Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
F*%k it. Chuck Norris jokes? Now AA jokes. Thanks to C's efforts to bring AA into the conversation from every angle, December is now AA Awareness month. Good job C ! There really should be changes, like a new name on the letterhead, signs and whatever else. If there's an exploratory committee, consider it supported. If there's a donation to be made, we will put at least something in it. Who knew C was such an effective political activist ! G-d bless you for once.

If AA ate 2lb of wheat.. a pinch of salt... a tea spoon of sugar hw then would shit out a loaf of bread (sliced).
Give me 3 slices then! This is classic. The more AA is attacked the more AA love comes out. Let the losers take their shots from behind things, cheap shots are the only shots that crew of special can take. Cheap shot artists. AA can take it on both feet. AA, read this? Laugh it off. It's life, they don't have much of one.