Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I really don't think you want me to start airing the real dirty laundry Of SPD staff do you? So lets not just speak about 1 African American's personal life.
Because if we were to do that then we would want to talk about the FTO's sleeping with their Officer's that they are currently training and getting them pregnant, or the FTO that got remediated 4 times because she can't shoot worth a damn (they even shot on her target just to get her off the line of fire), not to mention she is a poor representation of what an officer should look like. (Don't we have a gym in the building, just saying). Stay away from the donut shop please! It's clear she ain't running after no one, cause they will get away. Can someone let her/him know to get a uniform change because she's gonna pop a button. Oh and by the way, she only got the job in the first place because of her daddy.

I don't think you want me to discuss the Sergeants that can't keep their penis in their pants, shall we?
You forgot to add one to your list. How about when a BF sits with her boyfriend all shift at his store instead of doing her duties? Or that he's a known weed dealer and she has been seen out with him while he's dealing narcotics. Then when citizens complain In her patrol area about these unethical things the PD ignores it and supervisors say they don't want to touch it because she will cry racism or sexist and have her parents complain as she has done before. Don't forget to add that she has yet to pass her shotgun qualification. So she continues to goes unchecked. That's sounds alot like white privilege.