Airframe still airborne
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  1. #1

    Airframe still airborne

    Justice Department
    grant keeps
    sheriff's copter in

    Two months after Escambia County Sheriff
    David Morgan took office in 2008, he
    grounded the two Sheriff's Office
    helicopters, saying they were two
    expensive for the taxpayers to operate.

    But since summer 2010, one of the
    helicopters has been flying high, thanks to
    a $198,300 grant from the U.S. Justice
    Department of Justice. And when that grant
    expires in February, another $173,718
    renewal of the grant already has been lined
    up to keep the chopper aloft at least
    through September.

    Before Morgan took office, the Sheriff's
    Office's two helicopters cost about
    $900,000 a year, paid out of the regular
    budget. Now, with only one chopper used
    on a sporadic basis, and one crew instead
    of five, the cost is far less and is covered
    by grant money.

    "We don't fly it unless it's absolutely
    necessary," Morgan said, adding that he
    makes the decision "on a case-by-case

    Still, the Sheriff's Office is glad to have a
    helicopter on call.

    "I think it's a tremendous benefit to the
    Sheriff's Office and the community," Chief
    Deputy Larry Aiken said. "It's a great tool to
    help deputies on the street to catch the
    bad guys."

    The News Journal requested Sheriff's Office
    records on the use of the helicopter since
    the $198,300 Justice Assistance Grant was
    awarded in August 2010. The records

    » The air unit was activated 114 times
    through Dec. 2, the date the public records
    request was made.

    » In that period, the unit spent a total of
    97.6 hours in the air.

    » At the time of the request, the Sheriff's
    Office had exhausted just $99,064 of the
    $198,300 grant.

    » In incidents in which the air unit
    participated, 55 arrests were made, eight
    missing persons were found and 93
    marijuana plants were located.
    Plenty left

    As long as the Sheriff's Office continues to
    use the unit at current levels, it's highly
    unlikely the grants will be exhausted, Aiken

    He said that with nearly $800,000 in
    expenses cut, Aiken said it wouldn't be
    such an onerous expense if the Sheriff's
    Office were to bear it again.

    "We'd probably get the support of the
    administrator and the County Commission,"
    Aiken said. "But it's still not the right time
    with the economy the way it is. As long as
    we're getting the grant, we might as well
    use it."

    Midway through 2012, the department will
    try to replenish the grant.

    By the time it expires, the grant will have
    provided $61,900 in salary and benefits
    over 15 months for the helicopter's pilot,
    Rich Hunt, plus $103,000 in equipment
    upgrades and nearly $34,000 in supplies,
    including fuel. Hunt, who previously had
    flown the unit, was hired in March 2010.

    The grant funds new equipment for
    Sheriff's Office cruisers, including
    fingerprint scanners, license-plate readers
    and computer storage for in-dash video.

    The first time after the grant was awarded
    after the unit was activated was in an Oct.
    22, 2010, search for a missing Alzheimer's
    disease patient who had wandered from
    his home. The man later was located by
    ground officers at a nearby supermarket.
    The unit was not activated again until
    March 1.
    The air unit proved vital in making an
    arrest in a recent bank robbery, according
    to chief observer Sgt. Vincent Odenbrett.

    On Dec. 1, a man robbed the Members
    First Credit Union on Airport Boulevard.
    After the robbery, the suspect left in a taxi

    "Once that happens, you realize how many
    taxis there are (on the road)," Odenbrett

    While ground units were tied up looking for
    the suspect in taxis, a piece of technology
    Odenbrett wouldn't describe showed the
    suspect was near the Rave theater on W
    street. With the help of the air unit and off-
    duty Deputy Troy Brown, a man was
    arrested at nearby Sam's Fun City.
    Odenbrett didn't hesitate to say what would
    have happened had the unit still been

    "He would have gotten away," Odenbrett

    The unit also recently spent four hours in
    the air assisting deputies as they served
    warrants in the multi-agency "Anything for
    a Buck" operation targeting stolen guns.
    Twenty-five people were arrested with the
    assistance of the unit.

    The unit's usage has trended upward since
    it was regularly activated beginning in
    March, but the increase still hasn't
    approached the funding provided by the
    Here is a month-by-month look at flights by the Escambia County Sheriff's Office air unit since a federal grant got the unit back in the air.

    October 2010 1

    March 2011 5

    April 9

    May 12

    June 6

    July 12

    August 16

    September 22

    October 19

    November 10

  2. #2

    Re: Airframe still airborne

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    » At the time of the request, the Sheriff's
    Office had exhausted just $99,064 of the
    $198,300 grant.
    I think someone is playing with the numbers. The salary of the pilot and observer (Sergeant) add up to more that $99,064. I remember just after the pilot was hired back, he went around telling everyone that his salary was being for out of the grant. I wonder if they changed this before or after the request?

