Monday Leadership Slam! - Page 3
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  1. #21

    Re: Monday Leadership Slam!

    The new chairman will have new directors. Change will be here shortly.

  2. #22

    Re: Monday Leadership Slam!

    Is it true? did they put the fire chief as acting Wheelers Job? Why not put will? he would cut off his hand for that job? hummmmm? doesnt look good willy! What are you going to do without the chief title? Thats all you care about is a title and some collar brass to show off, "look at me" to hell with everyone else that YOU have stepped on to get where you are.

    Why do you talk so bad about your new boss? Did you think I didnt hear you when you said that little comment to Capt. Rowland? who agreed with you and your comments. thats bad, real bad- james knows-

  3. #23

    Re: Monday Leadership Slam!

    Quote Originally Posted by We hear all
    Is it true? did they put the fire chief as acting Wheelers Job? Why not put will? he would cut off his hand for that job? hummmmm? doesnt look good willy! What are you going to do without the chief title? Thats all you care about is a title and some collar brass to show off, "look at me" to hell with everyone else that YOU have stepped on to get where you are.

    Why do you talk so bad about your new boss? Did you think I didnt hear you when you said that little comment to Capt. Rowland? who agreed with you and your comments. thats bad, real bad- james knows-

  4. #24

    Re: Monday Leadership Slam!

    Why is it that when WILL came here, he ran off alot of GOOD People? He also didnt just ask them to leave, but made things up and told bold face LIES about them so that they could not get jobs to support thier families? WHY IS THIS ALLOWED? He has a second plan retirement, as long as he is married and gets his wifes dividens. He is like a leech, sucks all the blood then moves to the next butt kisser?

    Chief Bille Sir, I am no one, but once worked for the Tribe, I must say I have seen this man do very wrong and down right nasty things to people that were hard workers and treated everyone the right way. No, I never went to his house and had BBQ's, No I never went on trips with him, I just never kiss his butt nor SOLD OUT to my fellow BROTHER or SISTER OFFICER. Guess thats why im not working under him NOW. I know that you are bring some great changes to the TRIBE, I am glad to hear that, Hopefully you see what kind of FAKE man this is acting like a cop and a police chief, you should take him OUT as SOON as possible before he tries even more things to ruin your name, like has already done before the elections when he FAILED to get negative things about you opened and out in public. HES NOT A GOOD LEADER OR MAN! and all his buddies here are just the same TRASH!


  5. #25

    Re: Monday Leadership Slam!

    We have received several past applications that will filled out, funny, some are different. This doesn't look good, Willy.

  6. #26

    Re: Monday Leadership Slam!

    well everytime a new position comes out, he changed the rules on the test and interviews to make it so that his friends would get the job over guys and gals who have been with seminole for years! :x

    Listen guys a great FUNDRAISER to help officers who need help check it out:

    I think Kipper and Rowland should become circus clown Midgets and tour the state, how many can you fit in a volkswagon??????????????? Oh I forgot thier heads are tooo big! Auer and lightbourn could be the Jack As-es in the parade, with cottonmouth cleaning the poop at the end- again, this is strictly for funraiser, any ideas?

    Hey did I forget my lotion at the pool party in Okeechobee? When your done with the wife send her back, never mind keep her! :snicker:

  7. #27

    Re: Monday Leadership Slam!

    Quote Originally Posted by RAY CHARLES COULD SEE THE TRUTH!
    Why is it that when WILL came here, he ran off alot of GOOD People? He also didnt just ask them to leave, but made things up and told bold face LIES about them so that they could not get jobs to support thier families? WHY IS THIS ALLOWED? He has a second plan retirement, as long as he is married and gets his wifes dividens. He is like a leech, sucks all the blood then moves to the next butt kisser?

    Chief Bille Sir, I am no one, but once worked for the Tribe, I must say I have seen this man do very wrong and down right nasty things to people that were hard workers and treated everyone the right way. No, I never went to his house and had BBQ's, No I never went on trips with him, I just never kiss his butt nor SOLD OUT to my fellow BROTHER or SISTER OFFICER. Guess thats why im not working under him NOW. I know that you are bring some great changes to the TRIBE, I am glad to hear that, Hopefully you see what kind of FAKE man this is acting like a cop and a police chief, you should take him OUT as SOON as possible before he tries even more things to ruin your name, like has already done before the elections when he FAILED to get negative things about you opened and out in public. HES NOT A GOOD LEADER OR MAN! and all his buddies here are just the same TRASH!

    Chief Billie Sir I do agree with my brother in blue, I as well have the same faith. I Stood up as a man that I'm agaisnt all that Will threw at me (to me he hasn't earn my respect, to be call a chief). I worked my butt off for the Seminole Tribe and well I wasnt even given the answer to my bogus IA's nor faced like a man. Sadly I could put my life in danger for the Tribe, as all my brothers and sister do and not even have the right to be heard by WILL and his ADM. Yet they bad mouth me to other Law Enforcement Agencies???? Were is the Justice here???

    I ask you to please give all those, he bad mouth, ruin or even tried to ruin our careers. The justice we deserve or atleast heard us out.

    Congrats our your new positon.

  8. #28

    Re: Monday Leadership Slam!

    Chief Billie will bring in a police chief that he can trust and knows. This dept. needs cleaning.

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