City Pension Atrocity
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  1. #1

    City Pension Atrocity

    In 24 months at age 50, a disgraced former CGPD officer who was arrested after literally being caught on duty with his pants down with a solicited prostitute will begin to collect a lifelong annual City pension of $60,223.00

    With the looming pension reform that is being pledged by City of Coral Gables Officials, 20 years from now, taking into consideration normal raises, an officer retiring from the city in good standing having served 25 years will only collect a pension of approx $39,000.00 per year.

    $39,000.00 per year in 2031, that amount might just be enough for a retiree to pay for health care 2031.

  2. #2

    Re: City Pension Atrocity

    IT PAYS TO MIS BEHAVE!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3

    Re: City Pension Atrocity

    Way to stick it to the City D. Enjoy your retirement. You are the man!!! LMAO

  4. #4

    Re: City Pension Atrocity

    You donts gots too worry about no health care, Obamas mamma gonna takes care of you....


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