Who is training MDPD cops these days?
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  1. #1

    Who is training MDPD cops these days?

    MDPD PO arrives at scene and leaves car running. Vehicle is stolen and subject wrecks it almost killing a whole family. Who trained this PO and how did she get past riding assignment?


  2. #2

    The Midwest Disaster Team

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    MDPD PO arrives at scene and leaves car running. Vehicle is stolen and subject wrecks it almost killing a whole family. Who trained this PO and how did she get past riding assignment?


    Well first just look at the FTO's on days and afternoons complete 0's except for midnight guys they are great and hard workers even Frank well that's pushing it. Now let's look at the day shift especially thier fearless leader the famous Caquita yes MR Pant Cheater himself. What other idiotic things can not be expected out of what ever that guy touches or does, guy had a chase and didn't 07 then rolls over and then him and his misfits tazer the dazed and confused crash subjects cause they weren't talking back. Then the FTS LT, MR baldy tats himself you know the mommy Hero, the only guy who keeps getting booted from every position but never gets kicked out of the district. He needs to go, Carmensita can't stand him, she says he smells funny and has bad breath. Then we have the famous capitana MRs no panties picalargo herself, another reborn leader in this joke of administration. And Finally the weirdest most moodiest pain in the arse sukbut Major even to be given a promotion. Guy can't talk or write English, his chick writes his emails and he worries about the Gym and Bathroom habit more than about his officers and the important issues. Gets kicked out of the best mAjor's spot ever in training, not even the old panama connected major got booted after he was exposed. When Midget man Jr the New Narco Zar was here old man JA had it in for the parking issue I am sure that's soon to come. It's a seasonal thing with this Cat, sometimes I wonder about both of thier days in the bathroom showering next to each other. I wonder who was dropping the soap back then and who was picking it up. Little Addys better be careful with the Captain she's been known to Drane the power from cowards and super heros in the department with her witchcraft and Papaya juice.

    So you still wonder who's not training at MIdwest? Training pls, you can't train folks who know everything already from watching TV or hearing mommy, daddy, brother, or lover telling them what to do, say, and game play.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    MDPD PO arrives at scene and leaves car running. Vehicle is stolen and subject wrecks it almost killing a whole family. Who trained this PO and how did she get past riding assignment?

    FTOs with less than two years on who barely worked the road for a year. On top of that, they have already been kicked out of a hq unit for being a *****. That's whose training these rookies.

    Lack of leadership in this department.

  4. #4
    Send them to the Hammocks afternoon FTO squad where Simon Gil can teach them to run into burning houses only to need rescue for himself. Not due to smoke inhalation but due to being overweight and exhausted! Or he can teach them to milk calls all day, take the 39 run and get lost only to take a 12 right after. This is to blame the supervisors who do nothing so this work ethic is allowed and the good FTOs get shitted on! After clearing their phases the PPOs are lazy like their FTOs because they learned that this behavior is accepted. Why work hard when you can do the minimum and get away with it!
    And if you are a good FTO who aspires to go upstairs you can forget it since the GIU Lt says he's only taking GIU candidates from PSU. Ok let me give up my 5% FTO pay to go to PSU to increase my chances of going to GIU.
    Where did all those PPOs come from that went to PSU? Oh that's right, last month they were on Phase 4. They have no idea what they are doing and those are the next candidates for GIU!!!!


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