Employees taking cars home
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  1. #1

    Employees taking cars home


    How come both ISD detective always take their cars home even though only one person from ISD is on call? I can understand the Detective Sergeant since he lives in the city and is also the PIO. But the other two live in Hillsborough. They are already getting a 5% pay increase from being in ISD and you might as well add another 5% with the amount of gas money they save.

    How come the policy compliance sergeant always takes his car home? Why does he need a take home car? If he gets the privilege, then all sergeants should.

    If the city wants to save money and maintain their fleets, it might be good to address this issue.

  2. #2

    Re: Employees taking cars home

    I can't comment on why the detectives are given the benefit that other officers do not receive, given the fact that they do get on call pay, because I'm not really sure anyone has ever asked that question before.

    The policy compliance sergeant has said that he has a permanent take home car because he is "on call" as the SET sergeant. Allegedly he is relinquishing that benefit due to the fact that child safety seats are no longer permitted in city vehicles. I have not heard that directly from him, nor have I seen the new policy, but I'm told by a reliable source that that is the case.

    The new take home car list has already created quite a problem. Since the guy who has the list has shown it to several people already and the word is some of them are not pleased with their assignments. Apparently they are working on SET and THI "on-call" lists so that those guys will get take home cars as well.

    My question is this....why do we have a need for these new "on-call" positions now? Is it just because we are considering implementing a take home car policy or is there some other motivation. It really does not make a lot of sense given the fact that up to this point we have not had a need for those on-call positions.

    I'm far enough down on the list that a take home car is not in my immediate future, but it seems like it would be more appropriate to get more input rather than just making a decision that has the potential to negatively impact morale.

  3. #3

    Re: Employees taking cars home

    There is no way that the take home car policy is going to make everyone happy. The reason being is that there aren't enough cars. But the sergeants should not be getting cars. And neither should THI's or SET.

  4. #4

    Re: Employees taking cars home

    Quote Originally Posted by not enough cars
    There is no way that the take home car policy is going to make everyone happy. The reason being is that there aren't enough cars. But the sergeants should not be getting cars. And neither should THI's or SET.
    Anytime you gain a bew benefit such as this it takes some time to add to the fleet but as they do more cars will become available. I for one am happy they have given us take homes it starts a whole new deal for us and that is a good thing. It may take a little while for everyone to get a car but eventually they will and all will be good.

  5. #5

    Re: Employees taking cars home

    I am a member of a large agency just a few miles up the road from your little city. Just curious how things were in your department and came upon this topic. It appears you guys have have some issues with jealous coworkers. Why anyone would question or challenge the decision to add the benefit of a take home vehicle can only define discord and a cancer in your agency.

    This kind of person will kill your agency! Root them out and move them out the door or you all will suffer the same misery as this illness loves company.


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