MPD Patrol officer Still have No Body Cameras 🎥
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  1. #1

    MPD Patrol officer Still have No Body Cameras 🎥

    If you want to keep believing Chief Llanes BS excuse that his Patrol officers have and or are using body cameras go right ahead.

    Somali Cop Finally Emerges From His Hiding Hole With SICK Message For Americans Who Hate Him

    Over the weekend, a Somali Muslim cop was dispatched to the residence of*Minneapolis woman*Justine Damond who had placed a call for help after witnessing an assault in her neighborhood. But rather than helping Justine’s frantic help for assistance,*Officer Mohamed Noor removed his body cam, and shot the woman in cold blood from his patrol car window.*As angry Americans continue to demand answers and*Officer Mohamed Noor continues to refuse to answer investigators about what happened that night, the ****y Muslim cop has just emerged from hiding with a sickening message to for all Americans that will leave you furious.

    Muslim lover and flaming liberal Betsy Hodges is the mayor of Minneapolis, and was instrumental in getting Mohamed Noor a position on the police force from the beginning. Ever since her Muslim migrant cop killed a white woman, rather than reaching out to the grieving family, she's been out in force warning*Minnesota residents not to show any signs of "Islamophobia," where in a press release , Mayor Hodges told local Muslims*if they feel "discriminated against" to call her anti-blasphemy hotline and report the "bigotry."

    Having Hodges in his back pocket has no doubt led to Noor's ****iness even more, as he still refuses to cooperate with authorities as the massive Somali Muslim community in Minneapolis continues to*rally in support following*his murderous antics on an unnamed white woman. Now Noor is*pulling out the race card, and claiming the America's outrage*is all because of Americans' racism and bigotry towards Muslims!

    "He feels like he is being thrown under the bus and his colleagues are accusing him of not showing proper police conduct on Saturday night." a close friend relayed to The Daily Mail. "His feeling is ‘I am an immigrant, a Muslim and not white.'"

    Yeah America's hatred for this idiot has nothing to do with the fact that he gunned down an unarmed*white woman in cold blood, or the fact that this Sharia Law-following moron had numerous complaints filed in him in the past by white women. Back in May of this year, he roughhoused a white woman so badly, that she went on to sue him for the permanent injuries that he caused to her wrist and upper arm. Oh but we're the bigots? Give me a freaking break!

    It's amazing how Muslims will always play the race and Islamophobia card while making themselves out to be the freaking victims regardless of how heinous their crimes are. This is classic behavior that is taught*to them by their Muslim leadership, as using political correctness as a weapon is the basic tactic they employ for infiltrating our society. They understand all too well that if they can silence us out of fear of being labeled "bigots" and "racists" then they can pretty much do whatever the hell they want.

    It's truly amazing how a Muslim*was allowed to get a job as a police officer in the first place. When police officers are sworn in as servants to our society, they take an oath to defend and serve their communities "without favor or ill will," which directly conflicts with what their religion teaches. The Quran is very explicit in its teachings that Muslims are to kill the infidel, and show no mercy to those who are "non-believers." Here's a few goodies straight from the Quran that Muslims like Officer Mohamed Noor hold sacred:
    It's time to stop kidding ourselves. Muslims will never integrate into western civilization, and given the violent religion they*fervently*follow that's*based on the entire genocide of white people and non-believers, they have absolutely no business holding positions within our law enforcement or within*our government. Their decisions will always be made through the lens of Sharia Law,*which is why it was so easy for*Officer Mohamed Noor to pull the trigger that night and kill Justine Damond in cold blood.

  2. #2
    F the camera, F the CIP while your at it to you loser.

  3. #3
    I love it how they asked the chief to resigned and now the mayor! Stop the police abuse

  4. #4
    This year at president Trumps inauguration for president the liberal snowflakes were screaming they didn't want police using body cameras or cameras of any kind to possible violate the liberals rights. However at the same time they wanted to use cameras to film the police actions and reactions to things. The same is true about the far left and free speech, as long as you are agreeing with them it's fine. But say something they don't like or do t agree with and they want to shut you done immediately. Do as I say not as I do.

  5. #5


    "...When police officers are sworn in as servants to our society, they take an oath to defend and serve their communities "without favor or ill will,"..."

