Rick Scott is after your pensions, he also wants to make you work another five years to get to your pension, so instead of 25 years you will have to put in 30 years. He also will take away the 3% you earn per year now and drop that down to 2% like was done once before and we had to fight to get that back.

Rick Scot will hurt you.

1. Raise retirement age for high risk from 25 years to 30 years. Non high risk will be raised from 30 years to 35 years. (If you work a desk you will be considered non high risk)

2. Your percent earned will be cut, instead of earning 3% a year you will only earn 2% a year, if you work a desk you will only earn 1.6 % a year because you will not be considered high risk. So for 30 years of work you will only get a maximum of 60% to live on in retirement. But you may not even get that, Rick Scott wants to make you go into the investment plan.

3. Rick Scott wants to force everyone into the investment plan so you can kiss goodbye your retirement, because you will not make enough in the investment plan to live on for more then 5 or 6 years after retirement.

Hold your nose and Vote Alex Sink.