Matheson Hammock Marina
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  1. #1

    Matheson Hammock Marina

    Question for you guys... I'm a leo over in Tampa and we are taking 2 boats to Bimini for a few days.. Was curious if it was safe to leave two trucks with boat trailers for 3 nights at the Matheson Hammock Marina?? Or am I goin to come back to my truck burglarized or even stolen?? Or if you know a safe spot or a hook up for leos... thanks

    C. C.

  2. #2

    Re: Matheson Hammock Marina

    Your vehicles should be safe it is a low crime area. Even though the park is in our city limits it is actually a county run facility. The gates are closed at dusk and there is Miami Dade County security officers on scene to let marina traffic out after hours.

  3. #3

    Re: Matheson Hammock Marina

    I appreciate your response!!! Thanks and be safe!!


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