The Crying Games tonight on MSNBC and future trend 🍿
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  1. #1

    The Crying Games tonight on MSNBC and future trend 🍿

    Crying and attempting to look authentic on TV is the new trend now for chiefs and wanna be chiefs let’s see who gets the award!

    First up Avacado tonight on MSNBC bring your kleenex box and popcorn

  2. #2
    As usual, its all about him.
    Reporter Question: Do you have regrets about using the term "Cuban Mafia."
    Acevedo Answer: Yes. Because I didn't know how it would be used against me.

    True narcissism.

  3. #3
    What time on Msnbc??

  4. #4
    Art, we tried to tell you but you didn't listen and you associated with all the wrong individuals in your office just waiting to stabbed you in the back like what they did to Cesar . The blm sympathizer kneeling crap does not work in miami , we told you . The socialist crap does not work here either , maybe you can play it in front of tv for a little bit but you actually started to believe that crap and that was a problem, did any of those people are helping you now, we warned you but you didn't listen is your fault and stop crying is doesn't work either it makes you look weak .

  5. #5
    Why continue putting this shows on live TV. It’s not going to fix anything. You are done in florida period. Maybe if you go back to Houston you can continue with your shows there. Stop making all of this interviews, all it’s doing is destroying your own image beyond repairing.


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