if it sounds like a duck..... - Page 2
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  1. #11

    Re: if it sounds like a duck.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Sounds if someone got their feelings hurt and is sticking up for their teachers pet captain... Let me see if I can generalize you:

    1) you drive a charger
    2) you are on every aircraft detail
    3) you work 8 hrs of soar weekly and write more than 2 per hour as required
    4) you aren't liked by your other troopers in your dist
    5) you are fond of the rear end.......

    am I right?

    p.s. there's no way captains are writing more cits than troopers unless they're working SOAR....

    I am not the one that posted this, but there are Captains and Lt's that write more.

    1. I don't have a charger, not enough to go around.
    2. I don't work aircraft all the time, but I try to volunteer for aircraft.
    - There are still Troopers who hate aircraft, because they don't like to be forced to
    write tickets, because they are lazy! I call it free activity, its a no brainier.

    3. Yes, I work SOAR, free easy money to boost my retirement. You are stupid if you don't!
    4. Yes, only not liked by those that don't work, because they look bad and the Sgts are on
    them for lack of activity. They write 25-40 tickets a month and other contacts!

    YOU'RE A DAMN LIAR.... you must be the son of CZ or EB... or capt of the dist you work in...

    first of all if you dont have 18 yrs plus and are working soar to boost your retirement, you're an IDIOT. and if you don't have a charger, I'll call you another damn liar.... There isnt a CAPTAIN or LT in the state that isn't working SOAR that is writing more cits than any trooper on the road..... give me the name biach.....q

  2. #12

    Re: if it sounds like a duck.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    This sounds exactly like Naples and Ft. Myers. I can't wait ti'll the news get's a hold of it.
    Yes, let's hope that the press does decide to cover this. They can call out the individual Troopers that month after month write a pittance of activity for the salaries they draw. Then the press can look at what kind of activity they write of the few that they do write. Then they can do an on-camera interview and let the Trooper complain about "the quota" and then confront them with their shitty activity and watch them squirm. Put their name under them on the screen as they explain their stealing money from the taxpayers and their sense of entitlement. I would LOVE IT :lol:

  3. #13

    Re: if it sounds like a duck.....

    When the St. Pete Times did their article "The Lost Patrol", they called out several Troopers individually. With the outrageous fines we are having to write the public, don't think they would not like to see a story done showing that Troopers are lazy slugs that don't work and collect a paycheck for doing nothing, while at the same time robbing money from drivers for minor violations like $100+ seatbelt and $200+ speeding tickets for only 10 mph over.

  4. #14

    Re: if it sounds like a duck.....

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lost Patrol
    When the St. Pete Times did their article "The Lost Patrol", they called out several Troopers individually. With the outrageous fines we are having to write the public, don't think they would not like to see a story done showing that Troopers are lazy slugs that don't work and collect a paycheck for doing nothing, while at the same time robbing money from drivers for minor violations like $100+ seatbelt and $200+ speeding tickets for only 10 mph over.
    I read your post three (3) times; as a result of your poor writing, I still have no idea as to your point after the first sentence.

    Are you attempting to say that the public likes the idea that lazy slugs work for FHP because the public will not be cited by those lazy slugs for driving violations that currently result in high fines? If so, it is not your option to avoid preventing carnage on the highways by not doing your job.

    Get real. Do the job you are paid to perform and stop sitting on the "pity-pot." :roll:

    As for the previous posts regarding working SOAR, anyone who has the time should MAX out SOAR during their last five (5) years. That will seriously increase their pensions. Eight hours a week of SOAR, which is paid at time and a half, will increase your pension by 30%--for the rest of your LIFE ! That means that you can retire after 25 years with 105% of your base pay instead of only 75%. Don't be foolish--work SOAR, increase your pension, increase your current pay, and assist in SAVING LIVES. :shock:

  5. #15

    Re: if it sounds like a duck.....

    Quote Originally Posted by The Lost Patrol
    When the St. Pete Times did their article "The Lost Patrol", they called out several Troopers individually. With the outrageous fines we are having to write the public, don't think they would not like to see a story done showing that Troopers are lazy slugs that don't work and collect a paycheck for doing nothing, while at the same time robbing money from drivers for minor violations like $100+ seatbelt and $200+ speeding tickets for only 10 mph over.
    No, I can assure you with the ridiculous fine increases that the media would much rather run with a story that involves FHP's "5 ticket a day" quota than a story that involves troopers not writing enough tickets. A story involving an illegal quota has much more of an appeal to their viewership.

