cars
  36. WTF happened over the past week in MB?
  37. I want to be a FOP President.
  38. I want to be a Chief's son
  39. Why the double standard?
  40. Special Treatment for the Rich and Famous.
  41. Telecommunications Week
  42. is this double dipping?
  44. What happen
  45. Hot off the press. Sit down before you read.
  46. Captain Shuffle. who we gettin'
  47. Welcome Back Hazzi and Forte!
  48. Memorial Day Weekend 2011
  49. Division Commander Esq. Cardeno
  50. Where are the 2010 crime stats?
  51. nomore
  52. From Gables to Golden LOL!
  53. eligible list
  54. Reality Check
  55. Ears Hurt??????
  56. I guess this is how CN rolls.
  57. Protect Your Job
  58. Since Nobody Else Said It...
  59. Anybody know if crime is up or dwn. this year
  60. VACAY
  61. Carlos....we you a bad boy???
  62. Public Relation Meltdown at the MBPD
  63. Take Home Cara
  64. Are we allowed to take cameras?
  65. FOP 5
  66. Memorial Day Mayhem
  67. Chief position available
  68. Chief loves those cameras boy!
  69. Will the Captains be considered Rank & File?
  70. Looks like the City Manager is in the hot seat.
  71. Looks like the City Manager is in the hot seat.
  72. Computer Crimes in MBPD
  73. Demotions shouldnt effect the rest of us!
  74. beach 317?
  75. Cop, in ATV crash with 3 injured, was allegedly drinking
  76. Which way did he go? Which way did he go?
  77. DOD Leads To ROD
  78. The Chief has to go.
  79. It's Gonna Go Down Like This
  80. Miami Beach Police Chief
  81. Time for new leadership at the PD.
  82. Off Duty Jobs
  83. BLE ZERO
  84. Officers in trouble
  85. RAM Miami River Cop
  86. we got ur back Tommy
  87. Someone get CN a mirror
  88. WTF happened at noon rollcall today?
  89. Happy Trails Charlie
  90. If the command staff were a movie:
  91. treat us like kids?
  92. binding arbitration
  94. Make me write a memo. Expect an OT slip!
  95. That's Officer to you SIR!
  96. Demotions...?
  97. Miami Beach PIO Throws Albert Under Bus!
  98. MAJOR B.S.
  99. sgtMM and the 317
  100. Off duty New York City Police Officer shot in South Beach
  102. Different Department, SAME BS
  103. What happend to the MBPD?
  104. and you want stats? LMFAO!
  105. PAT testing
  106. The S Story
  107. Promotions
  108. Postpone or cancel promotional testing
  109. Major Bad Selection
  110. Hazzie/Forte and the B.s. of the ACLU
  111. No one is being spared
  113. Fire Chief CN, Demote Major BS
  114. More Bad News For Prez AB, et al
  115. Chief Delucca (Shame on you)
  116. $$$$$$$$$
  117. No Beach Balls
  119. A new Chapter
  120. Is NRO Doty on the Executive Board?
  121. Ratification of Contract
  122. Golden Beach chooses finalists in search for new police chie
  123. What they're saying about "El Jefe"
  124. Utah Trip. How Much Alex?
  125. Discounts for Police Fire Military
  126. Another Black Eye
  127. I know Chief Noriega!
  128. Staying in shape
  129. Are you serious Chief? LOL!
  130. Talk about pouring salt into the wound
  131. Thank you LEO Affairs.
  132. Hey Alex, YOU'VE GOT MAIL!
  133. Support LEOAFFAIRS
  134. Scrivener's Error
  135. truth
  136. I am just a friend
  137. Dang Carlos. You cant catch a break!
  138. Congrats Chief DeLucca, Strike 7 Noriega
  139. Today's Miami Herald
  140. The MBPD cant stay out of trouble!
  141. Chief Noriega AKA THUNDER STEALER!
  142. 30 days until the nightmare is over!
