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Thread: AID & You

  1. #11
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: AID & You

    Quote Originally Posted by i know who u are
    Shawn W was accused of committing a misdemeanor for inappropriately touching a female in late 2009. This was referred to the SAO by the SPPD and he stayed in his position while the investigation was pending. We heard nothing more about it. Now he admits to having sex on duty between 2004-2005 and only gets an 8 hour . ON DUTY!!! Serious misconduct considering most other agencys wont consider hiring you after being found to have had sex on duty. FDLE may even look at pulling his certification, like they tried with Jeff P. Jeff P. received 10 days for the same offense while Shawn receives 8 hours. Jeff P. (non-SWAT) Shawn W. (SWAT). Both were truthful & accepted accountability. Is everyone still with me here?
    Now, Jeff wass removed from Omega and sent to patrol and thats that. Shawn stays on SWAT, stays at Narcotics, remains an instructor for MCTFT and thats that.
    The Executive staff and mid level management will preach that this system we have here is fair. It's disgraceful. This type of favortism occurs routinely and the same people that hold all of us accountable, are unaccountable themselves. Realistically, they are in violation of G.O. 3, Duties & Responsibilities. They will disagree, but this system is not fair & it's really a shame to the agency as a whole.
    People like Mitch G, Jim B, Amy P and Shawn W are all examples of using very poor judgement and immaturity. They have brought discredit to the agency, their families and themselves. Their behavior reflects sexual deviance and they may be in need of therapy. Minimal punishment for their actions has sent the wrong message to the majority of the hard working members of this agency. The Internal Affairs and ARB process will never have credibility or integrity until they show us that ALL members are equal.
    My intention is not to discredit the character of the members above, they have done that on their own. My intention is to express how some of us feel about the AID and ARB process. I hope this message will hit home with SGT's, LT's and anyone else who has the responsibility with reviewing and dispensing disciplinary action against a member. "Power comes with great responsibility."Alive & Kicking

    Rich B Why dont you just post your name to this
    Because I didn't write it. If I did I would have put my name to it, unlike you.

    Stay safe.........

  2. #12

    Re: AID & You

    What ever Officer Rich. Are you getting ready for your morning show on 97.1. are you going to provide more tactics and investigative tools to the common dirt bags

  3. #13

    Re: AID & You

    Rich is one of the very few who puts his name to his posts and the radio show is one of the few things out there that makes us look like we give a crap. People that wouldn't give u the time of day appreciate having a cop who won't treat them like crap when they call with a question, and I've listened couple times and never heard whatever the hell your talking abouut.
    Suppose you gonna also give him crap for caring enough to try to fix the FOP too right???

  4. #14

    Re: AID & You

    If your actions have a detrimental effect on the performance of your duties then you should be punished. If your actions have no effect on your duties then everyone needs to butt out. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. And NO I'M NOT one of the people mentioned I just have enough of a life to keep out of theirs. But I guess I'm still enough of a loser to comment on leoaffairs postings.

  5. #15

    Re: AID & You

    Quote Originally Posted by Hey Jackass
    Rich is one of the very few who puts his name to his posts and the radio show is one of the few things out there that makes us look like we give a crap. People that wouldn't give u the time of day appreciate having a cop who won't treat them like crap when they call with a question, and I've listened couple times and never heard whatever the hell your talking abouut.
    Suppose you gonna also give him crap for caring enough to try to fix the FOP too right???

    Rich is nothing but an egomaniac that likes to be at the center of everything. If you haven’t figured that out than your stupid. For the longest time he was the self proclaimed voice/ FOP reporter. He did that because he thrives on all the attention. Just ask Rich he will tell you how good he is. Now he’s on this radio show, god can he be anymore into himself. If you think he post his name to everything your crazy.. Rich is very careful on what he actually puts his name on. I will tell you what he wont post his name on. When he slams the SWAT Team. When he talks directly about an individual, When he does not agree with a decision that the admin made, ohhhh no you will not see him post his name to any of those issues. You will only see him post his name on issues that he can remain neutral on.

    All I can say is RICH give it a break we have you figured out.

  6. #16

    Re: AID & You

    [quote=are you kidding]
    Quote Originally Posted by "Hey jackarse":1okagv5u
    Rich is one of the very few who puts his name to his posts and the radio show is one of the few things out there that makes us look like we give a crap. People that wouldn't give u the time of day appreciate having a cop who won't treat them like crap when they call with a question, and I've listened couple times and never heard whatever the hell your talking abouut.
    Suppose you gonna also give him crap for caring enough to try to fix the FOP too right???

    Rich is nothing but an egomaniac that likes to be at the center of everything. If you haven’t figured that out than your stupid. For the longest time he was the self proclaimed voice/ FOP reporter. He did that because he thrives on all the attention. Just ask Rich he will tell you how good he is. Now he’s on this radio show, god can he be anymore into himself. If you think he post his name to everything your crazy.. Rich is very careful on what he actually puts his name on. I will tell you what he wont post his name on. When he slams the SWAT Team. When he talks directly about an individual, When he does not agree with a decision that the admin made, ohhhh no you will not see him post his name to any of those issues. You will only see him post his name on issues that he can remain neutral on.

    All I can say is RICH give it a break we have you figured out.[/quote:1okagv5u]

    Rich B is one of the few people who will tell you what he really thinks. That is his personality type. There is no ego involved in that. He is passionate about what he believes in and has no issues saying it. You may not like what he says. You may not agree with what he says. But at least he is not afraid to say what he thinks and take credit for it. He tried to help the FOP when he saw issues arising that were not being addressed. How many of you would have done that or just sat back and done nothing? So he tried, nothing changed, he moved on. Wow, what a ****. And I disagree with your points about his so called slamming of SWAT or individuals. More people than Rich think SWAT Bubbas get special treatment and that is likely true. But I don’t think he is as egotistical as you think. But clearly you think it is alright to post anonymously and slam him by name, that makes you a hypocrite.

  7. #17

    Re: AID & You

    If you wich to inform yourself about AID why dont you go their and inquire into the system. You may be suprised. Maybe then you would understand the process, the point system, and the way investigations are conducted. I doubt any of you will. It is easier to sit back and type ignorant statements from the anonymous computer on this site.

  8. #18

    Re: AID & You

    Been there, done that. Everyone agrees with the decision of the highest ranking administrator present to keep their own cushy positions.

  9. #19

    Re: AID & You

    Wrap it up or you'll have AIDS like me

  10. #20

    Re: AID & You

    Quote Originally Posted by AID insider
    Been there, done that. Everyone agrees with the decision of the highest ranking administrator present to keep their own cushy positions.
    Well not to mention AID = SWAT friendly. Cmon boys aint hard to figue out

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