Incompetent Sheriff - Page 8
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  1. #71
    Won't do favors. Sorry

  2. #72
    Member LEO Affairs Rookie
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    Mar 2015

    Exclamation Take your best shot

    I haven’t posted for a while because I’ve been reflecting on VMO 2016-365 reasons to vote out Morgan (McNesby). This is not what I want to be remembered for. Does Escambia County have a Morgan problem? Why, yes, it does. As a former resident and person who, now, questions calling Pensacola, “my hometown”, because of the state of affairs in the city, I should not be the one to save the soul of the city. The people, who make Pensacola fabulous, need to raise some hell.
    I am an educated, recognized blogger. My credentials consist of the Dean’s List throughout my Bachelor’s of Science program, working with criminologists, judges, authors and psychologists. I was privileged enough to be accepted into Vanderbilt University’s Master program that less than 100 people are currently in. I have letters of recommendations from people with alphabet soup behind their names and I have earned my stripes with colleagues who happen to be some of the most recognized in Pensacola. I bring legitimacy, education and sincerity to the table of everything I do. Yet Sir David would have you believed I could be reduced to a lone nut who has a grudge. There is no part of that statement that is accurate.

    13.1 % acceptance rating–that means over 86 % of applicants are accepted. So much for your lone nut theory Sir David.
    Also, please note, that I have no personal vendetta against Sir David, except for the trail of deaths and ruined lives he leaves in his wake. I said “leaves” because I am confident that Sir David will be run out on a rail or in jail by the first day of 2017. The people, upstanding and the outlaw element, have the same stories of what goes on in Pensacola. ALL THE STORIES ARE THE SAME, with respect to Sir David’s involvement. Favoritism, retaliatory behavior, abuse of power, manipulation of evidence, threats of all kinds, and failure to own up to his malfeasance as a leader. Each and every case that comes my way has these elements in it.
    Why do cases come my way and how many are we talking about? Failure to address the problem through procedural or regimental avenues have been ignored, minimized or thrown out because of the layers of corruption in the law enforcement community in Florida. Where do you go when the police are the bad guys? You come to people like me who will research and document things to bring some exposure to the case. There have been many overlapping cases. That being said, there is no exact number. I deal with roughly 20 people who have been detrimentally harmed by Sir David’s gang of injustice. That may not be a lot but even one is too much when you about how profoundly people have been affected by the rippling of misdeeds. People have died who should not have died because of Sir David. Marriages lost. Kids turning away from parents under false allegations. Property has been lost. People have been debased that had no malice against Sir David. Lives have been lost, earthly and publicly. That’s why I do what I do. I would venture to say 1000+ people have been affected, personally, in some way from aforementioned favoritism, retaliatory behavior, abuse of power, manipulation of evidence, threats of all kinds, and failure to own up to his malfeasance as a leader.

    That is my problem with Sir David and thugs. Haines likes to justify and make excuses but there is no excuse for being a sociopathic person. That is what Morgan is. The DSM IV (professional diagnostic standard; recognized universally) says sociopathy is described by just 3 of the following behaviors:

    1. Callous unconcern for the feelings of others.
    2. Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, and obligations.
    3. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships, though having no difficulty in establishing them..
    4. Very low tolerance to frustration, a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence.
    5. Incapacity to experience guilt or to profit from experience, particularly punishment.
    6. Markedly prone to blame others or to offer plausible rationalization for the behavior that has brought the person into conflict with society.

    Suffices to say, the 1000+ people negatively affected by Sir David Morgan’s actus reus (law term for behavior and intent to engage in a crime) qualifies him for the label of sociopathy. For those who might be interested in tactics in dealing with a sociopath, is a good reference.
    I pose this question to the people of Escambia County: Should your Sheriff be a sociopath?
    As for me, I will be focusing on the victims rather than Sir David and that is not to say that he is out of the crosshairs. He is the weakest link in the corrupt string of scum that are taking advantage of the community. And knowing the psychological profile of Sir David, he will try to save his own neck and roll over on Eddins and the money funding the corruption. You know the saying, “a chain is only as strong as its weakest link”? Well that link is corroding as we speak.
    Also just FYI, Morgan has an agenda to get re-elected and step down to put Eric Haines as the Sheriff. He’s doing this because Haines COULD NOT get elected himself. Morgan is looking for higher political aspirations, possibly guaranteed by powers that be in Pensacola. So know that if you vote Morgan, you will be getting Haines. He is a PCC graduate that has no effective law enforcement training, less leadership ability (if that is possible), and no charisma. He is the excuse guy who swoops in and tries to justify the most egregious of actions by the ECSO.

  3. #73

    Jimmie, I Don't Like You.

