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  1. #11


    I have been a republican all my life and never thought my own party would touch the special risk family, but with that said I guess I will change to being an independent as the democratic party is too liberal for me and now the republican party has become too conservative for me.

    I cant magine working until I am 65 as a Law Enforcement Officer, wearing this gun belt for 30 years already has taken its toll on my back and I am only in my early 50's. I fortunately retired from a municipal agency several years ago, and got on with a state agency as I did 4.5 years with FHP and wanted to get vested in the state plan which I have done, and I will work a few more years to build my state retirement up to pay for my health insurance. As my municipal pension was good enough for me to retire and live a comfortable life minus insurane needs, and fortunately I now have the insurance need taken care of and will build a little more funds minus the 3% tax.

    I hope in 3 years when this tea party had sipped its last glass that the incoming legislature will rectify the Tea Party antics and bring the Special Risk Group back to where we are before the upcomin July 1, 2011 bomb. I know that I will not recruit for the State until it is done and will urge anyone getting into Law Enforcement to get on with a municipal agency that pays a higher wage, or go Federal. To work for the State after July 1 will be a joke.

    Good Luck rookies you will need it. :evil: :evil: :evil:

  2. #12
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2007


    You will not see a change on the street overnight. The change will be in several years when the Sheriffs can not fill openings with the current quality of applicants that we currently have working for you on the street.

    it will be then a new governor and legislators will realize a wrong has been made.

  3. #13


    Ahh now our little tea party turd has shown who he really is, a fired disgruntled corrections officer who couldnt make it to the road. How pitifull that you still come to sites like this you troll. You are a pathetic loser now go back to watching cops to get your fix in how a real job is done. Now remember to go to bed early the morning shift at mickey d's starts early. Oh I like my eggs scrambled troll.

  4. #14


    So how did the "boo"ing at the game go?

  5. #15


    Does the majority of the voting public know the reason WHY the FL legislature went to a NON-CONTRIBUTORY RETIREMENT system in 1970?????? Of course you don't becasue you are an uninformed RAT. They did it to save taxpayers money. You see MR idiot, 100% of employees who start a career for an FRS employer DO NOT FINISH. Some work less than a year, others 3, 5, 7 years before they quit for various reasons, normally a better opportunity in the private sector. In the system prior to 1970 any employee who left before they were vested got ALL OF THEIR CONTRIBUTIONS REFUNDED TO THEM UPON SEPERATION. After 1970 the money stayed in the FRS pension fund and continued to earn returns forever. If the employee never got vested he never got his CONTRIBUTIONS back. All this 5% mandatory contribution change will do is keep less money in the fund causing taxpayers to have to pay more tax to keep the pension fund solvent. SWEETHEART DEAL? Obviously you don't have a clue. Florida state workers are the lowest paid in the nation. Your last sentence confirms your stupidity. You gotta love SCOTT though. He bought the election and will get at least a 1000% return on his investment.

    Quote Originally Posted by yeah I will be there
    To cheer our only hope is he doesn't wimp out on this ambition because of the vocal minority. Stay the course Governor Scott, just remember that making state slugs-I mean workers-fund a small portion of THEIR retirement is extremely popular with the majority of the voting public. My only criticism of the plan is that the employee contribution needs to be greater than the 5% that is being proposed. But we have to start somewhere I suppose. At any rate, it is long overdue for this sweetheart of a deal to be a thing of the past. Most of us have had to tighten our belts due to the current economic situation and government employees should not be exempt. A 100% taxpayer subsidized retirement is only being done in a handful of states, it is about time Florida follows suit.

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    So how did the "boo"ing at the game go?
    Read about it on He was booed LOUDLY well before he took the field until well after he left the field. I have been at sporting events my entire life and have never seen or heard somebody get booed so loudly and with so much hatred. Check Youtube as well, as I wouldn't doubt it will be on there also. It had to easily be well over 10,000 people booing. I honestly thought he looked scared and was probably afraid the angry crowd was going to attack him.

  7. #17


    The only one clapping for this freak was the rich tea party people in the $250 seats behind home plate. The rest of the working stiffs who cant afford those seats were booing their heads off. And yes he did look terrified that the fans were about to storm the field.

  8. #18

  9. #19
    Senior Member
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    Sitting on my deck smoking a cigar


    Quote Originally Posted by Do not let the door hit ya on the way out!
    And it is incorrect to believe there will be a mass exodus of people from the state.

    How can you be so sure. If not an exodus of bodies from the state then an exodus of people from state jobs would not be a surprise. Why would one come and work a state covered FRS job for 30 years and 60 years of age if they could get hired by a municipality and retire in 20 years.

    How many true Florida natives do you know? That's right, most everyone here is from somewhere else.

    I'm a native Floridian and quite frankly this state has gone to hell in my 40 plus years of life.

    Everyone wants to come to the sunshine state either 1) where they came from sucks 2) they like it here and want to be here or a combination of both.

    Got news for ya. The sunshine state is beginning to suck big time due to a high cost of living. Renewed your drivers license or vehicle registration lately? Paid your taxes or home owners insurance?

    Don't think that will change. If some of you malcontents desire to leave that would probably be a good thing!

    Planning on it as soon as I am able too thank you very much.

  10. #20
    Senior Member
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    Hey NB, a friend of mine in Tallahassee told me Thursday that someone added language to a bill that would effect the cities in a big way. Seems unions will not be able to bargain their multiplier and they also would be subject to the 30/60. Also added was not only an end to DROP, but as of July 1 anyone in DROP would have to retire. I have talked to several officers from South Florida who are saying the same thing.

    I'm trying to get the bill number so I can read it.

    My advice to anyone that is considering the DROP, wait until after May 6 which is the end of this session. You have think you are entering DROP to get on the wagon before it's too late only to find out your out of a job.

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