Hoffman caught in a lie red handed!
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  1. #1
    ELECTION TV 2020

    Wink Hoffman caught in a lie red handed!

  2. #2

    Angry Hoffman will lose Aug 18th because of this

    Quote Originally Posted by ELECTION TV 2020 View Post

    Just watched this. Caught red handed! You should be ashamed of yourself Kurt! Tried to lie thru it and got exposed! Did the same thing trying to pay $$$$$ to make all of your internet articles that would end your campaign, disappear - BUT - people saved them and they are reappearing! 4 weeks and counting and when its all said and done, you are going to wish you dropped out early and saved face from the BAD BAD BAD exposure getting dropped on you the next 4! Once a very nice and loyal guy, you turned into a corrupt backstabbing a$$hole. Time to go Kurt. Paul Fern will be the next Sheriff here.

  3. #3
    Once a liar always a liar. Birds of a feather. Walks like a Duck. Well you know the rest. Kurt is so draining. Fern for Sheriff!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by ELECTION TV 2020 View Post
    Oh wow, I just watched the video. Let's do a recap of what the video is about:

    1. The moderator asked sheriffs candidates (Paul Fern & Kurt Hoffman) about the expense to government for providing qualified immunity defense for LEOs. Specifically, the mod asked if qualified immunity be changed?
    2. Paul Fern said qualified immunity should be tweaked (but not eliminated).
    3. Fern provided a specific example of how the costs for qualified immunity can be reduced for government. He said that for the Sarasota Sheriff's Office, employment-hirings and promotions should be vetted more, which will then lower the future costs of having to defend qualified immunity cases for employees who should have never been hired or promoted in the first place. Fern used a specific example involving Dan Tutko, who has had multiple sustained Internal Affairs cases, but he was still promoted multiple times in the Sarasota Sheriff's Office.
    4. In regard to Fern's example involving Dan Tutko, Hoffman said: "I have no idea what you're talking about."

    Every employee who worked in the Sarasota Sheriff's Office knew about Dan Tutko's IA cases because the Herald-Tribune printed them in the newspaper in multiple articles. Only an idiot or a liar would not be aware of Tutko's IA history. Why is Hoffman so publicly adamant about denying knowledge of Tutko? Was Hoffman involved in any of Tutko's promotional interview boards?

    Hoffman's boldfaced lying is frightening, as well as strange.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Oh wow, I just watched the video. Let's do a recap of what the video is about:

    1. The moderator asked sheriffs candidates (Paul Fern & Kurt Hoffman) about the expense to government for providing qualified immunity defense for LEOs. Specifically, the mod asked if qualified immunity be changed?
    2. Paul Fern said qualified immunity should be tweaked (but not eliminated).
    3. Fern provided a specific example of how the costs for qualified immunity can be reduced for government. He said that for the Sarasota Sheriff's Office, employment-hirings and promotions should be vetted more, which will then lower the future costs of having to defend qualified immunity cases for employees who should have never been hired or promoted in the first place. Fern used a specific example involving Dan Tutko, who has had multiple sustained Internal Affairs cases, but he was still promoted multiple times in the Sarasota Sheriff's Office.
    4. In regard to Fern's example involving Dan Tutko, Hoffman said: "I have no idea what you're talking about."

    Every employee who worked in the Sarasota Sheriff's Office knew about Dan Tutko's IA cases because the Herald-Tribune printed them in the newspaper in multiple articles. Only an idiot or a liar would not be aware of Tutko's IA history. Why is Hoffman so publicly adamant about denying knowledge of Tutko? Was Hoffman involved in any of Tutko's promotional interview boards?

    Hoffman's boldfaced lying is frightening, as well as strange.
    Why is Hoffman adamantly denying knowledge of Tutko's multiple IAs and subsequent promotions, as it relates to qualified immunity? Hoffman was the attorney, so if anyone knows, Hoffman does. There is clearly something there that needs to be exposed. It's understandable that an outsider or a civilian does not know who Tutko is, but there is no such excuse for the legal advisor and/or for a senior staff member because we all know about it. Everyone.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Oh wow, I just watched the video. Let's do a recap of what the video is about:

