x50: Dep. Jeff Harris v. David Allen - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: x50: Dep. Jeff Harris v. David Allen

    I looked up this person, whom thinks deputies work for him and I can only find one David Allen that received a UTC in 2013 and that was from a traffic unit. He apparently continues to write the county commission like they have a say in the deputies actions.

    Dear (Mr Allen) please scan and give us your copy since you feel deputies work for you and not The Sheriff, Not to mention signatures on tickets are not required unless criminal or summons. They are printed from a copier in the car as a requirement from the State of Florida.

    As for agency Sarasota Sheriff's Office. Note it is not a county department but an Office of the Sheriff. Try complaining to to the correct entity. We could care less if you won or lost your ticket. The Sheriffs Office is one of the most respected and modern in Florida. 67 counties if you didn't know. I bet you'll stop for that stop sign now. :shock: good luck on your third rebuttle. :devil:

  2. #12

    Re: x50: Dep. Jeff Harris v. David Allen

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Just Harris is not the problem, he is just a symptom of the problem and the problem is Tom Knight's orders to write X number of tickets. That's the problem. Prior to Knight's arrival, we didn't have an order to write X number of tickets, so nobody felt compelled to write bullshit tickets for minor violations. We now have deputies writing more bullshit tickets than in the history of the agency. And it's all cause of Tom Knight.

    There is also a difference between breaking the spirit of the law, and breaking the letter of the law. It's true that David may have broken the letter of the law. Did David break the spirit of the law? What do I mean by that? There was one officer who told a citizen that he needed to be able to count the Lugnuts on his wheel when he came to a stop sign. That's the letter of law. If we want to get technical, then the letter of the law can also be used against us in citizen complaints against us. We have to use common sense in this stuff. But when Tom Knight orders X number of tickets to be written, then it causes Junior deputies to write bullshit tickets for bullshit violations that should not be written.

    Tom Knight used the letter of the law when he hammered Olree for showing up late to that meeting, but Tom night ignored the spirit of the law when he refused to investigate Locke for pedophilia. Again, commonsense has to be used. The whole department is upside down and bass backwards.

    In the old days, if you did the right thing, then you were pretty much safe. But today, there are no guarantees. Everything is bass backwards.
    This rant isn't about Jeff Harris. He's ok.

    You can rest assured that prior to Knight's arrival, deputies did NOT have ticket contests to see who could write the most tickets. However, after Knight's arrival, the lieutenants wanted to know how many tickets the sergeants squads were writing, so the sergeants encouraged the deputies to write more tickets. The lieutenants even wanted the sergeants to write more tickets instead of just supervising. The point is that "ticket madness" took over the entire department after Knight came onboard with his informal ticket quotas (or contacts or standards or whatever politically correct buzzword you want to use). In the old days, if we wrote a ticket, it was high quality (usually), but now with Knight's implemented "ticket madness," we write way too many BS tickets to please the higher ups. BS tickets will cause the citizenry to hate us because citizens are not stupid (most are not dumb).

    Knight is toast. This is his last term. Hopefully the Sarasota GOP isn't going to try cramming Kurt Hoffman down our throats because two Knightmarish terms has been ENOUGH!

    Knight has also become a recluse, due to the stress of the job (he can't handle it).

  3. #13

    Re: x50: Dep. Jeff Harris v. David Allen

    Oh god it's the idiot on the tom knight anti crusade. Go away troll

  4. #14

    Re: x50: Dep. Jeff Harris v. David Allen

    Some of the second floor supports Tom Knight. But certainly not all. Ron Locke is a Tom Knight supporter. OMG :?

  5. #15

    Re: x50: Dep. Jeff Harris v. David Allen

    Yes, the guy that Jeff wrote a ticket to is probably a little bit signal 20. However, in the grand scheme of things, Jeff also probably should not have written the ticket to begin with. He will learn. Just give him time.

  6. #16

    Re: x50: Dep. Jeff Harris v. David Allen

    To the old jailer and the moron who is babbling about a cop writing a UFC for a traffic infraction.

    1st News flash jailer your entire laughing squad had to of been laughing after feeding time or getting ready for church for your inmates not a mentally challenging job but yes I'll give you do run your butt off. Yes I've done your job on a county and state level. So don't start telling me about not having tools on my belt. Been there and done pre trial detainee and convicts all the way to close management behind the prison gates. The guy has never worked in jail and doesn't know the ropes. Instead of trashing the guy how about just being a brother officer and hang with the guy. He investigates and arrest them. He does not baby sit them and does know the ins and outs of a jail.

    2nd To the idiot road deputy that dictates apparently what each of us can write. yeah he is a bit over zealous but who cares. get off your soap box and stop trashing a guy that actually works for a living. I've never not herd the guy hide from a call or fail to back up a brother. In fact the guy is so nice I've seen him do stuff for others on his days off. So do me a favor and suk it :roll:

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