Rodent Control
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Thread: Rodent Control

  1. #1

    Rodent Control

    Guys n Girls of the PD. We’re cleaning the place up for you. The first three skipped town before we revealed the dirt. Then a commissioner who was convicted of drug trafficking and served time for it, then lied to become a commissioner got booted. Next, a combination of PUPPYGATE and IRMAGATE will be your Chief’s downfall. Then we’ll help you out by dealing with the snake. Sit tight and relax. Help is on the way.

  2. #2

    Clean Up isle 1

    It makes you wonder just how much our leadership values our respect. Seems NBV01 made it point to defend a cocaine trafficker who was convicted and did serve time. He pooped on hairyboto yet is hiding film of McSnake covering the internal cameras. Sam da Sham Cunningham is racking up more money than cheezar, and he’s part time.


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