losing our leave on 6-2013 ? - Page 3
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  1. #21

    Re: losing our leave on 6-2013 ?

    Northwest Florida Chapter

    Board Meeting
    Tuesday, July 24, 2012**
    7:00 p.m.

    Northwest Chapter PBA Office
    6706 N. 9th Ave., Bldg. D, Ste. 21, Pensacola

    Come see our new office!
    Board of Directors Meeting Followed by a General Membership Meeting
    This is a meeting you don't want to miss. Information will be given out at this meeting that you need to hear, so it is to your benefit to attend.

  2. #22

    Re: losing our leave on 6-2013 ?

    Understand this, you are only a number now! A simple hourly wage on a stat sheet. Easily replaced by another number. You are no longer a member of a proud family of LEO's, just a number! Your endless crying is a waste of time.

  3. #23

    Re: losing our leave on 6-2013 ?

    Again - no one has ever been denied leave because of staffing levels - IF half a shift wants to take off Christmas because you still haven't grown up, and they have to maintain staffing levels, THEN some might be denied...those are ad hoc staffing levels, not permanent problems.

    Still a tempest in a teapot for those who look to make money on leave time....take your time off, Jethro, relax, and use it for what it was intended.

  4. #24

    Re: losing our leave on 6-2013 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Again - no one has ever been denied leave because of staffing levels - IF half a shift wants to take off Christmas because you still haven't grown up, and they have to maintain staffing levels, THEN some might be denied...those are ad hoc staffing levels, not permanent problems.

    You can tell the lie all you want, but too many of us working in the jail know otherwise. The denied leave slips are a routine. The leave balances are a public record. Check the balances of Detention employees. Those not exceeding the caps have less than 3 years of service. The jail doesnt have sufficient staffing and it has been that way since Dennis Williams was in charge. The staffing levels have not increased under Morgan and no additional help appears on the horizon.

  5. #25

    Re: losing our leave on 6-2013 ?

    Who is this person that keeps making loud mouth remarks about how to take your leave time, and no one being denied off. It does sound like admin. people, The dept. does dictate what type of leave you can take first. They make you use FSLA until it is down because they have to pay you for it. Now if you have other time on the books and your over, they want to pay you half or loose it. How is that fair or right! My understanding of growing up is to ask questions, and making decisions based on information. So your not helping with information, seems like you just want to start crap with your name calling. If you can not have a conversation like an adult, then keep your fingers slient.

  6. #26

    Re: losing our leave on 6-2013 ?

    This issue will be resolved in court. It is time to replace the PBA.

  7. #27
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: losing our leave on 6-2013 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    This issue will be resolved in court. It is time to replace the PBA.
    Instead of "replacing the pba" how about you get involved in the pba? Make your own voice heard. Contribute your own suggestions.

    The leave was going to be lost one way or another. It is already in the contract. PBA is working to get you something that you otherwise wouldnt have had. We have one of the most generous leave plans in the state. Admin is understandably trying to reign it in a little because it is a huge financial liability. PBA is making sure you dont lose something without getting something in return.

    "PBA" is just a name put on a group of people. That group is (or should be) made of people like you and your co-workers. If you arent involved, you have no right to complain.

  8. #28

    Re: losing our leave on 6-2013 ?

    PBA sucks... What are they doing for us?? NOTHING!!!! They take away leave, holidays etc... They just give away whatever they want without a care... I haven't seen a raise in years and guess what another year without one. They don't even ask for a 1% OR 3% over 4 years, nope they just give up... They don't have my best interest in mind or anyone else except there own. Watch your back because they will shake your hand and smile while they are stabbing you in the back. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

  9. #29

    Re: losing our leave on 6-2013 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by please!!!
    PBA sucks... What are they doing for us?? NOTHING!!!! They take away leave, holidays etc... They just give away whatever they want without a care... I haven't seen a raise in years and guess what another year without one. They don't even ask for a 1% OR 3% over 4 years, nope they just give up... They don't have my best interest in mind or anyone else except there own. Watch your back because they will shake your hand and smile while they are stabbing you in the back. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:
    I know, why don't you teach them a lesson and just quit ? That'll show 'em.....maybe you can get a job with one of those other Florida agencies...you know, the ones who not only didn't get raised but also had to lay off officers......

    Typical loser...a fat man whining that he doesn't get enough to eat.

  10. #30

    Re: losing our leave on 6-2013 ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Deputy Dooley
    The leave was going to be lost one way or another. It is already in the contract. PBA is working to get you something that you otherwise wouldnt have had. We have one of the most generous leave plans in the state. Admin is understandably trying to reign it in a little because it is a huge financial liability. PBA is making sure you dont lose something without getting something in return.

    Its one of the most generous leave plans in the state as far too many times the additional leave hours were granted to off-set the lack of a pay raise. The proper thing for the Admin to do is buy the excess leave, at the full rate of pay. The buy back doesnt have to be done all at once. It can be done over a period of years. This Admin had 3+ years to resolve the issue. Morgan and comnay were aware of the problem while he was on the campaign trail. The last thing that should be done is punish employees who havent had a true opportunity to utilize their earned leave.

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