Lmao - Page 4
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Thread: Lmao

  1. #31
    Can you remember Morgan talking about Willie Small, Steve Stevens etc.. The good ole boy system. What in the hell do you call this?? You've got Hobbs who hasn't worked a straight 6 months on patrol his entire life and the you have a Jewelry store manager who has some issues with telling the truth. Not to mention his wife being the top Secretary in the building. Also not to mention that all three above have been top supporters since Thelbert ran in 08. When Anita got her position, it was advertised, but the decision had already been made to put her in that position before they even advertised it. I do believe Joan Clayton can attest to that one. Then her hubby is moved to investigation over and beyond all the other officers with more years on the road than David had in the jewelry business. Did the Smalls and the Stevens ever leave the building???? This just shows you the ego this man has and you all have to live with it. It's not going to matter to the general public. Either Thelbert has made his mind up he's not going to run again or he plainly sees the public doesn't care about what happens on the inside of the building which is my guess. I really do hate all this for the hard working men/women who deserve better and there's really nothing you can do to better the blow. Just go out, do your job and be safe in doing so. You have no choice but to recognize the rank that's been given to these useless ****s, but no one says you have to go beyond that at all. You can carry yourself in a professional manner and still let both of them know they're not deserving. You all be careful out there in this crazy ass world and hang in there. One day this admin' as you know it will no longer exist and all these kinds of promotions will be behind you. Then you can watch people like these two wondering the hallways looking for friends that they'll never have. God be with you.

  2. #32
    This is equivalent to welfare rank.

    Given to them without having to work for it, earn it, prove their merits for it.

    And the previous poster is correct, we will be forced to recognize the rank but we do not have to respect the men nor the man who handed it out so blindly.

  3. #33
    Neither Ingram nor Hobbs cares about having friends or if they deserved the promotions. That's not a concern either will ever have. Good luck on this sinking ship.

  4. #34
    I'm surprised Amber didn't get a badge, a picture and at least a Captain's position. They can fill out her paperwork for FDLE and get her certified, right?? Obviously the Sheriff can do anything he wants to and HR is good at placing people in positions that aren't posted.

  5. #35
    Speaking for us slick sleeve deputy's this is disheartening to see the real promotional process and work. With the pay here and having to support a family I do not make enough money to buy my rank. I also lack the ability to kiss A** . If I didn't currently need this job to support my family, I would tell you To your face Sheriff that I no longer respect you because you for some unknown reason chose to promote two worthless undeserving people. While knowing even a brand new Frank unit is better qualified than these boobs. That said being I don't meet your requirements to promote " money or a** kissing ability" I will not even try under this administration. If I by some chance I am still employed here in four years I will then try and promote. And to AH and DI you might have the title but you sure as hell don't have the respect that goes with it. Ever heard the phrase lead by example? You've set an example not many people can follow. It's takes a guttless coward with no self respect to pimp yourself out and exempt a position knowing you don't deserve it. and that there are so many others at this agency who have earned it. Deputys who promoted because they worked hard put the time in and did earn their respect. Oh rest assured if everyone at this agency wasn't worried about the backlash and their jobs you wouldn't have a line a mile long outside your office Sheriff of Deputy's and civilian employees waiting just to get a chance to tell you that you are a piece of Crap for making those useless people Majors. Also you should stop letting that useless piece of crap attorney who's last name is an alcoholic beverage tell you how to run the sheriff's office. We might be able to stop criminal then and put them somewhere they can't hurt our citizens.

  6. #36
    Thelbert you have pulled off the good old boy move of all time. Congratulations on lowering the morale even more.

  7. #37
    Didn't he hire a social media person? More salary dollars that won't go to the deputy's.

  8. #38
    Yes there's a new media person. Odds are she's related to someone or dresses like AS. After all providing the public information about dumb azz promotions of inept employees is more important than letting your employees know first. How many of you saw it on Facebook first? Just another way of disrespecting the minions. Also AS is much to busy chasing after AH to have to bother with Facebook posts so someone needed to pick up the slack.

  9. #39
    You know who is partially to blame? All you idiots who voted for Morgan because you said there was no one else that was gonna beat him so why bother. I'm glad I didn't. Then there all the guys who wanted to beat him but instead of Bandung together and on,y one running or someone running on the opposing party you all thought it was smart to run individually. That got us no where fast. So here we are. Two majors who are really captains but called majors. Yeah that makes sense. Major a&& kissing idiots is more accurate. So far AH is in charge of 1 person. That's probably all he can handle since he has zero supervisor experience or skills. Supervising Brian is pretty much not necessary so just what has AH done as a Sgt? Sheriff please tell us what he has done that you deem so great that he deserved this promotion? Any promotion? What about DI? What did he do? Neither one were good enough in their inowledge, decision making, interview, to even be a Lieutenant. Wait. You don't care about the minions or what they think. And you don't care that they did nothing but kiss your aZx to get this. As big as your head is getting we might need to call maintenance to get some bigger doorways .

  10. #40
    Ingram has already poked his chest out and asserted his authority. Please understand David that although you may have the rank you don't have any of the respect.

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