  6. #16

    Re: if it sounds like a duck.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    Sounds if someone got their feelings hurt and is sticking up for their teachers pet captain... Let me see if I can generalize you:

    1) you drive a charger
    2) you are on every aircraft detail
    3) you work 8 hrs of soar weekly and write more than 2 per hour as required
    4) you aren't liked by your other troopers in your dist
    5) you are fond of the rear end.......

    am I right?

    p.s. there's no way captains are writing more cits than troopers unless they're working SOAR....

    I am not the one that posted this, but there are Captains and Lt's that write more.

    1. I don't have a charger, not enough to go around.
    2. I don't work aircraft all the time, but I try to volunteer for aircraft.
    - There are still Troopers who hate aircraft, because they don't like to be forced to
    write tickets, because they are lazy! I call it free activity, its a no brainier.

    3. Yes, I work SOAR, free easy money to boost my retirement. You are stupid if you don't!
    4. Yes, only not liked by those that don't work, because they look bad and the Sgts are on
    them for lack of activity. They write 25-40 tickets a month and other contacts!

    YOU'RE A darn LIAR.... you must be the son of CZ or EB... or capt of the dist you work in...

    first of all if you dont have 18 yrs plus and are working soar to boost your retirement, you're an IDIOT. and if you don't have a charger, I'll call you another darn liar.... There isnt a CAPTAIN or LT in the state that isn't working SOAR that is writing more cits than any trooper on the road..... give me the name biach.....q

    Your supposed to be a Trooper? A public servant? Is this what we are hiring these days. You must have a two digit IQ!

    1. No, I am not a liar.
    2. No, I am no Dist Capt and I have no desire to be one, Maybe a Sgt one day. There is no money in being a Capt or Lt and their OT and SOAR does not go towards their retirement.
    3. Like I said earlier, I don't have a charger.
    4. Yes, there is one Lt here in Miami Troop E that writes more Tickets then some Troopers
    5. Yes, there is a Capt in Troop K that writes more tickets than some Troopers.
    6. I have 15 yrs on, and working on my 2nd retirement.
    7. And you pal are the most pathetic immature angry teenager on FHP. So go drink your milk

    What's your name? I need to send my disciplined matured 13 yr son to give you a spanking, since your parents did not do their job!

    I would do it myself, but since you are underage, I don't want to lose this job.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2009
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    Re: if it sounds like a duck.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Guest
    This sounds exactly like Naples and Ft. Myers. I can't wait till the news gets a hold of it.
    The GPD received a complaint of a 404 violation for excessive apostrophes in a post. An officer responded and determined one word (get's) was improperly used, and a second word (ti'll) did not exist. Correction was offered for both.

    Status: Condition corrected.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2009
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    Re: if it sounds like a duck.....

    Quote Originally Posted by grammarLEO
    Quote Originally Posted by The Lost Patrol
    When the St. Pete Times did their article "The Lost Patrol", they called out several Troopers individually. With the outrageous fines we are having to write the public, don't think they would not like to see a story done showing that Troopers are lazy slugs that don't work and collect a paycheck for doing nothing, while at the same time robbing money from drivers for minor violations like $100+ seatbelt and $200+ speeding tickets for only 10 mph over.
    I read your post three (3) times; as a result of your poor writing, I still have no idea as to your point after the first sentence.

    Are you attempting to say that the public likes the idea that lazy slugs work for FHP because the public will not be cited by those lazy slugs for driving violations that currently result in high fines? If so, it is not your option to avoid preventing carnage on the highways by not doing your job.
    The GPD received a citizen complaint of an incomprehensible post. An officer was dispatched, and upon arrival determined the post was not clearly written due to contradictions in terms. The post was relayed to CSI:GPD and a linguist evaluated the words used. The linguist returned the post as follows:

    When the St. Pete Times did their article "The Lost Patrol", they identified several Troopers individually. With the outrageous fines that accompany the tickets we are having to write the public, I don't think they would like to read a story showing that some troopers are lazy slugs that don't work and collect a paycheck for doing nothing, while at the same time other troopers are robbing money from drivers for minor violations like $100+ seatbelt and $200+ speeding tickets for only 10 mph over.

    The linguist noted that if the troopers were perceived as being lazy slugs, the issue of expensive tickets being written would be non-existent. If the troopers are perceived as robbing money from drivers via expensive tickets for minor violations, then they could not be perceived as being lazy slugs. Accordingly, the troopers within the post were separated into two categories. The linguist predicted there was a 52.7% chance this is what the citizen posting meant in their post. The linguist further noted if it had been a federal agency or the New York City School System in question, then the fact that few were working while collecting a paycheck would be acceptable and the post would have been far easier to understand.

    Status: Corrected via lab assist.

  9. #19

    Re: if it sounds like a duck.....

    Motors - typical.

  10. #20

    Re: if it sounds like a duck.....

    Quack Quack

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