SPPD - Owned by Crime Lords
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  1. #1

    SPPD - Owned by Crime Lords

    How is it that criminals can parade around in stolen cars in broad day light without any consequences? They have no fear. I believe that a deal was struck with black criminals to commit burglaries and auto thefts outside of the city limits in return for a blind eye. That's the on.y thing that explains the lawlessness. Then VCTF comes in to give the appearance of toug on crime, but only so SPPD can say it's PCSO that are the heavy handed ones. I think your agency is owned by thugs and ran by misfits. Misfits who allow real crime to go unchecked because in exchange for nonfeisance. I mean the agency punishes active officers and frowns upon activity. It investigates everything as an IA, even the supervisors. It smells of white guilt and fake slavery reparations. Black power owns the PD. If you can call it a PD.

  2. #2
    I'm curious, what is your plan to stop the flaunting of stolen cars during daylight hours? They drive stupid when they see a police cruiser and throw caution to the wind and proceed to warp speed through traffic lights and signs during peak traffic hours.

    Purse them? Sure, but the police still have to follow the rules, they don't. The longer they are pursued the more dangerous they drive, putting the public at greater risk.

    As for the burglaries in and out of the city. On the city there have been multiple arrests, they go to JAC, and in most cases, released hours later. Outside city/county limits, what do you expect the city to do, enforce them too?

    As for VCTF, you said "your agency" which implies you don't work at this agency. But as an actual officer at this agency when the VCTF works there is a notibly less criminal presence the days they are working.

    So if you have a solution, by all means present one.

  3. #3
    I have a solution... Public Floggings, followed by prison...

  4. #4
    Lets see, you say dont chase them because they run and crime is lowered when VCTF is there. Your a libtard who thinks hugs for thugs works and it takes another agency to make your streets safer. What a thought, actually catch and arrest criminals. Too bad you are just a puppet for criminals.

  5. #5
    The problem is a constant and the solution is simple. The problem is our years old managerial mentality to avoid the next riot at all costs out of fear tat it will happen on their watch. It's far easier to collect the big check and advocate less enforcement through the various hug a thug programs like PWT or whatever name you put on it.

    The solution is simple. Put management in place who simply support us going out and doing our sworn job. Not beating people down or chasing cars at high speed through the streets. Enforce the laws starting with petty crimes and putting criminals in handcuffs. Even if the jail or JAC doesn't keep them hey still get the ride. The courts and Sheriff's let em walk policies are another problem beyond our control. Enforce and keep enforcing the little things until I leads to the big things.

    Everything else will follow.

  6. #6
    I would suggest implementing laws on the state level, that would hold parents of juveniles responsible. By allowing your child to stay outside past 8pm, and not knowing what they are up to, is the same as allowing your child to do whatever they went, up to, and including breaking laws. If a parent is responsible for child's formal education, I believe up to age 26 now, they should at least be accountable for their actions up to their 18th birthday. If you cannot handle a child, dont have any (I know, novel idea). By constantly allowing your offspring to run loose, and lawless around the city, and not being able to control them, it is not the law enforcement's responsibility to put them in check. It is child neglect, for which the parents should be held responsible for.

  7. #7
    The real problem is multiple babies and getting gov checks that equals a middle class job. Heard any politician address this?

  8. #8
    Give us what we want ir we riot, thats the concern. Thats sad. So law abuding citizens are held hostage by black lawlessness. Pathetic. Its almost as if SPPD brass and city staff have a vested interest in protecting black drug dealers, murderers, thieves and pimps. As if the citizens cone second. I dont see local blacks making legal cash that us pushed back into the city. Hell its really white homosexuals that are cleaning up the fifth avenue corridor. I dont see south siders living in the plush apartments downtown. Pretty sad. Like changing uniform colors and stripe patterns in cruisers had some magical effect.

  9. #9
    Maybe another perspective? We have been fighting crime, chasing cars, and trying every new LE tactic known in an attempt to gain compliance of the law. That goal is forever unattainable due to the destruction of a reasonable moral code with a particular culture. Maybe just do your job, receive good compensation, benefits, and don't get injured or killed while you do your time. It's reality, don't believe the hype of you fixing anything.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Maybe another perspective? We have been fighting crime, chasing cars, and trying every new LE tactic known in an attempt to gain compliance of the law. That goal is forever unattainable due to the destruction of a reasonable moral code with a particular culture. Maybe just do your job, receive good compensation, benefits, and don't get injured or killed while you do your time. It's reality, don't believe the hype of you fixing anything.
    I agree with all you say. What would be nice is if the City kicked the black thugs out of office and out of great paying city jobs and take the hand cuffs off the police. They won't because they are terrified of being on CNN about rioting in the streets. They will have to rename it civil unrest because they won't admit they had a major riot on their hands back in the day. So they cower in a corner and keep the black animals at bay. God forbid they admit they have a culture of drug dealing, baby making, daddy gone, thug life, drop out stupid ass animals in the South Side. None of the feel good bullshit does anything if you don't address the real problem. And the city ignores the real problem and distracts everyone with menial bullshit.

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