Job Security
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Thread: Job Security

  1. #1

    Job Security

    If the trends in the corporate model is any indication of the future, how far behind do you think we are? Could we see a lot of people being reduced to part time? Further downsizing coming? Could the County and the State dump all of us on the Obama exchanges to save money? The state is already trying to do the 401k instead of retirement. Not that we can do a lot about it, but we should at least be looking toward the future and getting these political reps on the record now, before we are asked to vote for them..

  2. #2

    Re: Job Security

    Quote Originally Posted by Ceo
    If the trends in the corporate model is any indication of the future, how far behind do you think we are? Could we see a lot of people being reduced to part time? Further downsizing coming? Could the County and the State dump all of us on the Obama exchanges to save money? The state is already trying to do the 401k instead of retirement. Not that we can do a lot about it, but we should at least be looking toward the future and getting these political reps on the record now, before we are asked to vote for them..
    Idiot cause we are not even on the county insurance you are just stirring stuff up so STFU. Our insurance is PCSO and sheriff is the only one who decides what insurance we get or keep. PT yea, who is going to take calls. Put all deps on PT. What a jerk.

  3. #3

    Re: Job Security

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Ceo
    If the trends in the corporate model is any indication of the future, how far behind do you think we are? Could we see a lot of people being reduced to part time? Further downsizing coming? Could the County and the State dump all of us on the Obama exchanges to save money? The state is already trying to do the 401k instead of retirement. Not that we can do a lot about it, but we should at least be looking toward the future and getting these political reps on the record now, before we are asked to vote for them..
    Idiot cause we are not even on the county insurance you are just stirring stuff up so STFU. Our insurance is PCSO and sheriff is the only one who decides what insurance we get or keep. PT yea, who is going to take calls. Put all deps on PT. What a jerk.
    Doesn't matter where the Ins. is coming from. Truth is. our rates are going to explode so obummer the caught in his lies comm organizer can keep his signature legislation - to destroy the country - make all of us poor and it takes taxes to keep obummercare afloat. Where do you think that's coming from? US. He and his minnions are on a mission. The complete morons that supposidly voted for him (widespread fraud excluded) are getting what they voted for. As his racist preacher stated the chickens have come home to rooste. We be da chickens. Just wait.

  4. #4

    Re: Job Security

    The sheriff has complete control and discretion over our insurance. Think about that.

    The state is in charge of the FRS. Anyone who reads anything other than sports and Hollywood gossip knows that the national trend is towards 401k type plans and away from traditional pensions. Enjoy the pension plan while it lasts but prepare for the day when it will no longer be available, replaced by the investment plan.

  5. #5

    Re: Job Security

    Apparently some people think we are safe, if these cities and counties start dumping their people on the Obama Exchanges to save money, then our coverage will explode and no longer be advantageous without severe changes. Don't be so sure that what we got now wont be adversely effected. Your naive to think otherwise. Just like the state changed the retirement formula, things you have today could change overnight.


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