Settlement in North Port Police K-9 bite lawsuit - Page 6
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  1. #51
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Moron, (remember...that's you) instead of nailing yourself up on "the good citizens of this town deserve better than this..." Cross, put your big boy pants on print the whistleblower statutes and go expose all of this corruption you go on and on about. It really is that simple. If you're not up for it or need some one to hold your hand you can take Sniffles with you.
    What? You got your whistleblower scenario shoved up your ass, and now you walk away. Let me correct that please.
    You slink away and refuse to respond.

    You committ and support nothing. You rant to others to take the initiative, yet you will not do such yourself.
    I believe the term That describes such is CHICKENSHIT.

  2. #52
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    What? You got your whistleblower scenario shoved up your ass, and now you walk away. Let me correct that please.
    You slink away and refuse to respond.

    You committ and support nothing. You rant to others to take the initiative, yet you will not do such yourself.
    I believe the term That describes such is CHICKENSHIT.
    I was just going to ignore you and agree to disagree on the god thing. Your lack of a formal education is getting the better of you. Your ignorance is a shining example of just what is wrong in the NPPD.. Imagine that, a Police Officer with no formal education, merely as you so proudly admit, only a GED, is even allowed to be a police officer.
    I will not stoop so low as name calling, sign of ignorance and verbal bullying. So I guess you get your jollies Baker acting people with probably far more education than yourself, at the lowest point of there life and here comes the bad ass with the badge. Off to the funny farm he says. Isn't that sad that the State of Florida allows you to even do this.
    You have the authority to take someones freedom away for 72 hours,( really just 24), just based upon your alleged observations, your demeanor and of course your education. So since you forced my hand, to answer your questions, yes I am actively pursuing change, what I am doing is none of your business and that's that. Secondly your Judges are god comments are totally unacceptable in a modern and educated world. Mere mortals, eat, breath and shit like everybody else. They make mistakes, get disciplined etc. Since when does a GED allow you to correct sentence structure and grammer????? PS whistle blowers in North Port get fired, !!!!!!!!
    So you might want to back track on your little statement. As for as droping ther mike comment. it was a little humour, but I see your not educated enough to appreciate it. This is my final statement to you grow up or get out, your headed for some very unhappy times, borderline delusional, angry and a wanna be tough guy. Don't we have enough of them already I guess I screwed up when I completed high school and college. I should have just finished 11th grade and I could be just like you !!!!

  3. #53
    Interesting...isn't my GED the same requirement as whatever your college BA is to enter the LE Academy????

    Also...terribly sorry for you Moron & Sniffles...I was at an unrelated to your NPPD Holiday party rant (I may have missed it...but did the City burn down while this party was happening? So why are you throwing a tantrum & acting like it did?) event & spoke with an elected City official and they said you should use the whistleblower act and...get this...all the nonsense you guys cry about is easily explained away to them by admin and outside of ANY viable proof of misconduct (remember Moron & Sniffles that's the whistleblower act...& a polygraph for you Stephanie...and NO they will not mandate that your "LIEutenant" take a polygraph...while we are in this topic......... Moron & Sniffles won't even touch your "LIEutenant" accusation because they are most likely his boys you really shouldn't be in their corner.......Stephanie - where are Moron & Sniffles rants about you allegedly being lied to by this man and the misconduct associated with such behavior???? See my point.....)

    So Moron & Sniffles continue to complain's, pensions, contracts, staffing, admin, burtality, corruption, the sky is falling, K9, NYPD, Civil Lawsuits, the PBA, the boy who cried wolf, City Hall, take home cars, the sky is calling again, taxpayer dollars & every other damn thing under the sun.......

    Meanwhile....the people in the canary yellow building....who are responsible for overseeing the "change" you want have become TONE DEAF to all the crying & carrying I said you discredited your own cause...... you should've planted your flag on the misconduct thing and provided proof....instead you are b*itching about EVERYTHING and they no longer give a damn........WAY TO GO GUYS!!!!!

  4. #54
    If this site is such a worthless endeavor to communicate problems in the department, why do you continually post here? I believe this is your third farewell speech.
    So when in god's name are you leaving?

  5. #55
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Interesting...isn't my GED the same requirement as whatever your college BA is to enter the LE Academy????

    Also...terribly sorry for you Moron & Sniffles...I was at an unrelated to your NPPD Holiday party rant (I may have missed it...but did the City burn down while this party was happening? So why are you throwing a tantrum & acting like it did?) event & spoke with an elected City official and they said you should use the whistleblower act and...get this...all the nonsense you guys cry about is easily explained away to them by admin and outside of ANY viable proof of misconduct (remember Moron & Sniffles that's the whistleblower act...& a polygraph for you Stephanie...and NO they will not mandate that your "LIEutenant" take a polygraph...while we are in this topic......... Moron & Sniffles won't even touch your "LIEutenant" accusation because they are most likely his boys you really shouldn't be in their corner.......Stephanie - where are Moron & Sniffles rants about you allegedly being lied to by this man and the misconduct associated with such behavior???? See my point.....)

