Hey since WS is blowing through money like he is visiting Vegas for the first time, it comes to mind that he may need to utilize the following:

1) The PINWHEEL sign that during the first election he made fun of so much. Since he is literally assuming the role of that candidate why not use it?

2) The BUCKET TRUCK should make its appearance soon. Only problem is that truck has a weight limitation and we are not sure that it is exceeded this time around.

3) Love the "Stability" comment in his advertisements. Yeah ninety plus employees that have left the agency really shows that.

4) It seems Mumbles has lost a tremendous amount of weight. As one observer stated it looks as if he is ill. Well perhaps all that stress knowing that he has made a genuine mistake at this point, along with the fact of being the one responsible when all of it comes crashing down. It may be very difficult to blame WS on all of it at the last minute. Have a feeling that Mumbles is in for a ride. Of course there is other speculation that Mumbles may have overstayed his presence among certain employees and perhaps has been sick.

5) Interesting how once again Super D and cronies seem to stay out of the limelight and not be visibly responsible for any of it.
:snicker: :snicker: :snicker: