Fading FAST - Page 2
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Thread: Fading FAST

  1. #11

    Treat others like you want to be treated

    Karma is a b!tch.............

  2. #12

    Hold up...

    So let me get this straight.. We are supposed to offer guidance to GROWN ass men that don't want guidance from us good cops anyways?? Listen, all those losers got to that point because they decided to follow people that they knew were bad aka bustass. Every new person knows that him along with his little crew are pieces of you know what. Everyone tells them or over hears people talking crap about them. So with that in mind, knowing and hearing stories about them not once but about several things you still decide to follow them aka couto and cal and the rest?? Yea ok, grown ass men with a badge and gun don't need advice. They just need to listen a little bit from good people and they will get it.

  3. #13

    Hey hey hey

    Na na na naaaa.. Na na na naaa.... Hey hey hey.... Goooooddd byeeeee...

  4. #14
    Yes yes yes!! Coming to work and doing the job I love is so great but now?!? I can't even express it! This is the best place now!! THANK GOD!!!!

  5. #15
    TRUMP .

    Lmao !!!

    Wait til Mayor JIMENES puts his **** up their asses and starts handing out PINK SLIPS LMAO !!!! 👍🏿 Because the doors here are closed and very secured there is no coming back ASS CLOWNS🖕🏽

  6. #16


    Test page test page test page test page 265784-03

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