FL Chamber Of Commerce - New Enemy!
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  1. #1

    FL Chamber Of Commerce - New Enemy!

    By now most of you have heard the radio ads or read an article against public workers paid for by the Florida Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber has gotten into bed with Scott because in this twisted love affair, working people have became the problems and business and the rich demand more form the workers, even though business are making record profits. The wealthy and the businesses have "one of them" in office and they are attempting to make the most it. Even though Florida has one of the best climates for business with a very low corporate tax rate, they are now blaming what little taxes they do have to pay on the Florida public employees?

    The Florida Chamber of Commerce is doing exactly what it accuses the public sector unions of doing. They are taking membership money to influence government, legislators, and legislation a certain way their leadership wants...Hypocrites.

    An example of their hypocrisy is posted on the home page of their website. Quote: Tomorrow, the Florida Senate Budget Committee is scheduled to hear SB 2040, which would FORCE all Florida employers to use either the deeply flawed Federal government program known as “e-Verify”. Notice how they capitalize the word force; however they have no problem pushing the Florida Legislators to FORCE an income tax on state workers. How dare someone attempt to FORCE business the check the legal status of their workers, cheep illegal labor means more money in their pockets. However, dedicated state workers have to be taxed and pay more, its only fair... again hypocrites.

    State Government is not a business. The nature of the services it provides can not be turned profitable. Law Enforcement, Prisons, Transportation Infrastructure, and Educations have to be maintained. Continue to cut law enforcement and other vital services and you will see what little profits business get from forcing state workers to pay a state income tax disappear. It will be inevitable, crime rate high in your area people will not come to your business; roads bad, people will not drive to your business, can’t keep career criminals in prison they will be back on the street stealing from your business. This cycle will continue and the cause and effects will be the reverse of what you want.

    I have been a Republican since I was old enough to register to vote and never voted for a Democrat in my life until last year (seen this one coming). This year has been another shameful example of one party rule in Florida. With the super majorities in place the legislators do not even have to work at what bills they pass; no compromises which over all is bad for all of us. Too much right is just as bad as too much left. Even though I am a republican, I will be voting for and encouraging all of my family and friends to vote for nothing but the democratic ticket next election. We must try and bring some balance back to Tallahassee.

    As far as the Florida Chamber of Commerce goes- we do not elect them however we can influence those who support them. If you enter a business and see a chamber of commerce sign, walk out, after you told the owner or manager why. If your business is paying money to an organization that is attempting to take money from me and other already low paid public workers, then I will not use what money I have left to support your business. Had opportunity to do that this morning, may be only symbolic but damn did it feel good; have to find a new dry cleaner though! Oh well, take money from me and I will do what I can to take it from you!

    They are the new enemy!

  2. #2

    Re: FL Chamber Of Commerce - New Enemy!

    Everything you said was correct, and quite on point. However, this material is way over everyones head. No one is going to understand what the hell you're talking about and since it has even the slightest anti-repubican tone to it, no one will believe you.

    We are our own worst enemy. Republican Party of Florida is simply a business tool for wealthy people, and they use social issues to attract the middle/lower middle class. It's pretty simple.


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