Why Nicole Anderson becomes Under Sheriff - Page 8
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  1. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    All of you focused on race here are just wrong. Yes she's black, but she was Tony's third choice. That is the more embarrassing thing here for both Anderson and Tony. She only got the job because Reyes (Cuban/White) and Hale (White) turned it down first.
    If this is true, what does that say about the upper command staffs confidence in the Sheriff's chances of getting elected? And, although a nice person, what does that say about the undersheriff's judgment, unless she plans on retiring in 15 months.

  2. #72
    I see the jealousy for Undersheriff Anderson is strong. Give her a chance and see if some changes can be made. She has been with agency for sometime.

  3. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I see the jealousy for Undersheriff Anderson is strong. Give her a chance and see if some changes can be made. She has been with agency for sometime.
    You must be on glue, she has no business being in an administrative position. She couldn't wipe her azz with both hands.

  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I see the jealousy for Undersheriff Anderson is strong. Give her a chance and see if some changes can be made. She has been with agency for sometime.
    Not jealousy! Just disgusted with the way the agency has been and is being run, not just by the current administration, Israeldid the same thing. Lets see how many minority administrative picks there r this time and how far down the list will they have to go to get them? Now before you start calling me a racist, tell me why a minority who didn't score well on the process put in place to select the best candidate for promotion deserves to be promoted over someone who studied and scored well? The undersheriff is NO different, she is pushing her friends for promotion. When someone, around the mid 40's, on the list gets promoted as an admin pick because of their relationship with the undersheriff you'll know I'm right!

  5. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I see the jealousy for Undersheriff Anderson is strong. Give her a chance and see if some changes can be made. She has been with agency for sometime.
    Agreed! I did the booty dance with her and she held her own!

  6. #76
    Desantis must be so proud of himself. I can’t wait to vote for WHOEVER is running against that azzhole. I don’t even care if it’s a flaming liberal socialist riding around on a scooter. What a douchebag that guy is.

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Desantis must be so proud of himself. I can’t wait to vote for WHOEVER is running against that azzhole. I don’t even care if it’s a flaming liberal socialist riding around on a scooter. What a douchebag that guy is.
    News Flash! Desantis could give two $hits about the Democrats voting in Broward. It didn't get him elected in the first place and it won't the second time either. Desantis played his cards perfectly by appeasing the black voters, the parkland survivors by putting in a coral springs hero and by getting rid of Israel.
    The only real comedy here is that you morons thought youd do so much better than that tool Israel. Broward is a cesspool that will NEVER change so either wrap your arms and legs around that or quit and move somewhere else.

  8. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    While a small portion of the currently unincarcerated black community think turning BSO and the school board into a Detroit or Chicago clone is a great move towards reparations, it appears that Broward residents arent impressed with the black wave. Public school enrollment is down, substantially. Most don't have the extra funds to place their kids in private schools so there's an exodus beginning. All are watching. Should a black sheriff win, there will be a mass exit as they are tired of the downhill trajectory that comes with putting a bunch of "first black" and "making history" anything's in charge of the counties LE and schools. In practical terms, you all that think your $500k+ house will double in value in the next few years are about to have your feelings hurt. Watch for the market being flooded with houses next summer as all try to relocate their kids out of this putrid black swamp. Its happening already.
    That's an understatement....
    Broward went to shit a long time ago. Coral Springs was the pretty much the last bastion of hope. When it went downhill about 10 years ago. I got the hell out of Florida.

  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    You must be on glue, she has no business being in an administrative position. She couldn't wipe her azz with both hands.
    And the energy your devoting into hate is strong. Why don't you do something about it. Turn off your wambulance sirens and help turn the agency around.

  10. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    News Flash! Desantis could give two $hits about the Democrats voting in Broward. It didn't get him elected in the first place and it won't the second time either. Desantis played his cards perfectly by appeasing the black voters, the parkland survivors by putting in a coral springs hero and by getting rid of Israel.
    The only real comedy here is that you morons thought youd do so much better than that tool Israel. Broward is a cesspool that will NEVER change so either wrap your arms and legs around that or quit and move somewhere else.
    This is the truth. While it caused a lot of upset among the rank and file, strategically, it was ingenius. It takes wind out of the argument that Republicans are "racist" because Republican residents (non LE) have embraced Tony. It dilutes the claims of Parkland being led by A. Pollack because the gun control wackos from Parkland were all at the Gillum rallies and did not support DeSantis. And, unrelated to MSD, Springs, even though its small has been a much better department all around, for years than BSO. Broward county has no influence on DeSantis' future. He is highly regarded around the state, which is mostly red, and will most likely be a POTUS candidate for 2024. Israel was ill advised not to wait until then to run, spending the four years out in the community and re-emerging as a candidate when DeSantis is on his way out of FL.

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