Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
That is Fantasy none of the people you mentioned or even on my conversation list. I’m speaking about the good current City employees that have no respect for her him or the police department. The police department is there to serve and protect . Do you think the city employees don’t notice the poor job that they do, the lack of response and respect they give to even there own city employees? Do you think the city employees do not see how they abuse their authority and power they come to work whenever they feel like and do nothing when at work but hide? Do you not think the city employees, the existing department heads have not made vocal statements about the Police Department? Some of the Police Departments biggest supporters are now contemplating saving money by disbanding your agency. You can talk negatively about MB and his past indiscretions, but he unlike AA and MV lives in the City of Clewiston and truly cares about its residence. He is not here just to make a paycheck. He is not here because he can not go get another position. He has not turned in application after application attempting to get out of the City Of Clewiston like AA just to be turned down and denied those positions. He like the Sheriff is here because he wants to be, not because he hast to be. You live out of county you’ve purchased a home multiple counties away your third in command lives multiple counties away and the city tax payers flip the bill for you to take cars back-and-forth against city policy. You sit here and attack other people attempting to pull out skeletons or things about their past behavior that you can point out as being wrong. Let’s talk about current behavior let’s talk about your and his affairs it took place causing damage to two separate families let’s talk about that at the same time you and him are sleeping together he’s sleeping with two other city police department employees. This behavior is currently taking place this is not Old information this is not bringing up things that he did in his past. That list could be as long as you can think this is things he’s been doing since promoted to chief of police. This man and this women have not changed they are elitist that believe that because they are who they are and in the positions they are in they can do things that they condemn others for doing and it’s OK because they can get away with it. The Sheriff may have made mistakes in his career mistakes in his life he has grown as a person year after year identifying mistakes correcting those mistakes and improving the job that he does for the citizens of Hendry County sadly MV and AA have not done the same. All you are trying to do is tear down and be negative there’s no cooperation there’s no desire to make Hendry County or the City of Clewiston better, there’s just bitterness and hate and evil that the nasty things you have done have came back and caused your life issues. The guilt you feel for what you’ve caused is overwhelming and so you strike out at other human beings to try to relieve the pressure you feel inside. I hope you do pray for me as I will pray for you everybody needs as much help as they can get to make it through this world but no matter how much I pray for you if you choose to continue to be the evil spiteful manipulative human you have chosen to be you will still be miserable and you will still have the guilt of the death you have caused. We know who you are, your psychological degree has done nothing to help you deal with your mental deficiencies It did nothing to help your family. You really need to start getting help.
Even more know who you are and what you are! This is a master work of projection on to others of your own inner dialogue. It's people like you who can't cope with a retirement or life beyond a badge. Big big tough angry man on the outside, even angrier, scared and weak on the inside. Is it difficult to cope with women who you can't bully, manipulate or bullshit? You should be in charge because you are "the winner and winners never lose!" is that your "champion" self talk you project and convince yourself of whatever reality you want others to buy into. Lol. All the overcompensation and anger. Ever read about rapist personalities in your vast investigative experience and "2000 hours" of training? lol. Look in the mirror big powerful hero. Do you see what others REALLY see? It's ok to cry in private when you realize everything you projected here, is a lot of you inside. Every day is a day closer to the day you become a nobody, no longer soaking a paycheck. Call it "retirement", "it was time to part ways and take a new opportunity" whatever spin you make. But everyone who will look at you will see the little man for everything he's been. A weak zero.. an abuser and manipulator.