Vote for the future of the PBA - Page 4
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  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    So, the back and forth at the HPOA has resulted in an endorsement for the same old, same old?

    Why? I have too many questions?

    Why was there consideration of endorsement in the first place?

    Why did the First Vice President resign?

    Why was a formal notice of no endorsement issued and now crapped upon?

    Was there really a meeting on the second floor of the HPOA that was overheard? What was offered in that meeting? Who stands to gain? Some people know!

    How can a room with less than a dozen present speak for all HPOA

    More stench from the PBA!
    David Jaramillo is going to be detached to PBA full time w a car, credit card and 50,000 stipend. This is the price of the endorsement. Jaramillo and John can man all kinds of shady conspiracies plans, but they are forgetting the members see

  2. #32
    It is so entertaining to watch John and his paid “team” members going around the country trying to convince people that the PBA will collapse without John. They really do think PBA members are morans and idiots as John & Blanca call them. Everything is is “I” or “John” and sometimes, “Madame Executive Director”, yea he has to validate her since she is the one that tells him “yes it is in your rights”

    How come John has the TWO (paid) PBA EMPLOYEES/ Board Members working full time on HIS campaign, do they not have nothing to do for the members?? Maybe TJ hat is why they don’t have time to call you, the members back... No one should be elected AND a paid employee... there is NO separation of duties and responsibilities.

    Come to think of it, he has ALL (except 1) of the people detached to the PBA working full time to get him re-elected... he must really need help!.

    25 YEARS is too long for one person to have all the power...It is time for ALL the members to have a voice!

  3. #33

    All about the PESOS!

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    It is so entertaining to watch John and his paid “team” members going around the country trying to convince people that the PBA will collapse without John. They really do think PBA members are morans and idiots as John & Blanca call them. Everything is is “I” or “John” and sometimes, “Madame Executive Director”, yea he has to validate her since she is the one that tells him “yes it is in your rights”

    How come John has the TWO (paid) PBA EMPLOYEES/ Board Members working full time on HIS campaign, do they not have nothing to do for the members?? Maybe TJ hat is why they don’t have time to call you, the members back... No one should be elected AND a paid employee... there is NO separation of duties and responsibilities.

    Come to think of it, he has ALL (except 1) of the people detached to the PBA working full time to get him re-elected... he must really need help!.

    25 YEARS is too long for one person to have all the power...It is time for ALL the members to have a voice!

    This entire group is fighting to stay in your pockets and spend your money as they choose! And yes John is in trouble. They posted a photo of his first day, should have saved it for the retirement party!

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Every mornin' at the office you could see him arrive
    He stood four-foot-six and weighed three-forty-five
    Kinda narrow at the shoulder and wide at the hip
    And everybody knew ya didn't get jack shit from Fat John
    (Fat John, Fat John)
    Big Fat John (Fat John)
    Nobody seemed to know where John called home
    He just drifted into the PBA and stayed all alone
    He didn't do much, for you or I
    And if he spoke at all, it was to tell you a lie from Fat John
    Stay on your Meds or get help.

  5. #35
    Okay so you didn’t hear it from me but...poor Ms. Cindy is not going to be around much longer. Seems high school loverboy Steadman has been gaining financial favors from the Underhills (Cindy’s family) for his campaign blowout against John Rivera. Seems daddy’s connections were a good idea when Ms. Cindy wanted to be the First Lady of the PBA. She managed to pump her Steadman with enough confidence to go against the political veteran Rivera. But now it seems Stahl has bitten off more than he could chew and is regretting being pushed so hard by his girlfriend and daddy In law. He’s been overheard saying he’s tired and doesn’t want the responsibility or all the work involved in running the Pba and is tired of Ms Cindy. At this point he can’t back out and doesn’t want to hear Cindy or her family nagging him any longer. Makes us wonder if it has anything to do with the recipient of new shutters. Stahl’s convicted BFF Steve Bateman (disgraced former Homestead Mayor) has a company and gracious provided, gratis mind you, hurricane shutters to Stahl’s office girlfriend aka heat editor aka Georganne. We can only wonder if that’s also one of the reasons Cindy & Steadman have been drifting apart. Either way. She’s an ex come November. But remember you didn’t hear it from me.

  6. #36
    Listen moron, that guy treats Cindy Great! Stop making up stuff! A Respectable Man won’t have to be discreet or have a buddy cover for him, he will always RESPECT his woman and Steadman does! This must be a Rivera fan who is making up Lies! Why not leave innocent people out this? Wives who have stood firm next to their cheating husbands are being embarrassed yet again! Children who had troubled past are being dragged through the mud. How about you and the others that go on trips, get perks, and “rent” company, STOP the Dirt and try to win the Fair way. You’re just worried because you know the obvious choice is Stedman and your boy has run out of ideas to make him look bad.

