Warm up's are over
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  1. #1

    Warm up's are over

    Well the first storm of the year has past and if I can be honest with you, it was a blessing in disguise. The rain it provided was much needed. Now that we all got our wakeup call let's make sure we get prepared for the real thing. Next topic.

    I seen on the news where the new leader of the Iraqi resistance (Al-Quieda) released a statement today that said we are really going to be sorry for our troops killing his boss. He said, and I quote "your children will be so scared that their hair turns gray," end quote. Note to idiot terrorist leader, there are only a few ways to scare my kids. First, tell them they actually have to go outside and help me with some yard work and clean the pool. Seond, tell them to go clean their room and do their homework. And third, take away their Nintendo, Playstation and Game Cubes you jackass. Again, note to U.S. military. Hurry up and put the smack down on these idiots. Oh yeah, and again, first beer's on me.

    I usually try to stay nuetral in the political debates but Ex-Pres. Clinton and his wife Hillary made the news today. Bill stated that the increase in Hurricanes over the past several years are the direct result of republican policies that have caused an increase in green house gases. Come on Bill, are you sure you did'nt inhale. I'm with the whole green house gas debate dude but I think the start of the industrial revolution in the early 1900's has something to do with the whole depleted ozone thing. I doubt that any of the Bush's intentionally caused any Hurricanes to form. Just my opinion.

    And then there is Hillary. She was booed today while giving a speech about Iraq to some democratic supporters. John Kerry also gave a speech to the same group and was cheered after saying just about the same thing as Hillary. You see Hillary there is a difference. Although I personally don't agree with John Kerry or Congressman Murtha they have more than earned their right to have their say. They have both served in the military and distinguished themselves as true soldiers.

    Well that's just my two cents for this time. For all of you that are getting ready to take the promotional test over the next couple of days, Good Luck. I'm rootin for ya, remember, were all in this together.

    Stay Safe
    "The Nitely Blog"

  2. #2
    Actually Kerry fabricated his military heroics. He did serve, he just put himself in for medals so he could leave early.

    SOOOOo while he was in the armed forces, I discount anything he has to say because, he's an untruthful person who doesn't deserve to be in the same group as the rest of the Vets.

    All I have to say about Hillary is..........Hillary! thats all you need to say.

  3. #3
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Nice post, as usual. As for the storm, I personally have never been so glad to have a tropical system "hit" us. When walking on your grass sounds like walking on frozen snow, you know it is dry!
    Global warming...I am struck by something I heard on "The World's Most Dangerous Job." The captain on one of the boats was complaining about how far the winter ice pack was coming down from the Arctic. Said it had never come as far south before! Hmmm...is global warming just a pre-cursor to an ice age? Just a thought. And for any Administration to blame it on another is stupidity!!! Oh well, stay safe.
    Never get so pretentious that you can't laugh at yourself!


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