  143. What is wrong with our PIOs???!!!
  144. Are you serious Carlos?
  146. is this a bad rumor? (Next Chief)
  147. Alex Bello says Chief Noriega has been a "great Chief"
  148. THAT
  149. We need a LEADER not a "nice guy"
  150. OMG! No he Did NOT!
  151. American Flag Front Tag
  152. Another embarrassing story courtesy of Noriega
  153. Chief TH
  154. PAL Truth
  155. Shake BOX
  156. 911 Memorial
  157. Is Tobin the Next Assistant Chief
  158. BOLO
  159. New Times Article
  160. The outside chief effect.
  161. AVL/GPS in all Police Dept. cars & Chapter 119FSS
  162. FOP vs LEO Boycott Video - You Gotta See This!
  163. THE NEW 5 STAR BOSS IS....
  164. hey stupid!
  165. So? Change?
  166. WHO are the NEW SGT's to be?
  167. Paranormal
  168. LEOAFFAIRS vs Miami Beach FOP on Cop Talk Radio
  169. Do We Have A Retired Capt. O'Brien??
  170. Is agg assault with a motor vehicle a forcible felony?
  171. Exposito to be named Chief
  172. Whats up with that shag CHIEF?!?!
  173. Recent Demotion?
  175. Whats it going to take Manager Gonzalez?
  176. Miami Herald Reporter Arrested for DUI
  177. Hey Bobby Jenkins Hold Me That Parking Job!
  178. Stop_&_think about it
  180. THIS WEEKEND 10/8/2011 SOBE
  181. RIP Steve Jobs
  182. OVER
  183. Simething about a D.U.I./Hit & Run/ Insurance Fraud/Perjury
  184. town claims it can't afford to prosecute domestic violence c
  185. SIU going back to patrol?
  186. Police negligence, lies contributed to Miami Beach ATV crash
  187. more punishment? when is enough, enough.
  188. Leadership or lack of
  189. MBPD. No Rules. Just Right!
  190. Tobin's Chief
  191. comparisons of accountability
  192. BOLO
  194. Feeling sorry for the Bear
  195. Culture
  196. "Someday" Came.
  197. Beach PD will get an outsider for Chief!! (Timoney)
  198. Sector Plan and Shift Bid
  199. Cannon will never be Chief anywhere!!!
  200. Lofton has applied. Preparate!!!!!!!!
  201. FHP
  202. Super secret beach OT detail /mids/?
  203. Chief Overton will be the next Chief!
  204. Who Has Applied
  205. 11.04.11 The end of an era.
  206. What a way to screw up a beautiful pistol.
  207. Hunker says Command Staff want him LOL!
  208. Noriega stripped of comand ?
  209. Hasta Luego Carlos!
  210. Miami Beach chief Noriega leaves police force in flux
  211. Why was the Boucher Brothers driver cited????
  212. Charlie is in the news again
  213. A Troopers perspective
  214. Lt. Charles Weaver
  215. no favors?
  216. If the RAM doesn't get picked up...
  217. Holiday Shopping
  218. Bait
  219. Wow! From Police Chief to Birthday Party Planner.
  220. Hey FOP! How can you allow this?
  221. Quota
  222. Assitant Chief Mejia?
  223. Any word on the New Chief??
  224. Miami beach police boat floats away
  225. metro dui
  226. Give It A Rest Already!
  227. city manager on his way out
  228. Congratulations Carlos.
  229. Miami Beach commissioner enrolled in police academy
  230. This is either cost effective or incompetence
  231. Overton is the best of the 13.
  232. Thanks Carlos and Ray
  233. Trying to find a SGT.
  234. Ofc writes 19 tickets?
  235. Who Is our FOP President?
  236. What a scam.
  237. Mids has your back Lieutenant WJ.
  238. Speeding?
  239. Officer of the Year
  240. Who is LeBron's mystery guest?
  241. Special Assesment? WTF?
  242. Which Command Staff Member got Served?
  243. 12 hours for a sorry baricaded subject.
  244. Supreme Court: Cops Need Warrant for GPS Tracking
  245. OK. So who is the MORON that gave the City Manager a Ticket?
  246. Does anyone know when they will be hiring?
  247. The Fix Is In
  249. 12 Hour Shifts
  250. I hear things....