Captain JKS Appreciation Thread - Page 2
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  1. #11
    What horrible things??

  2. #12
    How about his everyday miserable demeanor or the fact he seems to go out of his way to make others unhappy. Just like Dipino.

  3. #13
    JKS has now forced the downtown walking beats to leave their cars and walk or ride bikes the entire shift? Wow, is this true? A little too controlling?

    If officers could just remember how awesome, productive and motivated JKS was when he was a patrol officer, maybe we could all rally behind him and march in unison.

  4. #14
    What? The downtown "walking beat" has to walk? You've got to be kidding? I can't believe what is happening with this department.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    What? The downtown "walking beat" has to walk? You've got to be kidding? I can't believe what is happening with this department.
    The issue is not that they have to "walk" limp nut. The issue is being controlled like children because "daddy and mommy" don't trust you to do your job. I know the walking beats already walked (some more than others) but being ordered to be without their patrol vehicles affects them writing reports, running subjects, backing up officers downtown when the other 10 units are getting raped by high call volumes and low man power. The point is that this is another show of power on JKS's part and a show of no confidence in officers on the road- A real morale booster.

  6. #16
    It's just a moronic decision all the way around. Their car is the walking beat officers office. They can cool off, access paperwork, get long guns if needed, etc. It would accomplish the same thing if it was said to just be out on foot or bike and not in the car except when to and from their zone. But cone on guys. This is SPD. Home of the worst chief in existence, bad morale, and stupid decisions. Did u expect anything less.

  7. #17
    Stiff does stuff just because he can. He and Dipino are exactly the same. Mean natured, spiteful, and closed minded. He was a crappy officer and is a worse supervisor.

  8. #18
    This is a guy who was never qualified to be in any specialty unit. He was never good enough to do anything but handle calls, eat cups of chili and cheese at 7 11, and find really, really, really good deals on marine radar units at the back door of a marine store in the wee hours of the morning. Now, he gets to be in charge of it all. So, he is going to ruin everything good about patrol, and each specialty unit under his command, all while PR and the chief sit on their thrones and enjoy the destruction of the department. He is hurting this agency and its people every chance he gets. Thank god he is a short timer at this point. You will not be missed.

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