Family Of Man Shot 16 Times By Miami Beach, Hialeah Cops Says He Was Executed ... -executed/

On Tuesday the family of Raymond Herisse announced the filing of a lawsuit against the Miami Beach and Hialeah Police Departments. In the suit the family claims that Herisse was executed by members of the departments when they shot him 16 times when officers fired at least 116 rounds at his vehicle at the 2011 Miami Beach Urban Beach Weekend. For up-to-date news accounts of this story, photos and to post a comment, please access the links below:

So..... lil'Ray was a sweet lil' boy........... ? HE WAS A ****ING ANIMAL
ask the guy he shot in the face AFTER he gave is wallet to him after sweet lil' ray robbed him at gun point.
GLAD HE IS DEAD....... SO are hundreds of families that were victims of the ANIMAL known as "Raymond Herisse"
One thing is for sure...... I bet his animal like crime spree lifestyle is over, no more innocent families will be victimized by him.
savage animal.
burn in hell Herisse you evil animal!
We should charge your family for the cost of the ammunition used that night.