  7. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Okay so you didn’t hear it from me but...poor Ms. Cindy is not going to be around much longer. Seems high school loverboy Steadman has been gaining financial favors from the Underhills (Cindy’s family) for his campaign blowout against John Rivera. Seems daddy’s connections were a good idea when Ms. Cindy wanted to be the First Lady of the PBA. She managed to pump her Steadman with enough confidence to go against the political veteran Rivera. But now it seems Stahl has bitten off more than he could chew and is regretting being pushed so hard by his girlfriend and daddy In law. He’s been overheard saying he’s tired and doesn’t want the responsibility or all the work involved in running the Pba and is tired of Ms Cindy. At this point he can’t back out and doesn’t want to hear Cindy or her family nagging him any longer. Makes us wonder if it has anything to do with the recipient of new shutters. Stahl’s convicted BFF Steve Bateman (disgraced former Homestead Mayor) has a company and gracious provided, gratis mind you, hurricane shutters to Stahl’s office girlfriend aka heat editor aka Georganne. We can only wonder if that’s also one of the reasons Cindy & Steadman have been drifting apart. Either way. She’s an ex come November. But remember you didn’t hear it from me.
    Someone has a wild imagination and doesn't even know who the players are....not hard to tell someone is grasping for stories.. oh and you didn't hear that from me... LOL

  8. #38

    Pure BS

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Okay so you didn’t hear it from me but...poor Ms. Cindy is not going to be around much longer. Seems high school loverboy Steadman has been gaining financial favors from the Underhills (Cindy’s family) for his campaign blowout against John Rivera. Seems daddy’s connections were a good idea when Ms. Cindy wanted to be the First Lady of the PBA. She managed to pump her Steadman with enough confidence to go against the political veteran Rivera. But now it seems Stahl has bitten off more than he could chew and is regretting being pushed so hard by his girlfriend and daddy In law. He’s been overheard saying he’s tired and doesn’t want the responsibility or all the work involved in running the Pba and is tired of Ms Cindy. At this point he can’t back out and doesn’t want to hear Cindy or her family nagging him any longer. Makes us wonder if it has anything to do with the recipient of new shutters. Stahl’s convicted BFF Steve Bateman (disgraced former Homestead Mayor) has a company and gracious provided, gratis mind you, hurricane shutters to Stahl’s office girlfriend aka heat editor aka Georganne. We can only wonder if that’s also one of the reasons Cindy & Steadman have been drifting apart. Either way. She’s an ex come November. But remember you didn’t hear it from me.

    The level of Bull Shit coming out of the PBA’s highly paid, out of your dues, so called staff is sickening! God forbid a new group should access the cooked books and gain insight into how your money is being pissed away, and by whom!

    Although, someone is either shredding the books or creating new ones, at this very moment!

  9. #39


    I get the firstration of our money being uded like it had been mentioned de Personal gain!! we need to demand the Books. What te hell is Misc on a receipt for $3400.00??? They do is coverup & Lie! However what I don’t understand. Is why put families in this? What does that say about US if we are in here talking Sh*t about wives & children who really have no hand in thiis. Blame the Pigs that Destroy they Homes, the females that hook up & have kids then get Cush jobs (D.A.R.E./COPS/Lead Attorney or Detached from Communications) There a belief: Out with Old in with New....GET RID OF ALL OF THEM...Start New, Vote for New Change not same ole same Ole! If you can destroy your Home which suppose to be Sacred, What di you think they will continue do to this Organization!! Rivera a Tirant & a Liar who feels like he is a Boss. Blanca a Cheater & Gossip Queen, loyal to JR ( Kevin is in Denial Poot guy), Fauste-Clueless..but a snake, Pablo Lima & Davis...Do Boys & like purchase “Dates”, Steadman-Scared & Likes the Drama but needed to put his pants up a while ago, Deli- The Secret Keeper, Paul- a leech who will do anything to get ahead, Jenkins-Cheater, Liar & Disgrace to those of us who value a good woman, ( his wife Is) , Nikki- Liar and not liked at All because of her Back stabbing at Comm, Stef-a solider for JR & BG.... see the Truth & That why teres too much Drama around them!!! New Blood, all current LE that’s know what we struggle with! This VOTE is more then a Contract it’s Princioled that we want True Representation Of Good Sound People!!

  10. #40

    Text messages, seriously

    So John is using the organization to send text messages, how and why?

    God he is desperate to keep you hard earned dollars! Get this guy retired already, and his group of paid followers need to go with him.

    He's even purchased the HPOA, shameful.

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