    1. The moderator asked sheriffs candidates (Paul Fern & Kurt Hoffman) about the expense to government for providing qualified immunity defense for LEOs. Specifically, the mod asked if qualified immunity be changed?
    2. Paul Fern said qualified immunity should be tweaked (but not eliminated).
    3. Fern provided a specific example of how the costs for qualified immunity can be reduced for government. He said that for the Sarasota Sheriff's Office, employment-hirings and promotions should be vetted more, which will then lower the future costs of having to defend qualified immunity cases for employees who should have never been hired or promoted in the first place. Fern used a specific example involving Dan Tutko, who has had multiple sustained Internal Affairs cases, but he was still promoted multiple times in the Sarasota Sheriff's Office.
    4. In regard to Fern's example involving Dan Tutko, Hoffman said: "I have no idea what you're talking about."

    Every employee who worked in the Sarasota Sheriff's Office knew about Dan Tutko's IA cases because the Herald-Tribune printed them in the newspaper in multiple articles. Only an idiot or a liar would not be aware of Tutko's IA history. Why is Hoffman so publicly adamant about denying knowledge of Tutko? Was Hoffman involved in any of Tutko's promotional interview boards?

    Hoffman's boldfaced lying is frightening, as well as strange.
    How much money has the Sarasota Sheriff's Office had to payout to defend Dan Tutko under the qualified immunity rule? How much money was paid out under civil lawsuits that were paid-for by Sarasota County government (for the SSO)? And why was Dan Tutko promoted repeatedly?

  7. #7
    how much money in legal fees alone? Do not look at the payout. This is exactly why the world is in an uproar right now. This kind of cop makes us all look bad in the eyes of the public and we have to (as good cops) root the bad ones out to save out dam jobs..

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Paul Fern provided a specific example of how the costs for qualified immunity can be reduced for government. He said that for the Sarasota Sheriff's Office, employment-hirings and promotions should be vetted more, which will then lower the future costs of having to defend qualified immunity cases for employees who should have never been hired or promoted in the first place. Fern used a specific example involving Dan Tutko, who has had multiple sustained Internal Affairs cases, but he was still promoted multiple times in the Sarasota Sheriff's Office.

    In regard to Fern's example involving Dan Tutko, Kurt Hoffman said: "I have no idea what you're talking about."
    Kurt Hoffman should have never been hired in the first place. He has been a liability from the beginning.


  9. #9

    I don’t know what he’s talking about.... Pinocchio knows....

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    How much money has the Sarasota Sheriff's Office had to payout to defend Dan Tutko under the qualified immunity rule? How much money was paid out under civil lawsuits that were paid-for by Sarasota County government (for the SSO)? And why was Dan Tutko promoted repeatedly?
    The true amount is incalculable. If it was a former employee suing the agency, KH would be sure to track every employee who even thought about the case and use that absurd amount to sue them back. I’m sure there are 100’s hours of research, case law review, consulting, round table discussions, trying to weasel their way out of it.

    Not to mention the illegal use of law enforcement investigative tools to investigate the victims backgrounds to try and leverage them to drop the suit.

    Hmmm, where have I seen Kirk threaten to arrest a victim before? Hmmmm

    Kirk, you have no idea what he’s talking about?

    How about you promoting Neil Wilson despite knowing & having evidence in your possession that he’s a liar (multiple counts of perjury during multiple agency investigations) and violated every oath he swore, broke state & federal laws & has a history of abusing his power. On top of that he’s as useless as an elevator in an outhouse.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    The true amount is incalculable. If it was a former employee suing the agency, KH would be sure to track every employee who even thought about the case and use that absurd amount to sue them back. I’m sure there are 100’s hours of research, case law review, consulting, round table discussions, trying to weasel their way out of it.

    Not to mention the illegal use of law enforcement investigative tools to investigate the victims backgrounds to try and leverage them to drop the suit.

    Hmmm, where have I seen Kirk threaten to arrest a victim before? Hmmmm

    Kirk, you have no idea what he’s talking about?
    I saw a copy of that threatening letter that Kirk Hoffman ordered legal counsel to write. That letter is absurd. Without possessing any evidence whatsoever, Hoffman basically threatened to either sue or arrest the retired SSO deputy for "possibly" being in possession of alleged SSO recordings, paperwork or other alleged materials that would make SSO management look either crooked or incompetent or both. Can that letter be reposed here? Asinine.

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