    So Moron & Sniffles continue to complain's, pensions, contracts, staffing, admin, burtality, corruption, the sky is falling, K9, NYPD, Civil Lawsuits, the PBA, the boy who cried wolf, City Hall, take home cars, the sky is calling again, taxpayer dollars & every other damn thing under the sun.......

    Meanwhile....the people in the canary yellow building....who are responsible for overseeing the "change" you want have become TONE DEAF to all the crying & carrying I said you discredited your own cause...... you should've planted your flag on the misconduct thing and provided proof....instead you are b*itching about EVERYTHING and they no longer give a damn........WAY TO GO GUYS!!!!!
    You just made the point, they don't give a shit anymore. Although I would like to take the full credit of all your so called rants, it appears I am not the only one who outs just what is going on here. Maybe it will just, as you say, fall on deaf ears or then again maybe it will not. Election year is upon us, I know that at least two potential candidates follow this site, so lets see if they give a shit. The people in the yellow bldg can just go about there business, continuing what they fail to do. There is no discredit in the truth, No one has ever challenged any post in regards to what is transpiring within the NPPD. If your GED gets you by that fine, also to let you know I am working on my BA, not quite there yet. But I do thank you for your thoughtful synopsis of what has been posted here, a quick recap always helps the people remember the little things, so when something major occurs again and it always does, it will confirm the pattern of stupidity that transpires here daily.

  6. #56
    When all else fails, attack the messenger not the message.

  7. #57
    FBXL5: Never said farewell...&this site COULD be worthwhile to communicate problems....but not each and every single little thing man. Here's my example...are you guys after Admin for using off duty gas within the City limits at a Christmas party........... or are you after Admin for misconduct? I can't tell but I know one is perfectly legal...while the other is not.....

    Hypothetical: All of the City Commissioners look at this site to find a reason to call admin in on the carpet. Which one of all the LITTLE tiny complaints are they going to want an explanation for? We all know they're not interested in these things.

    Now from what I remember the consultants came in and left their original report with admin. Admin made 'allegedly' self-serving changes to said report and the proffered such report as fair and impartial
    To the Commision. Why wouldn't ALL the posters efforts focused on that allegation. What if the original report and the changed report were posted for ALL to see? You can now see by doing it that way you would gain the most traction and probably on one of the bigger issues.

    Officer 1 and Officer 2 (I called you guys moron & sniffles because I was PISSED) I am sorry and I apologise. Good luck with your BA. But I do hope you guys can see that your efforts are better served by leveraging this big issues, at least if it's change you are after.

  8. #58
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Captain
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    Mar 2014
    I think this forum is a great outlet for officers and the public to vent. I agree some topics are less gripping than others but I think all issues should be put on the table. If for no other reason, it gets it off someone's chest. If they take the time and effort to post here, they are still passionate about the City and the force, and are trying to shake up some attention and get needed change. I worry more about those that are so over it they gave up trying or caring.. In the end, the big issues needing reform are evident from this forum, from the lawsuits, and yes, those are the issues that should be leveraged to effect positive change.

    I also think Admin could serve themselves well by signing in with Names and Ranks. Yep, some "guests" are going to take pot shots at you.. but they are already. However, if you take the time and effort to hear them.. really listen to them.. maybe respond and try to address some of the concerns, we could actually work together to change things. There are a lot of readers here that Admin could score political points with if they simply stepped up here. Unfortunately, the Admin bad mouths the site.. we are all "disgruntled ex employees et al".. instead, Admin should be embracing the opportunity to discuss and problem solve together. I understand there is an open door policy to sit with the Chief and discuss but, no offense, we are past the lip service stage and officers are hesitant to speak freely for fear of retribution pattern that is prevalent in the City. I think stepping up and going on the record here publically will go miles in taking on the issues and turning things around. I don't need a perfect force. I need a PD that I can trust to accept responsibility and address the problems.

    It is way past time to RECOGNIZE, ADMIT and ADDRESS the issues. If that were done, then we improve the city and maybe start turning the morale and respect around in the PD.

  9. #59
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Captain
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    I will also say, if we can get past bashing each other and the discussions directed to the problems, then we will all be better off. When the "guests" start the infighting i tend to tune out.. i cant tell who is who and its easier to simply to tune in to a more constructive thread. I know it isn't easy and have lost my cool as well but if we could TRY not to, that will remove the ability for Admin to dismiss us all so easily.

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