No Good Bye
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Thread: No Good Bye

  1. #1

    No Good Bye

    Look no further than today's Sun-Sentinel to see the power of social media and it's influence on the job expectancy of a police administrator.

    The article at "Revenge" spells out the plan to defeat (lame duck) Sheriff *Lambertti which includes a strategy of attack on social media. The plan was thouht up by a democratic strategist the former sheriff Jenne, and an arch enemy of Lambertti.*

    Under the thread "Sovereignty & Civil Rights" pay * attention to the right of freedom of speech guaranteed under the first amendment and remember that those protections do not extend to Indian country; neither for Tribal or non-tribal members. *Do your business at home.

    Regarding the "Shouting Fire in a crowded movie theater" metaphor, Remember that as long as your speech does not hinder on the "Imminent lawless Action" test, meaning that your intent is not to incite a violation of the law that is both imminent and likely, you are free of both criminal and civil liability.*

    Keep in mind that you work for what amounts to a communist country. *Tyrants control what equates to the judicial, legislative, and executive branch of government. *There is absolutely no rights given to the employees or even to the tribal members.

    This is an extreme situation we face. Extreme situations call for extreme measures.

    I am proud to report that this movement has undoubtedly received the attention of the Command *Staff and as a result we have,

    1. Had our EDR privileges reinstated*
    2. A Hollywood Forum has been scheduled 2 weeks from today.*

    We have their attention. I told you when we started don't underestimate how powerful we are. *Don't be fooled or scared into believing that the full wealth and resources of the Tribe is going to come after you, it is not.*

    Think about the Chief going before the *council and legal and presenting the fact that he wanted to attempt to subpoena a website's information.

    First the negatively publicity would tarnish their image.

    Second the Chief would personally open himself up to a whistleblower law suite.*

    Third no federal judge will issue a subpoena for a violation of Department policy*

    And Finally and most importantly, they would ask the Chief, what the heck is going on at his Department. and why can't he control it. *It will appear that things are spiraling out of control *at SPD and they will at the minimum question his effectiveness as our chief. *

    For me and for now I am done, claiming a small victory. *From time to time I may pop in or may again unleash a full fledged campaign.

    Never stop fighting for what's right. Never give up. And just like the Seminole tribe of Florida, never surrender.

    Your Friend,


  2. #2

    Re: No Good Bye

    God post enjoyed it. We would like to see James Billie do an assessment on this dept. and order an employee survey. This guy hired some questionable people two from broward SO, two from Tampa etc..... He had no confidence in us. WE (90%) have no confidence on him. He was trying to make a case on James, but couldn't. Anyway this site has been good to law enforcement. We present facts and can back it up. Again good post, thanks.

  3. #3

    Re: No Good Bye

    Will tried to take care of our needs, but the indians won't give Us a raise thanks will for trying your are trying, please don't cry. We will take care of our families, don't remind us.


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