Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Every post on this board is the same. Initials, positions, “slams”, and insults. Take a look at “Television Time” and “The Bully is Gone”. Why haven’t those been deleted?! LT NG and DB are insulted regularly and yet those posts remain up? Interesting the ones you chose are a “violation”.
I don't have time to read every post or thread on every board. I don't have time to read whole threads that people mention to me. What I do is I read those posts that are not deleted by board moderators that are "properly" reported.

Properly reported simply means that someone who felt that the post in question violated the Terms of Use, took the time to click the little "Report this Post" button in the bottom left corner of every post. Once that is done, you have a place to write what the issue is and then click a button to submit the report.

The report is then sent to the appropriate board moderators and all administrators. That way the assigned board moderator has a chance to take care of it, then if they don't an administrator can take care of it.

I oversee all of the message boards which is over 500 and all of the moderators. I don't personally have time to review everything myself. That is why we have this system set up.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Mod 1