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Thread: Joining FHP

  1. #11

    Re: Joining FHP

    This job is what you make of it. Obviously there are a lot of disgruntled people that flock to this website. As long as you go into this agency with a few things in mind, you will be prepared. Those few things consist of knowing you will not be making a lot of money, knowing you will primarily be working traffic related offenses/incidents, and knowing it is what you make it to be.

    You will have your fair share of traffic crashes during rush hours, but you do not only work rush hours. You will have your early morning, evening, and weekend times to go make the best of it. We have state wide jurisdiction. Go get off the interstate and screw around in the city/county and make the best of it.

    Everyone says we just work traffic. Yes, most of the time we do. But, at the same time, you would be amazed of what you will come across based off of a simple traffic stop. Those that say that is not true are the same ones who are too lazy to actually arrest someone and go through the process like it's actually difficult.

    Unfortunately, many Troopers are set on their ways. Their way is being lazy, getting their contacts, and going home. Yes, you can do that too. But at the same time you can go beyond that and look further then the fact that their tag is current and their license is valid.

    This job is up to you. If you go above and beyond you will be looked down upon at first. The only reason for that is because you will make the guys who do nothing actually maybe feel guilty or look like the slugs they are. That goes away in time and everyone accepts you for being you.

    I have no doubt in my mind that I will get blasted for my post. It's ok! I knew what I was going into before I started and I still stand by what I do today.

    You always have the option to supplement your income through off duty details and hireback. Can you make more with the Sheriff's Office and local P.D.? Absolutely. Hell, you can make a lot more. But what it comes down to is what you only have the option of once, and that's quality of life.

    No, I am not a background investigator or recruiter. I am a Trooper that still loves what I do. Use discretion when it comes to this website.

    Good luck in what you decide to do.

    King Kong, out.

  2. #12

    Re: Joining FHP

    Also consider that we have not had a pay raise since 2008, and every year that you work for FHP your standard of living will decrease due to price inflation and no cost of living adjustments. Additionally our Gov. and legislature are constantly looking for more schemes to extract money from our paychecks and use it for their pet projects.

  3. #13

    Re: Joining FHP

    "The job is what you make of it"

    That is the line people use to make a crap job sound better and place the blame on the workers. The truth is FHP sucks! Hundreds of people have left because of that. Low pay is not the only reason people leave. You also have horrible bosses, no option to do anything but traffic, poor equipment, lack of manpower, horrible shifts, and the list goes on. Over half of my academy class is gone, that speaks volumes!

  4. #14

    Re: Joining FHP

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    "The job is what you make of it"

    That is the line people use to make a crap job sound better and place the blame on the workers. The truth is FHP sucks! Hundreds of people have left because of that. Low pay is not the only reason people leave. You also have horrible bosses, no option to do anything but traffic, poor equipment, lack of manpower, horrible shifts, and the list goes on. Over half of my academy class is gone, that speaks volumes!
    agreed. More than half my class is gone.

  5. #15

    Re: Joining FHP

    Quote Originally Posted by King Kong
    This job is what you make of it. Obviously there are a lot of disgruntled people that flock to this website. As long as you go into this agency with a few things in mind, you will be prepared. Those few things consist of knowing you will not be making a lot of money, knowing you will primarily be working traffic related offenses/incidents, and knowing it is what you make it to be.

    You will have your fair share of traffic crashes during rush hours, but you do not only work rush hours. You will have your early morning, evening, and weekend times to go make the best of it. We have state wide jurisdiction. Go get off the interstate and screw around in the city/county and make the best of it.

    Everyone says we just work traffic. Yes, most of the time we do. But, at the same time, you would be amazed of what you will come across based off of a simple traffic stop. Those that say that is not true are the same ones who are too lazy to actually arrest someone and go through the process like it's actually difficult.

    Unfortunately, many Troopers are set on their ways. Their way is being lazy, getting their contacts, and going home. Yes, you can do that too. But at the same time you can go beyond that and look further then the fact that their tag is current and their license is valid.

    This job is up to you. If you go above and beyond you will be looked down upon at first. The only reason for that is because you will make the guys who do nothing actually maybe feel guilty or look like the slugs they are. That goes away in time and everyone accepts you for being you.

    I have no doubt in my mind that I will get blasted for my post. It's ok! I knew what I was going into before I started and I still stand by what I do today.

    You always have the option to supplement your income through off duty details and hireback. Can you make more with the Sheriff's Office and local P.D.? Absolutely. Hell, you can make a lot more. But what it comes down to is what you only have the option of once, and that's quality of life.

    No, I am not a background investigator or recruiter. I am a Trooper that still loves what I do. Use discretion when it comes to this website.

    Good luck in what you decide to do.

    King Kong, out.
    Are you really saying you have "quality of life" with FHP? Everything else you said is pretty much spot on, but I take issue with that. For me, quality of life does not entail my life and my families well being revolving solely around how much OT I can get. Because without OT, military pension (BNT) or a spouse that takes up your slack (Nono) you can barely survive with a family without one of those three.

  6. #16
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Joining FHP

    King Kong, great info. Now, for the “GUEST” I had a job I hated, I stuck around till I retired, when I went the door, I was so far down the road, I don’t know if the door slammed, or not, much less if it made a sound.
    I want to do something fun for a change, I like doing traffic, I’m not willing to waste 2 or 3 more years hoping to get to do that. As I said before, MONEY is not in the equation. FHP would be a pay raise for me any way. My county has not given a pay raise in 5 years.

