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Thread: more to come

  1. #11

    Re: more to come

    Ok ill try to add to your enlightening post. First of all an officer being arrested is not public corruption. As for Arley Smith JH said he was being set up. After this is said, why continue an investigation when it is going no where. As for the DNA laced lpd boom boom room. It is not illegal to have sex at LPD. It is however stupid and against policy. The female in that investigation gave several stories. She is not a LEO. I hope this sheds some light. I was not personally involved in any of these cases however info does trickle down as you know. You still have not provided any public corruption examples. Maybe misbehavior or vioation of departmental policies but not corruption.

  2. #12

    Re: more to come

    Quote Originally Posted by mickey mouse
    Ok ill try to add to your enlightening post. First of all an officer being arrested is not public corruption. As for Arley Smith JH said he was being set up. After this is said, why continue an investigation when it is going no where. As for the DNA laced lpd boom boom room. It is not illegal to have sex at LPD. It is however stupid and against policy. The female in that investigation gave several stories. She is not a LEO. I hope this sheds some light. I was not personally involved in any of these cases however info does trickle down as you know. You still have not provided any public corruption examples. Maybe misbehavior or vioation of departmental policies but not corruption.
    Dozens of officers have been fired over the years - FACT. The politicians did nothing. I cannot take anything you say seriously MM especially after reading your comments posted on Jerry's Attack thread.

  3. #13

    Post Re: more to come

    LTJ...Leslie Todd Jones. What was it that ultimately pissed you off? Was it the time you burglarized a business and were stupid enough to call a cab as your getaway vehicle? Yeah you remember, when that cab was stopped on Parker St. and all the stolen property was in the trunk and in bags next to you in the back seat....Or was it the time you burglarized the paint store and fled, leaving your direction of travel in paint until Charlie's partner ate your ass for a midnight snack......or was it the time you fled from officers in a stolen vehicle and you got tazed....yeah we know, one probe met it's mark on your sack....good. So I was wondering exactly which incident was it that makes you an expert on corruption. Maybe it was your prison sentence....who knows. Nice to see you still seeth over what you believe were the wrongs done upon you by LPD. At least there one time....some form of justice in Polk County. What is even sweeter is that you still....years later, not only can not take responsibility for your actions, but that it so consumes you that you are compelled to follow Lakeland news and post your frivolous BS on a LEO only website. You and Melissa should consider becoming organ donors because you both are a waste of mediocre flesh.

  4. #14

    Re: more to come

    Quote Originally Posted by Mustafa
    LTJ...Leslie Todd Jones. What was it that ultimately pissed you off? Was it the time you burglarized a business and were stupid enough to call a cab as your getaway vehicle? Yeah you remember, when that cab was stopped on Parker St. and all the stolen property was in the trunk and in bags next to you in the back seat....Or was it the time you burglarized the paint store and fled, leaving your direction of travel in paint until Charlie's partner ate your ass for a midnight snack......or was it the time you fled from officers in a stolen vehicle and you got tazed....yeah we know, one probe met it's mark on your sack....good. So I was wondering exactly which incident was it that makes you an expert on corruption. Maybe it was your prison sentence....who knows. Nice to see you still seeth over what you believe were the wrongs done upon you by LPD. At least there one time....some form of justice in Polk County. What is even sweeter is that you still....years later, not only can not take responsibility for your actions, but that it so consumes you that you are compelled to follow Lakeland news and post your frivolous BS on a LEO only website. You and Melissa should consider becoming organ donors because you both are a waste of mediocre flesh.
    Jokestaffa! How you been bro? Still hiding behind your lion king screen name I see. My life is great and I've never broken the law again AFTER BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE for my crimes committed in Polk County. I learned my lesson and paid my dues. Those petty felonies which still seem to fascinate you PALE in comparison to the criminal culture that exists in Polk County law enforcement. Yep - you folks just can't seem to change your corrupt ways. I don't follow the news in Polk - I caught the latest LPD scandal about a year ago on national news and in one of my favorite NY newspapers. Now that it is confirmed that the Lakeland Police Department is the laughing stock of the world and everything I said about it TEN years ago is true - man up and accept it. Quit blaming others for your deplorable and egregious behavior. Quit harming women and 12 year old girls. I do hope showboat Shady J lawyers up well because Jose Baez is going to eat his lunch. So don't worry about ANYONE from the PCSO taking over LPD because Shady blew that option. And you can't promote from within because the entire department is accountable for years of criminal behavior and everyone knows it. You all knew it and did nothing about it. Bigger problems are still to come and I'll be down there in May to testify against DA JH and his drunken bunch of perverts. I can assure you that the lawyers from South Florida will open up a can of worms that Polk law enforcement is going to regret. Grow up man and quit sweating me. Your making the good cops look bad with your childish rants. I won't respond to you again. I could have used GUEST to post on here and hide but I'm not a *****. Use your real name next time or STFU.

