Quote Originally Posted by Socrates
We bid you farewell DC, but don't think for a second anyone is elated for you. In the 26 years you have crawled your way to the top, you have managed to backstab everyone in your path.

Finally, the department can breathe easy, not having to worry that your manipulativeness and vindictiveness are after them and their job security.

Never quite made it to Chief, did ya? You were always second best.
Amazing! I am very happy for everyone at FAUPD, but at the same time I am angry.

I am happy for the troops at FAUPD because maybe now they can get the recognition and accolades they so richly deserve without having the DC taking credit for their hard work.

I am angry because someone who is so undeserving of the position he achieved is able to retire. I have known the "former" DC for over 25 years and in all that time I have never seen someone who was as mean spirited and as self centered as he was and still continues to be. He has destroyed many people at FAUPD in his time and always walked away with a smirk on his face in the name of victory.

He is not the first person in law enforcement to achieve what I'm sure he considers a victory. He will not be the last to pull the same kind of underhanded tactics to cover his lack of leadership skills and abilities under the guise of rank.

I wish all of the hard working, honest people of FAUPD nothing but the best in the future. And like my grandmother used to say "Don't worry about him, he'll get his just rewards in the end".