    Really, this is your argument about Muslim's? Open your eyes so many corrupt here, I can't think of one of the corrupt that is Muslim. Spew your ignorance somewhere else.

  6. #6
    MPD will hire him : )

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    If you want to keep believing Chief Llanes BS excuse that his Patrol officers have and or are using body cameras go right ahead.

    Somali Cop Finally Emerges From His Hiding Hole With SICK Message For Americans Who Hate Him

    Over the weekend, a Somali Muslim cop was dispatched to the residence of*Minneapolis woman*Justine Damond who had placed a call for help after witnessing an assault in her neighborhood. But rather than helping Justine’s frantic help for assistance,*Officer Mohamed Noor removed his body cam, and shot the woman in cold blood from his patrol car window.*As angry Americans continue to demand answers and*Officer Mohamed Noor continues to refuse to answer investigators about what happened that night, the ****y Muslim cop has just emerged from hiding with a sickening message to for all Americans that will leave you furious.

    Muslim lover and flaming liberal Betsy Hodges is the mayor of Minneapolis, and was instrumental in getting Mohamed Noor a position on the police force from the beginning. Ever since her Muslim migrant cop killed a white woman, rather than reaching out to the grieving family, she's been out in force warning*Minnesota residents not to show any signs of "Islamophobia," where in a press release , Mayor Hodges told local Muslims*if they feel "discriminated against" to call her anti-blasphemy hotline and report the "bigotry."

    Having Hodges in his back pocket has no doubt led to Noor's ****iness even more, as he still refuses to cooperate with authorities as the massive Somali Muslim community in Minneapolis continues to*rally in support following*his murderous antics on an unnamed white woman. Now Noor is*pulling out the race card, and claiming the America's outrage*is all because of Americans' racism and bigotry towards Muslims!

    "He feels like he is being thrown under the bus and his colleagues are accusing him of not showing proper police conduct on Saturday night." a close friend relayed to The Daily Mail. "His feeling is ‘I am an immigrant, a Muslim and not white.'"

    Yeah America's hatred for this idiot has nothing to do with the fact that he gunned down an unarmed*white woman in cold blood, or the fact that this Sharia Law-following moron had numerous complaints filed in him in the past by white women. Back in May of this year, he roughhoused a white woman so badly, that she went on to sue him for the permanent injuries that he caused to her wrist and upper arm. Oh but we're the bigots? Give me a freaking break!

    It's amazing how Muslims will always play the race and Islamophobia card while making themselves out to be the freaking victims regardless of how heinous their crimes are. This is classic behavior that is taught*to them by their Muslim leadership, as using political correctness as a weapon is the basic tactic they employ for infiltrating our society. They understand all too well that if they can silence us out of fear of being labeled "bigots" and "racists" then they can pretty much do whatever the hell they want.

    It's truly amazing how a Muslim*was allowed to get a job as a police officer in the first place. When police officers are sworn in as servants to our society, they take an oath to defend and serve their communities "without favor or ill will," which directly conflicts with what their religion teaches. The Quran is very explicit in its teachings that Muslims are to kill the infidel, and show no mercy to those who are "non-believers." Here's a few goodies straight from the Quran that Muslims like Officer Mohamed Noor hold sacred:
    It's time to stop kidding ourselves. Muslims will never integrate into western civilization, and given the violent religion they*fervently*follow that's*based on the entire genocide of white people and non-believers, they have absolutely no business holding positions within our law enforcement or within*our government. Their decisions will always be made through the lens of Sharia Law,*which is why it was so easy for*Officer Mohamed Noor to pull the trigger that night and kill Justine Damond in cold blood.
    Stand down sailor that's an order!

  8. #8
    Cameras are the new thing for law enforcement. Not only body cameras, many police department are placing them in vehicles to view the officer as well as the one arrested. It used to be a officer word was good enough. Wow have times changed. My brother works for Cleveland P.D. almost all the cars are fitted with cameras. Body cams and car cams are really changing the way police used to operate. As much as we would like to thump a smart azz, those days are pretty
    much gone.

  9. #9
    And that's why we need cameras because people got tired of your bs lies. Llanes has to go.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    And that's why we need cameras because people got tired of your bs lies. Llanes has to go.
    Bîtch you need a camera. I dont amd i dont do anything illegal. Go eat a truck of dîcks

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