  5. #15

    Re: more to come

    Sorry Leslie Todd Jones.....sorry if you interpreted my post as requiring or attempting to elicit a response from you. I simply dropped by to reveal to those who may not know who you are, that they are conversing with a convicted felon on a LEO forum site. Your explanations about your criminal career and your opinions about LPD matter not to me and I will not engage in your prison yard "call outs."

  6. #16

    Re: more to come

    Thank you mustafa. I forgot about bubbas girl LTJ. What he fails to realize is that LPD never filed charges againsy him. LPD is just the report taker as the SAO actually charges the criminal. LTJ please take your excuses and convicted felon life somewhere else. To this date you have still not gave an example of any corruption. If you are referring to policy violations as corruption then I predict every agancy will always be corrupt. There, you win. Maybe you should go to the academy and join us. You obviously know how to commit crime you just dobt know how to get away with it. Good luck to you LTJ, youll need it.

  7. #17

    Re: more to come

    Looks like I struck a nerve.....

    More of the same LTJ....BS. I love it....petty felonies. Kind of like misdemeanor murder right? Makes a lot of sense.

    A serious crime, characterized under federal law and many state statutes as any offense punishable by death or imprisonment in excess of one year.

    The self-righteous felon is gonna break the case wide open and TESTIFY against this guy or that. Kind of like an old Scooby Doo episode, except in this one, our hero never shows up with anything of substance. Scooby, lemme get this straight....people in the most corrupt county in Florida who won't accept the testimony of seasoned officers whom have given their all to protect that citizenry, wait on the edge of their seats to see what spectacular BS a convicted felon has to reveal to us all. I for one know this isn't the first time you have claimed contact with, let's see....FBI, FDLE, US DOJ, Secret Service, or US Navy SEAL Team 6 to convince forum readers that both of your nuts still function properly. Spare us. I may run for State Senate just so I can help pass a statute prohibiting Aggravated Douche Baggery.....plea out to No Bill Hill ahead of time and save yourself the hassle, because I'm sure it'll rank as just another one of those "petty" felonies.

  8. #18

    Re: more to come

    :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
    Quote Originally Posted by LTJ
    Quote Originally Posted by Mustafa
    LTJ...Leslie Todd Jones. What was it that ultimately pissed you off? Was it the time you burglarized a business and were stupid enough to call a cab as your getaway vehicle? Yeah you remember, when that cab was stopped on Parker St. and all the stolen property was in the trunk and in bags next to you in the back seat....Or was it the time you burglarized the paint store and fled, leaving your direction of travel in paint until Charlie's partner ate your ass for a midnight snack......or was it the time you fled from officers in a stolen vehicle and you got tazed....yeah we know, one probe met it's mark on your sack....good. So I was wondering exactly which incident was it that makes you an expert on corruption. Maybe it was your prison sentence....who knows. Nice to see you still seeth over what you believe were the wrongs done upon you by LPD. At least there one time....some form of justice in Polk County. What is even sweeter is that you still....years later, not only can not take responsibility for your actions, but that it so consumes you that you are compelled to follow Lakeland news and post your frivolous BS on a LEO only website. You and Melissa should consider becoming organ donors because you both are a waste of mediocre flesh.
    Jokestaffa! How you been bro? Still hiding behind your lion king screen name I see. My life is great and I've never broken the law again AFTER BEING HELD ACCOUNTABLE for my crimes committed in Polk County. I learned my lesson and paid my dues. Those petty felonies which still seem to fascinate you PALE in comparison to the criminal culture that exists in Polk County law enforcement. Yep - you folks just can't seem to change your corrupt ways. I don't follow the news in Polk - I caught the latest LPD scandal about a year ago on national news and in one of my favorite NY newspapers. Now that it is confirmed that the Lakeland Police Department is the laughing stock of the world and everything I said about it TEN years ago is true - man up and accept it. Quit blaming others for your deplorable and egregious behavior. Quit harming women and 12 year old girls. I do hope showboat Shady J lawyers up well because Jose Baez is going to eat his lunch. So don't worry about ANYONE from the PCSO taking over LPD because Shady blew that option. And you can't promote from within because the entire department is accountable for years of criminal behavior and everyone knows it. You all knew it and did nothing about it. Bigger problems are still to come and I'll be down there in May to testify against DA JH and his drunken bunch of perverts. I can assure you that the lawyers from South Florida will open up a can of worms that Polk law enforcement is going to regret. Grow up man and quit sweating me. Your making the good cops look bad with your childish rants. I won't respond to you again. I could have used GUEST to post on here and hide but I'm not a *****. Use your real name next time or STFU.

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