    I also don't like David Morgan. Let's talk about you though. That was a well written article and I agree with it. The problem that I have is that in most of your articles you refer to the Deputies as being bad people. You think because Johnson and Smith were bad apples, then the whole work force must be. That's generalization and bigotry at its finest. The vast majority of the Deputies at this agency are the finest. Excellent people who would do anything to help someone out. They do it with little pay, little gratitude and a lot of criticism from people like you who have no idea how to do what we do. I no longer work at the Sheriffs office but I know the people that do have courage and integrity.

    P.S. If you were at all credible you wouldn't have to give us your resume' before ranting. If you respond to this, please try to do so without name calling.

  4. #74

    Thumbs up Jimmie, your crazy is showing...

    I'm kind of surprised that you give the Commission and the topic of jail deaths a free pass. While you've been pondering your infinite reasons for hating Sheriff Morgan you've ignored the fact that jail management prior to and subsequent to Sheriff Morgan's oversight had a vastly higher rate of jail deaths. Any concern or compassion he might have had for inmates which translated to better and safer management of the jail doesn't fit well with your definition of him as a sociopath. Jails are great playgrounds for sociopaths to do harm after all. If you are going to leave the evolution of this community to those who reside here then what's the reason for your delayed action dissertation? How can we possibly move forward independently when you continue to assault us with your wisdom? The citizens of the county already spoke about the Billings case by finding the defendants guilty. In open court after the prosecution and defense both had their say. But you supposedly know better than the jury. And didn't you recently state that the verdict was about to be overturned? In what century will that happen? Your opinion carries no more weight than that of any other. Chalk me up as another person who believes that your rantings are that of a lone nut. Why not do as you say? You've left the community. You don't want to call it home. You want those who are here to chart the course for the future. Why not just drop it? Or do the voices that drive you insist on a multi generational assault on the unspeakable evil that resides in Escambia County? Jimmie, here's a tip that I've learned from life experience. There are good and bad people everywhere. Good and evil everywhere. And sometimes the greatest evil lies within the souls of those who profess most loudly that they are the source of knowledge and good. No reply necessary.

  5. #75
    Thank you for your comments Eric.

  6. #76
    Maybe eric and jimmie are one in the same. Could be eric playing both sides as usual

  7. #77
    Good point. I know from first hand knowledge that Eric will lie.

  8. #78
    Everyone knows he lies. And carries a serious grudge

  9. #79
    Member LEO Affairs Rookie
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    Mar 2015

    Anonymous posters

    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    I'm kind of surprised that you give the Commission and the topic of jail deaths a free pass. While you've been pondering your infinite reasons for hating Sheriff Morgan you've ignored the fact that jail management prior to and subsequent to Sheriff Morgan's oversight had a vastly higher rate of jail deaths. Any concern or compassion he might have had for inmates which translated to better and safer management of the jail doesn't fit well with your definition of him as a sociopath. Jails are great playgrounds for sociopaths to do harm after all. If you are going to leave the evolution of this community to those who reside here then what's the reason for your delayed action dissertation? How can we possibly move forward independently when you continue to assault us with your wisdom? The citizens of the county already spoke about the Billings case by finding the defendants guilty. In open court after the prosecution and defense both had their say. But you supposedly know better than the jury. And didn't you recently state that the verdict was about to be overturned? In what century will that happen? Your opinion carries no more weight than that of any other. Chalk me up as another person who believes that your rantings are that of a lone nut. Why not do as you say? You've left the community. You don't want to call it home. You want those who are here to chart the course for the future. Why not just drop it? Or do the voices that drive you insist on a multi generational assault on the unspeakable evil that resides in Escambia County? Jimmie, here's a tip that I've learned from life experience. There are good and bad people everywhere. Good and evil everywhere. And sometimes the greatest evil lies within the souls of those who profess most loudly that they are the source of knowledge and good. No reply necessary.

    Your opinions of me show your own ignorance. Nobody AGAIN will own up to stand behind their words like Chip DeBlock said, you are cowards who post without a name because you don't have a backbone. I stand behind my work and I speak to the things I know. I don't write about the jail because I don't know what happened there. I haven't had anyone ballsy enough to step up and say something.

    Also the real good deputies still there are probably the ones talking to me to try to do something to voice their grievances.

    As for the Billings case, the people of Escambia County were duped and there is a overturning that is going to happen very soon but that is one of the bigger cases that affected many more lives than the rest. The ripple effects and the lives that case has caused should concern everyone, because if you get on the wrong side of people in Pensacola, your ass might be next.

    But again, until you put up have the ability to stand up with your name attached to your words, you are just meaningless, miniscule people without the balls, hiding in closets like little *****es. When you can step out in the light, maybe you can be a factor in changing Pensacola.

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