Starting the probation officer academy - Page 4
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  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I graduated 2 classes ago. You have to be able to run 2 miles in under 11:20, do 56 pushups in 2 minutes, 78 situps in 2 minutes, and you have to be able to do 8 pullups. This is for the men. I'm not sure about the requirements for females.

    Look at the promotional video and you will see some of the graduates. Do you really think that there is a requirement to run a 5-6 minute mile run. That is better than what FHP and most police agencies require, or even the military. Don't believe that much on here, no way that DOC requires you to run a 6 minute mile--

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Look at the promotional video and you will see some of the graduates. Do you really think that there is a requirement to run a 5-6 minute mile run. That is better than what FHP and most police agencies require, or even the military. Don't believe that much on here, no way that DOC requires you to run a 6 minute mile--

    You are correct. If that was a requirement, they would graduate maybe two people. 5-6 minute mile is really running fast and looking at some of the bodies coming out of the academies there is NO WAY they could run a 12 minute mile.

  3. #33
    I went to a POLICE academy which state probation was at the same academy in a different class room. I can tell you RIGHT NOW none of those fat lazy *******s could run even .5 miles!!! They thought they were hot $&@! Wearing those state probation jackets but they were to most horrible disturbing class I've ever seen! Bunch of a slobs and unprofessionals who wanna be cops! Loved seeing them get OC and cry like babies!

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I went to a POLICE academy which state probation was at the same academy in a different class room. I can tell you RIGHT NOW none of those fat lazy *******s could run even .5 miles!!! They thought they were hot $&@! Wearing those state probation jackets but they were to most horrible disturbing class I've ever seen! Bunch of a slobs and unprofessionals who wanna be cops! Loved seeing them get OC and cry like babies!

    Sure you did, and you are a cop who just comes on a probation/prison site to comment. So, when you get OC you just laugh it off? Your a fat wannabee who works in a probation office wishing he was on a SWAT team. You are fooling no one!

  5. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post

    Sure you did, and you are a cop who just comes on a probation/prison site to comment. So, when you get OC you just laugh it off? Your a fat wannabee who works in a probation office wishing he was on a SWAT team. You are fooling no one!
    He means Orange Crush! The soda! No one wants THAT KIND OF OC!!

  6. #36
    Junior Member LEO Affairs Recruit
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Question... Urgent

    I was wondering if there was a fitness test I'm required to pass in order to begin the correctional probation academy.. And if so what are the standards?

  7. #37
    Vertical Jump: 15 inches

    300 meter run: 70 seconds

    Pushups: 34 no time limit

    Situps: 28 in one minute

    Pullups: 6

    1.5 mile run: 12:35

    These are the minimum standards, Snowflake.

  8. #38
    Junior Member LEO Affairs Recruit
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    For Florida correctional probation?

    Those are the entrance standards??

  9. #39
    Junior Member LEO Affairs Recruit
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    I don't buy it

    Did you see that promo video?

  10. #40
    I guess I better start working out. That's a challenging test. I haven't done pull ups in years and I'm not sure how fast I can run 300 meters.

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