  7. #17

    Re: Joining FHP

    Quote Originally Posted by King Kong
    This job is what you make of it. Obviously there are a lot of disgruntled people that flock to this website. As long as you go into this agency with a few things in mind, you will be prepared. Those few things consist of knowing you will not be making a lot of money, knowing you will primarily be working traffic related offenses/incidents, and knowing it is what you make it to be.

    You will have your fair share of traffic crashes during rush hours, but you do not only work rush hours. You will have your early morning, evening, and weekend times to go make the best of it. We have state wide jurisdiction. Go get off the interstate and screw around in the city/county and make the best of it.

    Everyone says we just work traffic. Yes, most of the time we do. But, at the same time, you would be amazed of what you will come across based off of a simple traffic stop. Those that say that is not true are the same ones who are too lazy to actually arrest someone and go through the process like it's actually difficult.

    Unfortunately, many Troopers are set on their ways. Their way is being lazy, getting their contacts, and going home. Yes, you can do that too. But at the same time you can go beyond that and look further then the fact that their tag is current and their license is valid.

    This job is up to you. If you go above and beyond you will be looked down upon at first. The only reason for that is because you will make the guys who do nothing actually maybe feel guilty or look like the slugs they are. That goes away in time and everyone accepts you for being you.

    I have no doubt in my mind that I will get blasted for my post. It's ok! I knew what I was going into before I started and I still stand by what I do today.

    You always have the option to supplement your income through off duty details and hireback. Can you make more with the Sheriff's Office and local P.D.? Absolutely. Hell, you can make a lot more. But what it comes down to is what you only have the option of once, and that's quality of life.

    No, I am not a background investigator or recruiter. I am a Trooper that still loves what I do. Use discretion when it comes to this website.

    Good luck in what you decide to do.

    King Kong, out.
    I am going to point out a couple of things that you missed about FHP. The truth of the matter is FHP is a second rate law enforcement agency that barely provides a service to the citizens of the State of Florida. In most parts of this State FHP is nothing more then a subsidized traffic crash unit for the Sheriff's Offices. In the metro areas of South Florida, Orlando, Jacksonville and Tampa/St. Pete FHP is not much more then an after thought that cleans up and tows the cars away after they fill in the blanks on a report after a crash on the Interstate.

    The supervison is for the most part incompetent. Starting all the way at the top and working its way down to the first line supervision. There are not many who deserve to lead much more then a girl/boy scout troop, much less FHP troopers. The reason for this is simple. Most of the real talent that comes to FHP leaves within a few years and never promotes. Or if they are real leaders that for some reason stay it's probably because they are addicted to off-duty and once that takes hold they cannot afford to promote because they would be losing money and have to move somewhere else in the State, so they just sit and work off-duty never taking the test. So what you end up with are, for the most part, the losers who do not even belong in a uniform much less in one with stripes, bars or rank of any type. Once they get in their positions they spread their incompetence far and wide on everybody who dares get in their way. I's a total joke.

    Most of, 40% or more, of the troopers are either lazy or unemployable at any other job. 40% of the troopers are here because of the offduty that they are addicted to like crack cocaine. And 19% are stuck here because all the other agencies are not hiring. Then there is the 1%, like you Mr. King Kong, that are here because they have severe ego problems and base their entire persona on being a trooper with FHP. These are the ones who defend FHP because they still believe that FHP is going to get better or the more delusional ones actually believe that it is a great place to work. Your screen name says it all...

    This thread was started by a person who is interested in working at FHP. It sounds like he already had his mind made up and regardless of what anybody said he thinks FHP is a great place to work. Like many I am sure he is basing this off of the fantasy that many people have about state troopers. This fantasy does not exsist in the State of Florida anymore. 30 years ago troopers were real law men who patrolled the highways and knew their jobs. Today troopers are nothing more then glorified traffic crash aides that may get to write a few traffic tickets from time to time. Hell most large agencies have civilians doing what GHP troopers do. The pay sucks, the working conditions are from 1950 and the chance for ever doing anything beyond tickets and crashes is so remote that only the real connected ones ever get a chance.

    So come on down Mr. NC Deputy and get on with FHP! If you make it, which you probably will not, within the first week of getting out on the road you will be shaking your head and wondering why you did not listen to the people on this board who speak the truth. You will pull up to some minor crash somewhere and a deputy will be sitting there waiting for you. He will hand you all the licenses, registrations and insurance cards and look at you in your shiny black and tan and say something like "I to drank the kool-aid at one time" and then he will drive away laughing his ass off. Don't ask him what he makes because you may cry on your newly issued and pressed used uniform they just issued you at the academy that you were so proud to wear. After two years of this you will be looking for the exit to.

    And when people say hundreads have left FHP for other places they are mistake, the real number would be in then thousands, (over 1000 and maybe even close to 2000) literally! All kidding aside. For the last 25 or 30 years most FHP graduating classes lose over 50% of their graduates within 10 years to other agencies and careers. It's that bad and that should scream at you thatthere is a huge problem here and it goes way beyond the pay issue.

    So Mr. King Kong, keep burying your head in the sand and wearing your hat in the shower because you are part of the minority that keeps attracting more unsuspecting believers of the fantasy applying at FHP.

  8. #18

    Re: Joining FHP

    Please show support for this grassroots organization supporting the preservation of the 2nd amendment starting in Florida. Go to their page and "like"

    Thanks.!/F ... ForLiberty

  9. #19
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Joining FHP

    Two questions.....Do the Sheriff's Offices work any crashes in Florida? What is the current residency requirements for troopers?

    OK, a third, who on here works in recruiting? I don't think I ever had a good answer on that before.

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