Police trainee shot in Virginia Key - Page 3
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  1. #21

    Re: Police trainee shot in Virginia Key

    Prayers go to the injured rookie Ofc and myheart
    goes too the training officer who I heard was distraught at the

    mistake of the heart everybody makes.
    Learn from it and move foward
    this dept needs to put people that love to teach
    such as lt jentry and Sgt Valdes in traning
    Lt jentry famous words will be heard forver
    you have to have a keen sense of alertness...
    Lt you deserve to be at traning

  2. #22

    Re: Police trainee shot in Virginia Key

    who put the route 2gether and what lt was in command?

  3. #23

    Re: Police trainee shot in Virginia Key

    Absolutely unforgivable carelessness- Good night and good luck.

  4. #24

    Re: Police trainee shot in Virginia Key


  5. #25

    Re: Police trainee shot in Virginia Key

    Well, that explains it. Thank God that the officer is going to be ok. And hopefully we will get to the bottom of who is responsible. Hopefully this will not be another Boy King SWAT unit cover-up like the incident involving the son of a particular SOS commander. Having live ammo ANYWHERE near a training situation is inexcusable! Rumor has it that it was a particular SWAT guy that fired the round. He should know better.

  6. #26

    Re: Police trainee shot in Virginia Key

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    who put the route 2gether and what lt was in command?
    I just want to know why the aftermath got so screwed up? I just bet our two favorite heroes were in charge, 7102 and Car 34. If that's the case, all is explained.

  7. #27

    Re: Police trainee shot in Virginia Key

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Well, that explains it. Thank God that the officer is going to be ok. And hopefully we will get to the bottom of who is responsible. Hopefully this will not be another Boy King SWAT unit cover-up like the incident involving the son of a particular SOS commander. Having live ammo ANYWHERE near a training situation is inexcusable! Rumor has it that it was a particular SWAT guy that fired the round. He should know better.
    How come all the f--k ups on this department are in SWAT and or related to Guzman? What is wrong with the SWAT team? If they use live rounds in training and shoot at each other were can I get tickets? I can make a fortune on this.

  8. #28

    Re: Police trainee shot in Virginia Key

    Papa its reality training to keep you on you toes there could be shots fired at anytime at the station, lockeroom, training, carreta.... You must low crawl when entering central from Nov 13 through Jan 15th

    Brought to you by the new Intense Institute of Miami for Higher Learning

  9. #29

    Re: Police trainee shot in Virginia Key

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Well, that explains it. Thank God that the officer is going to be ok. And hopefully we will get to the bottom of who is responsible. Hopefully this will not be another Boy King SWAT unit cover-up like the incident involving the son of a particular SOS commander. Having live ammo ANYWHERE near a training situation is inexcusable! Rumor has it that it was a particular SWAT guy that fired the round. He should know better.
    How come all the f--k ups on this department are in SWAT and or related to Guzman? What is wrong with the SWAT team? If they use live rounds in training and shoot at each other were can I get tickets? I can make a fortune on this.
    Can someone tell me what the hell happened to our team within the last two years! I've heard nothing but accidentals from the top to the bottom of there chain and poor MVP gets kicked out for nothing! The new admin needs to look into cleaning thing up in there.

  10. #30
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Police trainee shot in Virginia Key

    For those that like to monday quarterback... This isn't the place to attack a fellow brother that had an unfortunate accident that injured a recruit that will soon be sworn into our family. The Officer involved is an excellent instructor and a great cop. I have the utmost respect for him. This has nothing to do with SWAT. This is an accident that occurred during a training exercise. Please keep both of them in your prayers.

    And, before throwing stones, read the article below:

    Widow shares anguish of N.Y. officer who committed suicide after TASER incident
    NEW YORK — The decision that started it all - commanding his officers to Taser a naked and deranged man who then fell to his death from a metal awning cover in Brooklyn- took Lt. Michael Pigott only a split second.
    But ending his own life - layering tragedy upon tragedy by shooting himself in the head on his 46th birthday - was a decision the lieutenant made over the course of eight anguished days. In her first one-on-one interview, Pigott's widow yesterday recounted her husband's eight days of toggling between fury and despondency, between indecision and an ultimately irreversible decisiveness.
    Through it all, Susan Pigott tearfully told The Post, she could only suspect the drowning depths of his heartsickness.
    "I kept trying to reassure him," Susan said. "I told him we would get through this. I told him all we needed was each other and our family."
    On Sept. 24, 2008, Lt. Pigott, a decorated Emergency Service Unit officer, ordered one of his officers to Taser 35-year-old Iman Morales, who was waving an 8-foot-long florescent light tube at the crowds below.
    Morales ended up plummeting to his death. It then took 20 hours of questioning before Michael made it home, Susan remembered. Already, her husband was transformed. "The first words out of his mouth were, 'They took my gun and badge,' " Susan remembered. "For him to say that, for those to be the first words out of his mouth, showed me how deeply it impacted him. He was no longer a police officer." Then followed the recriminations, public and private. Pigott was told he'd never be a cop again, Susan said. No less than the police commissioner announced that Pigott had mishandled the situation.
    "I remember at dinner one night, my daughter turned to him and asked when he was going to jail," Susan said. Elizabeth was 10. The couple were also raising Michael, now 14, and Robert, 16.
    "Elizabeth said the kids at school told her he was going to jail. He just said, 'I hope not. I hope not.' "
    Reassigned to desk duty away from the officers he loved - "My men," he called them - Pigott tried to carry on.
    "For the kids' sake, he tried his best to just do the everyday tasks," Susan said. "He covered the pool with his son, and did some yard work. But you could just tell he was hurting."
    Despondency and anger came in waves. "I need to fight back!" he'd insist at times. "I need to fight for my life."
    Then he'd fall silent. "He felt like he was going to lose it all. This was just something so deep inside him. Something that we couldn't reach. "It was someone we didn't know."
    In his final phone call, his voice was so soft, it was as if he was already leaving her.
    "He was speaking really low," Susan remembered. He kept mentioning his decision to order the use of the Taser, and how he was protecting his men.
    At that point, Pigott may have already inked the suicide note that was found at his side at his Brooklyn ESU facility: "I love you all. I'm sorry for the mess!!"
    His final words to her?
    "He told me he wouldn't be home for a while."
    The next morning, Oct. 2, she woke at 4:30 to find his side of the bed empty.
    His car was gone. She began calling relatives.
    When she finally got the word, by phone, from her mother, "My daughter was next to me," Susan said.
    "And she could tell something was wrong. I told her, 'Daddy passed away.' She just started crying and calling out for him over and over.
    As for the boys, "They screamed. And then one of them started crying. And the other one just went quiet."
    Susan, 47, has sued the city, accusing officials of indirectly causing her husband's death by publicly scapegoating him. The city has declined to comment.
    Meanwhile, Susan tries to stay strong. "I can't fall apart for the sake of the kids. If they see me crying, they all start crying.
    "Now," she said, turning away and tearing up, "I try to do my crying alone."

    Stay safe,

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