Ortiz should Paint back yard fence.
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  1. #1

    Ortiz should Paint back yard fence.

    Jav time to paint that old dirty back yard fence. We ain’t voting for you so please add it to your do list.

  2. #2
    They all debated already several times at the FOP meeting. ORTIZ always says I did this and that. If ORTIZ is so great why don't we have OT PENSIONALBLE, more pay raises compare to the county and beach, why did he agree to settled the lawsuit for $60 million less and us paying attorney fees. Why didn't he save destephan job?

    If ORTIZ is such a good negotiator why did he gave away the Seven year drop!!! That was Huge.. Answer cause he wanted the remaining people eligible to retire to quickly leave with min retirement. Why didn't he increase the retirement cap? Because he negotiated a 15% management incentive hazardous pay for himself sitting in his office while you fools risk your life. ..matter of fact the mayor, commissioners and city manager already said that's the first thing that is going to go on the next contract. ORTIZ is a pos. Sold us out

    I can go on and on

  3. #3
    No worries about Ortiz dirty old fence, come February 2021he will be painting fences.


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