  3. #3
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: Airframe still airborne

    There is a lot of mis-information there. First, we didn't have 5 crews before. Second, if we have spent around 100k this year, even if there were 5 crews before, hence 5 times the costs, that would only come to $500,000 yearly, not $900,000.

    I always knew the Sheriff would find a way to bring the helicopter back when it got closer to the election so he could say "look what I have been able to do through my superior management."

    Meanwhile we have no raises for anybody except the chosen few civilians.

  4. #4

    Re: Airframe still airborne

    This is not the Sheriff. This is Aiken! One day the Sheriff is going to figure out that he made a big mistake putting Aiken in as Chief.

  5. #5

    Re: Airframe still airborne

    You really are a bunch of worthless turkeys. You complained when we lost the helicopters. And you complain when we get it back on a grant. BTW the bird has been back for about a year now on grant money. Long, Long before election day. It's a good enforcement tool. We are lucky to have it. We are also lucky that it's not coming out of the agency budget. We got a grant for 20 deputies. There are no grants for extra salary. You can blame the economy and the commissioners for that.

  6. #6

    Re: Airframe still airborne

    The helicopter has been back for more than a year and has been paid for through our agencies funds. This grant BS is just that, a lot of BS. The math doesn't add up. It doesn't add up for the extra deputies either. We have NOT added 20 new deputies in addition to what we have and retained them. Which is why the courthouse is now claimed as boots on the ground. This is all smoke and mirrors and the truth of the matter is, that until the media picks it up, Morgan will continue to spread his lies and the public will love it.

  7. #7

    Re: Airframe still airborne

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    The helicopter has been back for more than a year and has been paid for through our agencies funds. This grant BS is just that, a lot of BS. The math doesn't add up. It doesn't add up for the extra deputies either. We have NOT added 20 new deputies in addition to what we have and retained them. Which is why the courthouse is now claimed as boots on the ground. This is all smoke and mirrors and the truth of the matter is, that until the media picks it up, Morgan will continue to spread his lies and the public will love it.
    Now, now, you know how silly you slick-sleeve GED-toters look when you profess to understand budget items based upon your vast experience in counting your change to pay for your doughnuts, not to mention the incredible humor of you talking about the 'math doesn't add up'.

    Why, if you could do math you wouldn't have been lying on your ED and OT time sheets during the Fair and Ivan, now would you, another wasteful practice that Morgan stopped...oh , wait a minute , THAT's why you're angry, you can't steal from the taxpayers anymore, but Powell would let you...

  8. #8

    Re: Airframe still airborne

    Let's break this down to the basics. You know. Keep it simple. OK here comes the hard question.
    Do you want the helicopter or not?
    One more question.
    To whatever degree the grant pays for the helicopter is that a good thing?

    I think the answers are Yes and Yes. What do you think? Or do you???

  9. #9

    Re: Airframe still airborne

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    » At the time of the request, the Sheriff's
    Office had exhausted just $99,064 of the
    $198,300 grant.
    I think someone is playing with the numbers. The salary of the pilot and observer (Sergeant) add up to more that $99,064. I remember just after the pilot was hired back, he went around telling everyone that his salary was being for out of the grant. I wonder if they changed this before or after the request?

    I cannot believe that some of you complain NO MATTER what. You whine when we lost it and you whine when we have it back. The salary of the pilot comes from the grant not the observer and when you add it miscellaneous expenses, it seems feasible. We just had block training and you had the opportunity to ask the Sergeant anything since he was forthright in answering any questions but it figures you would stay quiet and get on an anonymous blog and slam the unit. I asked him numerous questions and I learned a lot that I had misconceptions about. If you want to be a man, call him and don't be a sissy. I cannot see the pilot walking around boasting anything so honestly you are lying!

  10. #10

    Re: Airframe still airborne

    Quote Originally Posted by and then
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    » At the time of the request, the Sheriff's
    Office had exhausted just $99,064 of the
    $198,300 grant.
    I think someone is playing with the numbers. The salary of the pilot and observer (Sergeant) add up to more that $99,064. I remember just after the pilot was hired back, he went around telling everyone that his salary was being for out of the grant. I wonder if they changed this before or after the request?

    I cannot believe that some of you complain NO MATTER what. You whine when we lost it and you whine when we have it back. The salary of the pilot comes from the grant not the observer and when you add it miscellaneous expenses, it seems feasible. We just had block training and you had the opportunity to ask the Sergeant anything since he was forthright in answering any questions but it figures you would stay quiet and get on an anonymous blog and slam the unit. I asked him numerous questions and I learned a lot that I had misconceptions about. If you want to be a man, call him and don't be a sissy. I cannot see the pilot walking around boasting anything so honestly you are lying!
    Call him and the minute you hang up, his next call is to Aiken!

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