It's Bobby Joe Long's turn!
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  1. #1
    Senior Member LEO Affairs Corporal
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    It's Bobby Joe Long's turn!


    In response to the recent petition initiative of Sheriff Grady Judd to encourage the Governor to sign the death warrant of convicted cop killer Paul Johnson, a writer sent a letter to the Tampa Tribune in which he asserted that "Public sentiment should have nothing to do with when the governor decides to sign a death warrant."

    On October 17th the Tribune published a follow up letter from retired HCSO Sgt. Stephen Cribb which clearly demonstrates that Sgt. Cribb does not agree with that sentiment.

    He states that he is sending a letter to Governor Crist, enclosing an ink pen and asking the governor to use the pen to sign the death warrant of convicted serial killer Bobby Joe Long. Sgt. Cribb, along with several other deputies, made the arrest of Long.

    Bobby Joe Long was arrested on November 16, 1984, and was charged with the murders of ten young women. Twenty-five years later he still lives on death row. Most of the ten women he murdered did not live to celebrate their 25th birthdays.

    I join Sgt. Cribb in calling for the governor to sign the death warrant of Bobby Joe Long, ending the farce which has for decades allowed a convicted serial murderer to elude the justice which he so richly deserves.


  2. #2

    Re: It's Bobby Joe Long's turn!


    Sgt. Cribb did an excellent job! And so did all of the other deputies, detectives, and T.P.D. officers that were involved in that case!

    Let's also not forget the lone survivor, who's wits enabled her not only to survive, but to leave enough evidence (hair, fingerprints, red carpet fibers, dodge "magnum" emblem, tampon, and so on), to connect Long with all of the other crime scenes. Her descriptions of the perpetrator, the scenes, and the car were good enough to make the case, even though she was blindfolded the entire time, and was only 17 years old at the time. She is a road deputy today, whom HCSO should be very proud of!!!!!

    If there is anything that we can do, sign a petition, or any way we can help......count me in. Lets us know what we can do.

  3. #3

    Re: It's Bobby Joe Long's turn!

    and let us not forget the fine job by Steve Hawkins.


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