PD Address and exemptions - Page 25
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  1. #241

    Re: PD Address and exemptions

    Quote Originally Posted by sand loIt sam
    jeez lady....who made you judge and jury for this poor slob? -- I'm not, that will be his wife who isDo you not hold any of the blame? --- Yep, I never said I didn't and I take my part of the blame, but not the part about his lyingand to keep going over and over the same old story most definitely makes you eligable for the loony bin award of the year.Nope, I have stated that I don't take too kindly to being used If this cold case happened so long ago why do you go on and on and on?[color=#FF0000]Then explain to me why he sent me his letter back in November of 2008? Don't you think he would have moved on from me and our relationship after getting married and having three kids? Apparantly he didn't that is why he sent me that letter He dont want you..obviously by now his wife knows all about you.Who said I wanted him? I don't want a lying man and no, his wife doesn't know about me yet. He'll be gone when she finds out without a doubt and he knows that This big affair turned into a lot of nothing. You have turned into a big joke on this forum. You act like I care what you think of me, I don't. Zhills cops are small town cops who are one step above rent a cops. You act like you work in some big city, have you forgot this is Zhills you're taking about?
    Get a life of your own that does not include the past.I have a life thank you, I again, since you aren't getting it, don't like to be used
    You do not have the right to be his judge. Judge your own actions and move on.His wife will take care of the judging part for him, no worries there especially when she realizes that she has spoken to me but didnt know it
    Most men, probably me included will use what makes us feel good.Thats not new news.Then what you are basically saying is you use people to make yourself feel good, who has the problem now?????
    Most women [maybe you included?]extract their revenge when they can.
    [ take the house, the kids, the money ] or like you have done they persue some guy till they take the bait then cry foul.You're not a very smart one, are you? He sent me his letter, not the other way around, He persued me.To still be harping on this dead affair says you girl is a idiot.
    Nope again, it says I don't like to be used.

  2. #242

    Re: PD Address and exemptions

    Before people start putting more words in my mouth since everyone on here seems to know so much about me -- ALL I want from him is an apology. I want to hear directly from him, not on this board, because it could be one of you guys portraying to be him, that yes, what he did was intentional and did it to get back at me and that he apologizes for it. I want this for my closure. I want NOTHING else to do with him. I just want to hear it from his mouth. I already know that this is the case, I just want to hear it from him.

    Like I said, I will not contact his wife, but his wife will eventually find out through the grapevine and that will be it for him. She'll be done because she was already jealous of me and my relationship with him even though neither one of us knew she existed at the time. If it was someone other then me, he might have a chance, but that isn't the case.

    And no, I didn't set up to break up his marriage, he sent me his letter, not the other way around, and he told me that she was going to kill him that is why he had to get out. He broke up his own marriage.

    And no, I would NEVER take him back. There is nothing here for him anymore except basically hatred for what he did to me and my memories.

  3. #243

    Re: PD Address and exemptions

    The only closure you will ever get will come from your self.The fact that you want him to apologise face to face means that he still has the ability to hurt you.If you give that power to him in your search for revenge then you will never be able to move on. Never wanting or needing an apology from him means that he no longer has that ability to hurt you.
    I understand the pain and anger that you feel,but untill you learn to love yourself and
    be perfectly content with your forward movement then you will continue to feel pain. No one should have that much control over you.The best revenge is the fact that YOU are over him and he can never touch your soul again.

  4. #244

    Re: PD Address and exemptions

    Quote Originally Posted by MERRY ME
    The only closure you will ever get will come from your self.The fact that you want him to apologise face to face means that he still has the ability to hurt you.If you give that power to him in your search for revenge then you will never be able to move on. Never wanting or needing an apology from him means that he no longer has that ability to hurt you.
    I understand the pain and anger that you feel,but untill you learn to love yourself and
    be perfectly content with your forward movement then you will continue to feel pain. No one should have that much control over you.The best revenge is the fact that YOU are over him and he can never touch your soul again.
    Thank you for your response. I didn't want to meet him face to face for him to apologize as I don't really want to see him. I have no desire to ever see him again, just like the rest of my family. I wanted him to send it to me via email. Do I think he would ever apologize? No, because in his mind he's never wrong and it's easier to be a coward and hide then to admit your wrong and actually do something to fix it, but he's chosen the cowards way. You're right, no one should ever have the control over me like he did and I guarantee you NO ONE will ever have that control again. I allowed him that control because he was at one time someone I admired and who I thought I could trust but he proved me wrong. I gave him that control just as I can take it away from him just as you stated above. Other then him, my life is good. I'm recovering from surgery and continuing treatment, but the prognosis isn't life threatening. I'm back in school finishing a degree that I should have finished a long time ago and even with the passing of my grandfather, life is good. I don't have anyone telling me what to do, how to do it and when to do it. I'm no one's slave or puppet like he is. He was just a mistake that I made and my mistake was believing his lies. Thank you again for your response

  5. #245

    Re: PD Address and exemptions

    You have now gone from insulting HIM to insulting ALL of my brothers. You have called us rentacops and other such nonsense. Now, instead of having siympathy for you, I have hatred for you and sympathy for HIM. You truly are the dumb c*** he says you are and you are the stupid dirty smelly-crotched skank he says you are.

    F%&$ OFF!

  6. #246

    Re: PD Address and exemptions

    lets not call her names on this board. the experience she had with him i dont blame her looking badly upon all of us. he isnt a good representation of us so lets cut her some slack. he sure didnt think about all our brothers when he got involved with her. hes calling her names because hes been called out for his actions and behavior what else can you expect out of him its not like he would actually say yes to all of us i used her of course he is going to tear her apart she called him out.

  7. #247

    Re: PD Address and exemptions

    How does one go about reporting extra curricular activity by one of your officers that is NOT in the scope of law enforcement work during the agency's time?

  8. #248

    Re: PD Address and exemptions

    Quote Originally Posted by you done stepped on it this time
    You have now gone from insulting HIM to insulting ALL of my brothers. You have called us rentacops and other such nonsense. Now, instead of having siympathy for you, I have hatred for you and sympathy for HIM. You truly are the dumb c*** he says you are and you are the stupid dirty smelly-crotched skank he says you are.

    F%&$ OFF!
    Are you really a police officer? I can't imagine an officer who is sworn to uphold the law would call someone such names. All it takes is for someone to call you a rentacop and you go off the deep end. Do you have some anger issues that need to be addressed? I hope you get your anger issues resolved before someone charges you with excessive and unnecessary force.

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