Car One Response
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  1. #1

    Car One Response

    I have to say that the Sheriff did an outstanding job with his response to this media garbage about the sg10/drowning. How can you claim to be a reporter and not even read the report that PCSO provided to you. Great job and I would like to see more of that demeanor.

  2. #2
    Exactly, the drive by media is lazy and ineffective. They take sound bites, nothing more. The Sheriff might as well picked up the mic and dropped it after that push back. It was the most professional and eloquent manner he could have said go to hell you lying *******s.

  3. #3
    Excellent job Sheriff!!!!!! Finally someone who has the b*lls to call it how it is and stand up to this crap. Standing up for the troops and standing up against the liberal media with a stupid reporter that had not even read what was provided and tried to call him out anyway. She got put in her place good!!!!!

  4. #4
    If this one goes bad, it can a be a potential end to Gualtieri's political career. There is a lot of evidence and details which were not presented to the media but which will come out in the civil trial.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    If this one goes bad, it can a be a potential end to Gualtieri's political career. There is a lot of evidence and details which were not presented to the media but which will come out in the civil trial.
    I call complete bullsh*t on that statement. Give it a break you naysaying piece of dog crap. The guys on scene did it right and the Sheriff did it right. There ain't nothing more coming out other than the BS by some dumb bit*ch lawyer trying to get a payday for a piece of crap mother who let her derelict kid out night to steal cars. There won't be no civil trial or anything else cause all they got is a bunch of cheap talk. Least we forget through this is LEO Affairs where the complainers come to complain so why shud some azz like you say anything nice positive. The Sheriff was spot on and put that dumb bit*h reporter in the place she belongs. So why don't you STFU moron.

  6. #6
    Agreed. Nothing more will come out. The Deputies did everything by the book.

  7. #7
    Let's not forget that the guys on scene were under no obligation to even attempt a rescue. The tried because it was the right thing to do not because they had to. I'm not going into a damn swamp to rescue anyone who committed any type of crime.

  8. #8
    We got here because over the years, civil suits, have a cost analysis/worry of higher jury awards component that has created a just file suit, they will settle mentality among attorneys. Of course, the state of Florida has a max of 200,000 award, anything over that, requires the Legislature approval, when suing Govt agencies. One would think that a court would dismiss this lawsuit in two seconds, but that is much rarer now a days than it used to be. Even rarer than that, is attorneys being financially punished or sanctioned for filing unjust litigation.


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