Internal investigations - Page 4
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  1. #31

    Re: Internal investigations

    So the only way to get anyone to be your friend is to buy them? Buy some for your daughter too? Don't friend's just come naturally? Wow. That IP address now has motive written all over it. Keep writing...some lawyer is going to have a field day with your postings and your mugshot on the internet. Can your daughter take your jail records for show and tell? So proud, so proud.

  2. #32

    Re: Internal investigations

    Quote Originally Posted by Susie's Mom
    So the only way to get anyone to be your friend is to buy them? Buy some for your daughter too? Don't friend's just come naturally? Wow. That IP address now has motive written all over it. Keep writing...some lawyer is going to have a field day with your postings and your mugshot on the internet. Can your daughter take your jail records for show and tell? So proud, so proud.
    Yes, friends do come naturally. That's why telling a child that they cannot play with thier friend because of your preconceived notions about something her father may or may not have done (short of child abuse) is so pathetic. Especially if the poor father was one of Clearwater Police Lt. Rick Crean's false arrest victims. But posts like yours sure will increase the value of those two husband's and that one database victims lawsuits.

  3. #33

    Re: Internal investigations

    The funny thing is there are only about five total people commenting on the thread. It's pretty sad that they pretend they are LEOs or citizens without criminal histories.

  4. #34

    Re: Internal investigations

    Not quite true. I am an LEO. For more than 20 years. And I think the LT is screwed. Sorry but that's just the truth of it. He arranged to have the husbands of two woman he was having an affair with arrested. Both with false PC. One because he may have "driven through the city limits ??!!??" The SAO dropped the charges almost immediately after seeing the texts and video evidence. How can we as cops continue to support this guy. All of the texts and the video will be public record soon. The PD needs to cut him loose and move on. And now there's a second founded IA investigation opened. Wow !!

  5. #35

    Re: Internal investigations

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Not quite true. I am an LEO. For more than 20 years. And I think the LT is screwed. Sorry but that's just the truth of it. He arranged to have the husbands of two woman he was having an affair with arrested. Both with false PC. One because he may have "driven through the city limits ??!!??" The SAO dropped the charges almost immediately after seeing the texts and video evidence. How can we as cops continue to support this guy. All of the texts and the video will be public record soon. The PD needs to cut him loose and move on. And now there's a second founded IA investigation opened. Wow !!
    And that's not all. Pasco is now re-opening the investigation into the shooting too based on flak they got from this story. Everyone wanted to know why PASCO didn't chase down where Crean's SUV was the night of the shooting or why they didn't check his cell phone records or supposedly never contacted CPD with an officer involved shooting report. Some are saying it is based on Laura McLynas' relationship with yet ANOTHER cop, a pasco county deputy, during this same period she was invovled with Pinellas County Deputy Paul Martin and Crean. Wouldn't that be funny if this woman pulled strings with one Pasco cop she was banging to get an investigation quashed for Crean? lol It just keeps getting deeper and we are nowhere near the bottom of it yet.

  6. #36

    Post Re: Internal investigations

    I have a question. I can prove HIPPA violations, police misconduct, conspriacy, ect. However, the department is telling us to ask for an internal investigation. Who does the investigation?? The ones who committed the above crimes????

  7. #37

    Re: Internal investigations

    Relax Calabrese you were not fired for a medical problem.....

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