Quote Originally Posted by eyewitness/confused
Why does your agency allow this? Where I work taking a small thing is the same as taking a large thing. It is not tolerated. If someone steals a candy bar is it the same charge as stealing a t.v.? Are you going to accept a new car, or just hotdogs and soda/coffee?
Gratuity is defined as: something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service; especially : tip
Hmmm, lets see if we can put this into perspective.

I walk into my favorite starbucks and order a $4.00 coffee. I have my cash in hand and ask what I owe and they say we provide coffee free to public service workers (Store policy) Gratuity right? something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service. So I place $2.00 dollars in the tip jar and say thank you (my policy) Gratuity right? something given voluntarily or beyond obligation usually for some service; especially: tip

So in reality all we have done is voluntarily exchanged appreciation beyond obligation for each others service : we have tipped each other. Sounds like respect on both sides and beyond this no one expects anything further from each other.

But if you walk in and expect something and give nothing in return then the perception and act is one-sided, selfish and makes us all look bad. Fortunately I have never seen any of the cops I hang out with act this way. So maybe the civilian who is complaining is only assuming that this is what is taking place but reality is that we have given each other something that we both can appreciate.

I think you are trying to make a bigger deal out of this than what needs to be.

Just my .02 cents