Red Light Cameras
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  1. #1

    Red Light Cameras

    Are the cameras your city has on Miami Gardens Drive that take pictures of people running red lights illegal?

    I thought that in order to get cited a law enforcement officer has to witness the violation then he/she cites the DRIVER of the vehicle. In the case of these cameras, the OWNER of the vehicle is cited.

    What if the owner of the vehicle was not the driver at the time the violation occurred? You are citing the wrong person.

  2. #2

    Re: Red Light Cameras

    Red light cameras are legal, violations from red light cameras are usually charged as non-moving infractions unlike moving violations which you would receive if you were stopped by an officer. It is the same principal as parking tickets/toll violations, you may lend your car to someone but if they blow a toll or leave your car illegal parked the registered owner gets mailed the ticket. You have to request a court date and offer sworn testimony as to who was operating your vehicle at the time of the infraction.

  3. #3

    Re: Red Light Cameras

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Red light cameras are legal, violations from red light cameras are usually charged as non-moving infractions unlike moving violations which you would receive if you were stopped by an officer. It is the same principal as parking tickets/toll violations, you may lend your car to someone but if they blow a toll or leave your car illegal parked the registered owner gets mailed the ticket. You have to request a court date and offer sworn testimony as to who was operating your vehicle at the time of the infraction.
    Court LOL get real They have a board that mets and makes a decision, not a real court, so don't go to the court house cuz they will laugh at you. By the way there are a group of lawyers that a fighting these cameras.


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